Stacking the Shelves #41


Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews
Giveaway – Concours

Crave the Darkness ~ Amanda Bonilla

Binding the Shadows (Arcadia Bell, 3) – Jenn Bennett

Renegade mage and bartender Arcadia Bell has had a rough year, but now the door to her already unstable world is unhinging. When a citywide crime wave erupts, Cady’s demon-friendly tiki bar is robbed by Earthbounds wielding surreal demonic abilities that just flat-out shouldn’t exist. With the help of her devilishly delicious boyfriend, Lon Butler, Cady sets out to find the people who wronged her—but her targets aren’t the only ones experiencing unnatural metamorphoses. Can Cady track down the monsters responsible before the monster inside her destroys everything—and everyone—she loves? If she survives this adventure, one thing is certain: it’s last call for life as she knows it.
 Midnight Blue-Light Special (InCryptid, 2) – Seanan McGuire

Cryptid, noun:
1. Any creature whose existence has been suggested but not proven scientifically. Term officially coined by cryptozoologist John E. Wall in 1983.
2. That thing that’s getting ready to eat your head.
3. See also: “monster.”

The Price family has spent generations studying the monsters of the world, working to protect them from humanity–and humanity from them. Enter Verity Price. Despite being trained from birth as a cryptozoologist, she’d rather dance a tango than tangle with a demon, and when her work with the cryptid community took her to Manhattan, she thought she would finally be free to pursue competition-level dance in earnest. It didn’t quite work out that way…

But now, with the snake cult that was killing virgins all over Manhattan finally taken care of, Verity is ready to settle down for some serious ballroom dancing—until her on-again, off-again, semi-boyfriend Dominic De Luca, a member of the monster-hunting Covenant of St. George, informs her that the Covenant is on their way to assess the city’s readiness for a cryptid purge. With everything and everyone she loves on the line, there’s no way Verity can take that lying down.

Alliances will be tested, allies will be questioned, lives will be lost, and the talking mice in Verity’s apartment will immortalize everything as holy writ–assuming there’s anyone left standing when all is said and done. It’s a midnight blue-light special, and the sale of the day is on betrayal, deceit…and carnage.

Frost Burned (Mercy Thompson, 7) – Patricia Briggs

Shapeshifter Mercy Thompson’s life is calming down, at least enough that she can focus on mundane matters like Black Friday sales. But on her return, Mercy is unable to contact her mate, Alpha Adam Hauptman, or the other members of their pack. All she knows is that Adam is angry and in pain. With the werewolves fighting a political battle to gain acceptance from the public, Mercy fears Adam’s disappearance may be related – and that he and the pack are in serious danger. Outclassed and on her own, Mercy may be forced to seek assistance from the most unlikely of allies: the vampire seethe.

Redemption (The Seven Signs, 2) – Erica Hayes

Japheth the Tainted is on the hunt for a mysterious demon vampire. But meeting her face-to-face might disarm his warrior spirit—and spark an unquenchable passion with apocalyptic consequences.

As a fallen angel, Japheth is determined to make his way back to heaven by staying pure and slaying hellspawn. With a new scourge of vampires unleashed by a blood-drinking demon, the Prince of Thirst, there’s plenty to be done. But Japheth is after one vampire in particular—the one they call the Angel Slayer.

Rose Harley never wanted to be a vampire, but the Prince of Thirst can turn even the kindest soul into a soldier of hell. Feeling abandoned by God, she stalks the West Village taking revenge on his angels—until she meets her match.

When Japheth and Rose encounter each other, the battle is fierce and charged with desire. But when they discover a common enemy—the Prince of Thirst himself—they form a dangerous alliance that could either cost them their eternal lives, or spark a love more powerful than heaven or hell.

The sweetest Temptation (Sexy Shifters Short, 2) – Amanda Bonilla

Andrew Paige wakes up in a motel room with no memory of what happened to him the night before. He has no idea how he got here…or why the state police believe he’s responsible for kidnapping a woman he’s never met!

