Synopsis: In the remote Swedish wetlands lies Mossmarken: the village on the edge of the mire where, once upon a time, people came to leave offerings to the gods.
Biologist Nathalie came in order to study the peat bogs. But she has a secret: Mossmarken was once her home, a place where terrible things happened. She has returned at last, determined to confront her childhood trauma and find out the truth.Soon after her arrival, she finds an unconscious man out on the marsh, his pockets filled with gold–just like the ancient human sacrifices. A grave is dug in the mire, which vanishes a day after. And as the police investigate, the bodies start to surface…
Is the mire calling out for sacrifices, as the superstitious locals claim? Or is it an all-too-human evil?
Review: Swedish thrillers always intrigue me, the atmosphere is always really different and interesting! I didn’t know the author, so I was all the more curious to get into this novel!
Nathalie is linked to a small town, one she left when she was little, but something is attracting her back there. She doesn’t really want to deal with her past and yet she may not have a choice. Because if this place is beautiful, it is also full of terrible secrets. Our heroine will find herself in the middle of an old secret and she will discover what is really going on there.
I had a really good time with that novel. The author has put a lot of scientific explanations like Nathalie is a biologist, and being a chemist, I found it really very interesting to learn more about it. I got carried away by this story taking place in an unusual place. We will follow the story of Nathalie, but also that of Maya, a photographer who tries to understand what Mossmarken, even if it is not simple. We will discover the secrets of some of them, but also much more than that.
A very good thriller and I’m curious to read more of the author’s novels!
Sophia Rose
It does sound like a good thriller and neat that she is a biologist and the story included more about that. I’ve not read a mystery set in Sweden yet. I’ll have to keep this one in mind.
yes it’s interesting
Sounds like an intriguing book!
Anne - Books of My Heart
I love the cover and I enjoy thrillers. I did not know of this one. Wonderful review.
A Swedish thriller, now that isn’t something I get to read often. I want to know more about the Mossmarken.
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer
Oh, this sounds good. Hmm, I wonder if i have tried a Swedish thriller?
the atmosphere is really different, we have a lot of them in France
Ugh Sweden 😉
Carole Rae
Swedish thrillers? Fun!
we have a lot of them in France
Wow this sounds great (and very atmospheric)! The first paragraph of the synopsis had me, actually. Adding this. And that cover looks VERY forbidding!
Mary Kirkland
That sounds good. I’m interested in what the childhood trauma was now. I like a good mystery.
Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum
Oh nice, a thriller with a basis in science and a biologist protagonist! I love the sound of this!
Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books
I don’t know that I have really read a Swedish thriller before. I have several on my tbr pile but I don’t think I have actually picked one up yet. I think I would like the science in this book.