
Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews

 The Moonstone and Miss Jones (Paranormal Investigator, 2) – Jillian Stone
A master of paranormal deduction—and paramour seduction—Phaeton Black has a knack for bumping into things that go bump in the night, from ghoulies and ghosties to long-leggedy beauties…

Mooning For The Moonstone

Barely escaping the clutches of a succulent succubus, Phaeton Black returns to London only to get sucked into another unearthly scheme. Professor Lovecraft has been tinkering with the secrets of life and death, replacing body parts with the latest mechanical marvels. To succeed, he needs to tap the power of the fabled Moonstone—and he needs Phaeton’s help. Of course, Phaeton would prefer to investigate the more interesting body parts of Miss America Jones. Perhaps, bringing his lady friend along for the ride won’t be to too much trouble…

Shanghaied In Shanghai

The bewilderingly beautiful and bountifully gifted daughter of a Cajun witch, Miss Jones is always up for an adventure, especially with Mr. Black as her traveling companion. But when Phaeton is mysteriously shanghaied in Shanghai, America thinks he’s run out on her. Stranded in the Orient—and steaming mad—she’s prepared to look under every stone for the missing detective. The case has put them both in the most compromising positions, but this time, Miss Jones is on top and Mr. Black is at the bottom…of a truly infernal plot.

 Le dernier Hiver – Jean-Luc Marcastel
2035, 31º C en-dessous de 0. Depuis des années, le Crépuscule baigne Aurillac dans un ciel de sang. L’Hiver s’est installé, un hiver éternel qui dévore les terres et fige l’océan dans la banquise. La Malesève, cette armée de pins monstrueux, a mis à genoux la civilisation. Alors, devant la fin d’un monde, que reste-t-il d’autre que l’amour ? L’amour qui va pousser Johan à braver le froid et les pins pour retrouver sa bien-aimée, l’amour qui va pousser son frère, Théo, à lui ouvrir la voie, l’amour toujours qui incitera Khalid et la jolie Fanie à tout laisser derrière eux pour les suivre. L’amour est-il assez fort pour triompher de la Malesève et de ce qu’elle a fait des hommes ? 
On the Island – Tracey Garvis Graves
When thirty-year-old English teacher Anna Emerson is offered a job tutoring T.J. Callahan at his family’s summer rental in the Maldives, she accepts without hesitation; a working vacation on a tropical island trumps the library any day. T.J. Callahan has no desire to leave town, not that anyone asked him. He’s almost seventeen and if having cancer wasn’t bad enough, now he has to spend his first summer in remission with his family – and a stack of overdue assignments – instead of his friends.

Anna and T.J. are en route to join T.J.’s family in the Maldives when the pilot of their seaplane suffers a fatal heart attack and crash-lands in the Indian Ocean. Adrift in shark-infested waters, their life jackets keep them afloat until they make it to the shore of an uninhabited island.

Now Anna and T.J. just want to survive and they must work together to obtain water, food, fire, and shelter. Their basic needs might be met but as the days turn to weeks, and then months, the castaways encounter plenty of other obstacles, including violent tropical storms, the many dangers lurking in the sea, and the possibility that T.J.’s cancer could return. As T.J. celebrates yet another birthday on the island, Anna begins to wonder if the biggest challenge of all might be living with a boy who is gradually becoming a man.

Déjà lu en VO – Already read in English
Nécromancienne (Alex Craft, 1) – Kalayna Price

Grave witch Alex Craft can speak to the dead, but that doesn’t mean she likes what they have to say . . .
As a private investigator and consultant for the police, Alex Craft has seen a lot of dark magic. But even though she’s on good terms with Death himself—who happens to look fantastic in a pair of jeans—nothing has prepared her for her latest case. Alex is investigating a high profile murder when she’s attacked by the ‘shade’ she’s raising, which should be impossible. To top off her day, someone makes a serious attempt on her life, but Death saves her. Guess he likes having her around . . .
To solve this case Alex will have to team up with tough homicide detective Falin Andrews. Falin seems to be hiding something—though it’s certainly not his dislike of Alex—but Alex knows she needs his help to navigate the tangled webs of mortal and paranormal politics, and to track down a killer wielding a magic so malevolent, it may cost Alex her life . . . and her soul.
Je me présente : Alex Craft, nécromancienne et consultante pour la police.
J’ai la faculté d’invoquer les ombres et j’en ai fait mon métier – du moins, j’essaie d’en vivre, même si parfois je préférerais ignorer ce que les morts ont à me révéler.
Question magie noire, je croyais avoir tout vu, mais le meurtrier que je traque en ce moment est d’une malveillance crasse!J’ai beau être en bons termes avec la mort, cette fois il n’est pas impossible que j’y laisse ma peau…et peut-être même mon âme…  

41 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #24

  1. Mel

    I really liked Alex Craft – i think you will love the series as well! I really must read the second book in the series… 🙂

    1. Melliane

      I already read all the books, it’s just I won this one in French. I even have a signed copy of the first one in the UK edition.

  2. Helène Ouwehand

    I’ve never heard of these books before, but I hope you enjoy them!