Erica Ware is bound and determined to find her sister’s kidnapper and bring him to justice. As a wood nymph, she has special powers over men…and a unique way of extracting the truth.

But when the sparks start to fly and her wood nymph nature compels her to seek something other than revenge from the unbearably hot Andrew Paige, Erica can’t help but wonder if she’ll succumb to the sweet temptation of this sexy shifter before she can unravel the mystery of her sister’s disappearance…

The Sweetest Mercy (Sexy Shifters Short, 3) – Amanda Bonilla

Kidnapped and locked in a dark cave, Kiera Ware has resigned herself to madness. A wood nymph in the grip of a full-moon is guaranteed to lose her mind, literally, without sexual release. And since she’s been held captive and alone for three days, she knows that she could break at any moment…

Carter Hayes has been tracking the rouge shifter who kidnapped an innocent woman for no other reason than to hurt his alpha, Logan. After the loss of his mate nearly a century ago, Carter has stuck to what he knows best – excelling at his job and serving his pride – lonely, but honorable work.

When Carter shows up, Kiera thinks the too-sexy-to-be-true man must be a figment of her imagination…while Carter can’t deny the stirrings of his heart around this strange magical woman.

Running for their lives, Carter and Kiera might just find that sweet mercy they both so desperately need…if they can manage to stay alive!

 Le Marquis mis à Nu (Noblesse Oblige, 3) – Sally Mackenzie

À la mort de son frère, Charles Draysmith devient le marquis de Knightsdale et, avec ce titre, hérite de la garde de ses jeunes nièces désormais orphelines. Incapable de s’en occuper seul et soucieux de fuir les assiduités des coureuses de dot, il propose un marché fort pratique à Emma Peterson, la gouvernante des demoiselles. Pour toute réponse, cette dernière lui lance un chien en porcelaine à la tête… Le nouveau marquis devra davantage user de sentiments que de raison s’il veut convaincre la belle rebelle de l’épouser. 

 Ce qui nous lie de Samantha Bailly

« J’ai longtemps voulu être unique.
Mais qu’y a-t-il de plus rassurant que le semblable ? »

Alice a un don. Elle a la capacité de voir les liens entre les individus. Les attaches lui apparaissent sous forme de fils lumineux, qui tissent une cartographie des relations affectives. Impossible d’expliquer l’origine de ce phénomène. Manifestation surnaturelle ? Hallucination ? La jeune femme a appris à vivre avec dans le plus grand secret. C’est alors qu’elle rencontre Raphaêl, son nouveau manager. La voilà qui s’éprend du seul homme dont elle ne peut voir les liens…  


Revelation by Erica Hayes

The Seven Signs, Book 1

Synopsis: A fallen angel with a mission and a medical examiner who’s lost her faith are fighting for their souls in a glittering, near-future Manhattan…

Blind faith is for fools. That’s what Dr. Morgan Sterling believes. And she’s going to prove it by curing the zombie plague ravaging her city’s slums. She’s certain it’s not a sign of the End of Days, but a nasty disease—until an angel appears in her morgue in a flash of glory.

Luniel is not just a fallen angel. He’s a powerful warrior sworn to fight evil in hopes of a chance at redemption. He’s after the demon princes who are stealing the seven vials of holy wrath which, when perverted, will unleash eternal hell on earth.

To stop the plague, Luniel needs Morgan’s help, and her faith. But Morgan believes science is their salvation. If the zombie plague is a demonic curse—and if Luniel is true—he’ll have to prove it. Even if he loses his heart to true love or his soul to Hell…

Review: I heard a lot about Erica Hayes and even if I didn’t start with the series I thought, I’m glad I had the opportunity to read this one. I must say that I was completely surprised by this first volume, I was much more excited than I would have thought by reading the summary.

