Synopsis: Carl Louis Feldman is an old man who was once a celebrated photographer. That was before he was tried for the murder of a young woman and acquitted. before his admission to a care home for dementia. Now his daughter has come to see him, to take him on a trip. Only she’s not his daughter and, if she has her way, he’s not coming back . . .

Because Carl’s past has finally caught up with him. The young woman driving the car is convinced her passenger is guilty, and that he’s killed, other young women. Including her sister Rachel. Now they’re following the trail of his photographs, his clues, his alleged crimes. To see if he remembers any of it. Confesses to any of it. To discover what really happened to Rachel. Has Carl truly forgotten what he did or is he just pretending? Perhaps he’s guilty of nothing and she’s the liar. Either way in driving him into the Texan wilderness she’s taking a terrible risk. For if Carl really is a serial killer, she’s alone in the most dangerous place of all . . .

Review: I loved one of the author’s novels, so when I saw a new translation, I was really curious to discover another of her stories.

Our heroine, whose name is unknown, is determined to find the person responsible for her sister’s disappearance since she did not return home. It’s been years now, but she has a plan. She thinks she knows who the murderer is and she will do anything to get him to confess and especially to find her sister’s body. Carl Fedman is a senile old man, or at least that’s what everyone says. He’s been acquitted of murders for a long time, but she knows it’s him! Today, he lives in a home for mad criminals and our heroine approaches him posing as his lost daughter. She wants to offer him a road trip to try to revive his memory, to find out what he did with her sister by reminding him of the women he is supposed to have killed. But what she doesn’t know is if Carl is really insane, if he doesn’t play, if he doesn’t hide what he is… It’s something complicated to determine, and even we reader, we ask ourselves these questions countless times.

Yes, our young woman is determined to find the truth and if she hates this man at first, she softens toward him and so do we, even if we don’t know what he really did. I really enjoyed following them through this road trip, seeing them discover the truth and understand. There are a few points that I find a little big in the story, especially towards the end, but this aside, I found it a very interesting novel and I was curious to find out the truth.



16 thoughts on “Paper Ghosts by Julia Heaberlin

  1. Crystal @ Lost in Storyland

    This sounds like an interesting story. I love the mystery of uncovering the past and the question of whether we can trust the passenger in the car or if the heroine is sitting in the car with an actual murderer.

    1. Melliane

      yes I liked that too

  2. ShootingStarsMag

    I am really curious about this one. I enjoyed another book by the author as well. Thanks for sharing. Glad you liked it.

    1. Melliane

      She has some nice ones!

  3. kindlemom1

    I love the cover for this, sort of creepy but in a good way LOL. Glad this was good!

  4. Sophia Rose

    That is quite a story premise and it sounds thrilling. I’ll have to look for this one. Engaging review, Melliane!

    1. Melliane

      It was a good one!

  5. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Oh this one sounds good. Glad you found an author to follow. You have me curious about her writing and I will have to check out her stuff.

  6. Heidi

    I read Black Eyed Susans by this author and enjoyed it. This was sounds really good, and now I am curious about Carl too.

  7. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer

    That cover is creepy. I really enjoyed her novel Blacked Eyed Susans. I will need to grab this one! Lovely review 🙂

  8. Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    This sounds like an interesting murder mystery! I wonder if the old man really killed her sister or not. It sounds like she starts to soften towards him and like him. I would worry for her life.

  9. Anne - Books of My Heart

    Wonderful review! I wouldn’t want to go on a trip alone with him.

  10. Mary Kirkland

    That sounds interesting. I love a good mystery.

  11. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Ooh another good suspenseful mystery to add to my TBR!

  12. blodeuedd

    I do wonder now if he is the one

  13. Carole Rae

    A slow softening is good.

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