    Happy reading:)
    Helene @ Helene’s World of Books

  3. Blodeuedd

    I just bought the second Alex Croft book 🙂

  4. Jessica@a GREAT read

    OOooh nice! Have read Kalayna’s book! Loved it! She writes awesome books! If you like this one I HIGHLY recommend her other series…can’t think of the series name right now, but the first one is called Once Bitten! It’s totally different from this series, but still incredibly awesome!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower 🙂

  5. BecAlora Walker

    You know I’m thinking I should really check out the Alex Craft series. It looks intriguing. Great haul and have a happy week!\

    Rebecca @ Vicariously!

  6. Jamie Hanna

    I really want to read the Paranormal Investigator series. I hope you enjoy all your new lovelies 🙂

  7. lunaslittlelibrary

    I didn’t know any of these but love the cover of Moonstone.
    Happy reading.

  8. WinterHaven

    I really want to start the Alex Craft series soon. I have heard really good things about it =) Awesome book week =)

    Our StS for the week =)

  9. BookaholicCat

    I really hope you like On The Island…. Let me know what you think 😉

    1. Melliane

      of course, I’m curious to see how it is!

  10. Micheline D

    The Moonstone & Miss Jones looks AMAZING even though I haven’t read book 1 yet….these were all new books for me so thanks for the new discoveries LOL. Happy reading & bonne fin de semaine 🙂

    Old follower via GFC, New follower via NB. My StS

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

  11. biochemguy

    Great haul! I haven’t read any of those yet but I hope you enjoy them! Happy reading. ^.^ If you would like to check out my Stacking The Shelves you can do so here. 🙂

  12. Grace Fonseca

    Nice haul. These all look great and awesome. I like the variety of genres that you choose to read. Come check out what I got as well.


  13. Chapter by Chapter

    Great books this week! The Alex Croft book looks and sounds interesting! I hope you enjoy all that you got this week! Thanks for sharing and happy reading!

    MaryAnn @ Chapter by Chapter
    What we got this WEEK!

  14. Lilichat

    Alex Craft me tente bien! Va falloir que je le note dans ma wish-list pour ne pas oublier^^

  15. Michelles Paranormal Vault Of Books

    never heard of those books. will check them out 🙂

    Stacking the Shelves & In My Mailbox

  16. Jennifer Bielman

    Great books this week. I have always wanted to read a Alex Craft book.

  17. Aurian

    Ooo you are going to love Kalayna Price!

    1. Melliane

      I loved the three of them. a great series.

  18. Sugar and Snark

    On the Island was soooooo good! Seriously I LOVED it! Enjoy 🙂

    Old email follower (chidoryx AT hotmail DOT com)

    Sugar & Snark

  19. Zendastark

    J’ai le Alex Craft sur mes étagères…il faut que je m’y mette!!! Si peu de temps…snif..En tous cas, beau Stacking the Bises.

  20. Alexia

    Le dernier hiver et Alex Craft me tentent bien !!

  21. Wilhelmina

    Bonne semaine et bonnes lectures, j’espère que tu aimeras “Le dernier hiver” (^-^)

    1. Melliane

      ouiii j’espere aussi ça va me changer de lire un auteur français. enfin je crois que c’est français.

    2. Wilhelmina

      Oui, oui, c’est tout ce qu’il y a de plus français 😉

  22. Elodie

    J’ai entendu beaucoup de bien du Dernier Hiver et a propos de On the Island aussi :)!! Happy reading 😉

  23. Rebecca

    The Moonstone & Miss Jones looks good. I love the cover… I think it’s the hats:) I LOVED On The Island! I hope you do to. I am going to have to go get a copy of Alex Craft because it looks amazing. I hope you enjoy and have a great reading week:)

  24. Audrey

    le dernier hiver m’intrigue assez, j’attends ton avis!

  25. Moonlight Gleam

    Salut mon amie! As usual you always have such an awesome haul! Thank you for sharing and for stopping by!

  26. Mandy

    Great Haul this week. I’ve heard great things about Jillian Stone’s series but I’ve not checked it out yet. Have a great week reading. New follower My StS

  27. kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews

    Lovely haul, D.! I hope you enjoy all your books! 🙂

  28. Mirage

    Le dernier Hiver est un livre qui me fait vraiment envie (enfin un livre qui me dit quelque chose :P) ! J’espère que tes lectures te plairont ! ♥

  29. Alicia

    Alex Craft pourrait bien me plaire 🙂

  30. The Book Belles

    Great haul! All the books sound really interesting 🙂

  31. nlforst

    Looks like a lot of interesting books! Happy Reading!

  32. Naomi Hop

    Nécromancienne – Kalayna Price looks awesome, definitely my kind of book!!

    Thanx for visiting my StS and Sunday Post!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  33. Alily

    Je me suis inscris à un swap VO. Je crois venir te demander quelque conseil en temps voulu 🙂

    Sinon le premier à l’air très bon…

  34. Stephanie @ Once Upon A Chapter

    It looks like you had a great week too! I haven’t read Jillian Stone’s books yet but have heard good things about them. Enjoy them!

  35. Melissa (My words and pages)

    Oh I think I like the sounds of Jullian Stones series and I have the first book here by Kalayna Price too. Hope you enjoy your week!

  36. Braine TS

    I like that KPrice series, checking it out…

    P.S. thanks for dropping by our BB&B

    – following you now

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