Morgan is a doctor working in a morgue. She is obsessed with the new disease ravaging her city. Indeed, zombies appear increasingly, killing many people every day and our young heroine is determined to find a cure. Although everyone thinks it’s one of the seven predictions of the end of the world, she is determined to prove them wrong. God has no place here and science is something that is much more important for her. And yet, some signs are difficult to understand, as the transformation of water into human blood. But her life is turned upside when Luniel appears in her morgue, trying to understand what happened to his brother. He does not hesitate to reveal to our dear Morgan his angel’s condition. A quite strong attraction appears between our two heroes, but they resist both for their own reasons. A new world opens itself to our doctor; it will be very difficult for her to accept what she has so long denied. I must say that she has been through a lot and it’s hard for her to trust Luniel. They are a very good team together; it was pretty funny to watch their arguments and researches. It must be said that there are many things to speak about when you have a man who has faith and a young woman who believes in nothing. Many arguments or persuasions. We will read little by little the story to discover their past and all the characters around them. I also found very interesting the different POVs of the characters throughout the novel, it allows us to get an idea of ​​each of them. It intrigues us for the novels to come.

I haven’t read a lot of books about angels and I was immediately intrigued by the ideas of Erica Hayes. The end of the world, zombies, demons and warriors: a very nice mix. We immediately want to understand who is behind the end of the world and especially the reason. And yes! It is much more complicated than expected! Many paths are open for the other characters and I must say it is really intriguing. It was a good idea because we are now eager to find out more. This is a nice discovery and I’m curious to read more about each of our characters.


Revelation de Erica Hayes (VO)

The Seven Signs, Tome 1

Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Un ange déchu avec une mission et un médecin légiste qui a perdu sa foi se battent pour leurs âmes dans un étincelant  futur proche de Manhattan …

La foi aveugle est pour les imbéciles. C’est ce que croit le Dr Morgan Sterling. Et elle va le prouver en soignant la peste zombie qui ravage les bidonvilles de sa ville. Elle est certaine que ce n’est pas un signe de la fin des temps, mais seulement une vilaine maladie jusqu’à ce qu’un ange apparaisse dans sa morgue dans un éclair de gloire.

Luniel n’est pas seulement un ange déchu. C’est un puissant guerrier qui a juré de combattre le mal dans l’espoir d’une chance de rédemption. Il est après le prince démon qui a volé les sept coupes de la colère sainte qui, une fois perverties, feront régner un enfer éternel sur terre.

Pour arrêter la peste, Luniel a besoin de l’aide de Morgan, et de sa foi. Mais Morgan croit que la science est leur salut. Si la peste zombie est une malédiction démoniaque et si Luniel dit vrai, il va devoir le prouver. Même si pour cela, il doit perdre son cœur à l’amour ou son âme à l’enfer.

Avis : J’avais beaucoup entendu parler d’Erica Hayes et même si je ne pensais pas commencer par cette série là, je suis contente d’avoir eu l’occasion de la lire. Je dois dire que j’ai été complètement surprise par ce premier tome, j’ai été beaucoup plus emballée que je ne l’aurais pensé en lisant le résumé.
Morgan est un docteur travaillant dans une morgue. Elle est obsédée par la nouvelle maladie qui ravage sa ville. En effet, des zombies apparaissent de plus en plus, tuant de nombreuses personnes chaque jour et notre jeune héroïne est déterminée à trouver un remède. Bien que tout le monde annonce ce phénomène comme une des sept prédictions de la fin du monde, elle est bien décidée à leur prouver qu’ils ont tort. Dieu n’a pas de place ici et sa science est quelque chose qui l’importe beaucoup plus. Et pourtant, certains signes sont difficiles à comprendre, comme la transformation de l’eau en sang humain. Mais toute sa vie va être bouleversée quand Luniel apparaît dans sa morgue, essayant de comprendre ce qui est arrivé à son frère. Il n’hésite pas à divulguer à notre chère Morgan sa condition d’ange. Une forte attraction apparaît assez vitre entre nos deux héros, mais ils résistent tous deux pour leurs propres raisons. Un nouveau monde s’ouvre à notre docteur, il va être très difficile pour elle d’accepter tout ce qu’elle a si longtemps renié. Il faut dire qu’elle a dû passer par de nombreuses épreuves et elle a du mal à faire confiance à Luniel. Ils font vraiment tous les deux une très bonne équipe, il était assez drôle d’assister à leurs joutes verbales et leurs recherches. Il faut dire qu’il y a matière à parler quand on a un homme qui a la foi et une jeune femme qui ne croit en rien. De nombreuses disputes ou persuasions en perspective. On prendra connaissance petit à petit de leur passé et nous découvrirons tous les personnages qui les entourent. J’ai trouvé d’ailleurs très intéressant le changement de personnages tout au long du roman, cela nous permet d’avoir une idée sur chacun et ainsi de nous intriguer pour les romans à venir. 
Je ne lis pas énormément de livres sur les anges et j’ai tout de suite été intriguée par les idées d’Erica Hayes. La fin du monde, des zombies, des démons et des guerriers : Un très joli mélange. On a très vite envie de comprendre qui se cache derrière cette fin du monde et surtout la raison. Et oui ! C’est bien plus compliqué que prévu ! De nombreuses pistes sont ouvertes par rapport aux autres personnages et je dois dire que c’est intriguant. C’était une bonne idée car nous sommes maintenant impatients d’en découvrir plus. C’est donc une jolie découverte et je suis curieuse de pouvoir en lire plus au sujet de chacun de nos personnages.


Stacking the Shelves #37


Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews

 Gameboard of the Gods (Age of X, 1) – Richelle Mead

In a futuristic world nearly destroyed by religious extremists, Justin March lives in exile after failing in his job as an investigator of religious groups and supernatural claims. But Justin is given a second chance when Mae Koskinen comes to bring him back to the Republic of United North America (RUNA). Raised in an aristocratic caste, Mae is now a member of the military’s most elite and terrifying tier, a soldier with enhanced reflexes and skills.

When Justin and Mae are assigned to work together to solve a string of ritualistic murders, they soon realize that their discoveries have exposed them to terrible danger. As their investigation races forward, unknown enemies and powers greater than they can imagine are gathering in the shadows, ready to reclaim the world in which humans are merely game pieces on their board.

 A Shade of Vampire by Bella Forrest

On the evening of Sofia Claremont’s seventeenth birthday, she is sucked into a nightmare from which she cannot wake.
A quiet evening walk along a beach brings her face to face with a dangerous pale creature that craves much more than her blood.
She is kidnapped to an island where the sun is eternally forbidden to shine.
An island uncharted by any map and ruled by the most powerful vampire coven on the planet. She wakes here as a slave, a captive in chains.
Sofia’s life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn when she is the one selected out of hundreds of girls to join the harem of Derek Novak, the dark royal Prince.
Despite his addiction to power and obsessive thirst for her blood, Sofia soon realizes that the safest place on the island is within his quarters, and she must do all within her power to win him over if she is to survive even one more night.
Will she succeed? …or is she destined to the same fate that all other girls have met at the hands of the Novaks?

 Revelation (The Seven Signs, 1) – Erica hayes

A fallen angel with a mission and a medical examiner who’s lost her faith are fighting for their souls in a glittering, near-future Manhattan…

Blind faith is for fools. That’s what Dr. Morgan Sterling believes. And she’s going to prove it by curing the zombie plague ravaging her city’s slums. She’s certain it’s not a sign of the End of Days, but a nasty disease—until an angel appears in her morgue in a flash of glory.

Luniel is not just a fallen angel. He’s a powerful warrior sworn to fight evil in hopes of a chance at redemption. He’s after the demon princes who are stealing the seven vials of holy wrath which, when perverted, will unleash eternal hell on earth.

To stop the plague, Luniel needs Morgan’s help, and her faith. But Morgan believes science is their salvation. If the zombie plague is a demonic curse—and if Luniel is true—he’ll have to prove it. Even if he loses his heart to true love or his soul to Hell…

Ghosts of Memories (Vampire Memories, 5) – Barb Hendee

With her vampire protector Philip Branté and their human companion Wade Sheffield, a former police psychologist, Eleisha Clevon searches the world for isolated vampires — and offers them sanctuary. She wants to provide a home where she can teach them to follow the Four Laws that will protect them and their kind.

But not all vampires want to live by anyone’s rules but their own. Christian Lefevre has been posing a psychic, catering to the upper crust of Seattle society by making contact with their dead loved ones — and leaving his clients faint and weak after each encounter. Now Eleisha must confront the most deadly predator she has ever faced — or lose everything she has fought to protect…

 Mortal Ties (Workd of the Lupi, 9) – Eileen Wilks

FBI agent Lily Yu is living at Nokolai Clanhome with her fiancé, lupi Rule Turner, when an intruder penetrates their territory, stealing the prototpye of a magical device the clan hopes will be worth a fortune–if a few bugs can be worked out . . .

But the protoytpe can be dangerously erratic, discharging a bizarre form of mind magic—and it looks like the thief wants it for that very side effect. Worse, whoever stole the device didn’t learn about it by accident. There’s a Nokolai traitor in their midst. Lily and Rule have to find the traitor, the thief, and the prototype. One job proves easy when the thief calls them–and his identity rocks Rule’s world.

As they race to recover their missing property, they find Robert Friar’s sticky footprints all over the place. Robert Friar–killer, madman, and acolyte of the Old One the lupi are at war with–an Old One whose power is almost as vast as her ambition to rock the entire world . . .

 Shifting Plains (Shifting Plains, 1) – Jean Johnson

Centuries before the time of the Sons of Destiny, a female shapeshifter became the leader of the people of the Shifting Plains… Tava Ell Var never really knew her mother, but she did know her tragic fate at the hands of a band of cruel shapeshifters—a history set down by Tava’s father as a warning about life on the Shifting Plains. But after her father is murdered, Tava encounters a Shifterai warband fighting to rid the Plains of the terrorizing bandits. Shifterai leader Kodan Sin Siin is sympathetic to Tava’s suffering, but he’s determined to bring the wary young woman to the Plains. Because he knows her secret: She, like he and his men, is a shapeshifter. Once she joins them, he knows that she will see for herself the true fate that awaits her on the Plains, and most of all, lose her fear of his people. And, in time, he knows she will find her place is in their fight—and by his side.

 Le Serment du Titanic – Cathy Gohlke

Irlande, 1912. Michael embarque clandestinement à bord du Titanic pour fuir la misère. Alors qu’il est sur le point de mourir de faim, Owen le prend sous son aile. Quand le paquebot réputé insubmersible percute un iceberg, Owen se sacrifie pour sauver son ami. Il lui fait promettre de veiller sur Annie, sa petite soeur qui est en danger. Tout en travaillant d’arrache-pied pour lui offrir un avenir meilleur, Michael tente de convaincre Annie de le rejoindre et s’éprend d’elle au fil des lettres qu’ils échangent. Mais peut-elle vraiment laisser libre cours à ses sentiments et avouer son amour à celui qu’elle tient pour responsable de la mort de son frère ? Entre les hésitations de la jeune femme et la Première Guerre mondiale qui ravage l’Europe, Michael n’est pas au bout de ses peines…

Soif de Sang (Belladone, 2) – Michelle Rowen

Jillian Conrad va mourir. Si elle ne succombe pas à la Belladone – ce poison qui la rend irrésistible et mortelle pour les suceurs de sang –, ce sont des vampires fous en quête d’immortalité absolue qui auront sa peau. Depuis qu’elle est devenue le dernier rempart entre eux et la fille du défunt roi Matthias, elle n’a plus nulle part où se cacher. Pas même dans les bras de Declan, son amant dhampire. Privé de toutes ses émotions par un puissant sérum, ce dernier n’est plus que l’ombre de lui-même et c’est à Jillian que reviendra la lourde tâche de tous les sauver…