
Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews

The Exile (The Fae, 1) – C.T. Adams

Brianna Hai runs an occult shop that sells useless trinkets to tourists—and real magic supplies to witches and warlocks. The magical painting that hangs in Brianna’s apartment is the last portal between the fae and human worlds.

A shocking magical assault on her home reveals to Brianna that her father, High King Liu of the Fae, is under attack. With the help of her gargoyle, Pug, her friend David, and Angelo, a police detective who doesn’t believe in magic, Brianna recovers what was stolen from her and becomes an unwilling potential heir to the throne.

The Revolution Trade (The Merchant Princes, 5&6) – Charles Stross

For one ex-journalist, the nightmare has just begun

Miriam Beckstein has said goodbye to her comfort zone. The transition from journalist to captive in an alternative timeline was challenging to say the least. As was discovering her long-lost family, the Clan, were world-skipping assassins. Now civil war rages in her adopted home, she’s pregnant with the heir to their throne and a splinter-group want her on their side of a desperate power struggle. But as a leader or figurehead?

Meanwhile, unknown to the Clan, the US government is on to them and preparing to exploit this knowledge. But it hadn’t foreseen a dissident Clan faction carrying nuclear devices between worlds – with the US President in their sights. The War on Terror is about to go transdimensional. But Mike Fleming, CIA agent, knows the most terrifying secret of all. His government’s true intentions.

Pocket Apocalypse (InCryptid, 4) – Seanan McGuire

Endangered, adjective: Threatened with extinction or immediate harm.
Australia, noun: A good place to become endangered.

Alexander Price has survived gorgons, basilisks, and his own family—no small feat, considering that his family includes two telepaths, a reanimated corpse, and a colony of talking, pantheistic mice. Still, he’s starting to feel like he’s got the hang of things…at least until his girlfriend, Shelby Tanner, shows up asking pointed questions about werewolves and the state of his passport. From there, it’s just a hop, skip, and a jump to Australia, a continent filled with new challenges, new dangers, and yes, rival cryptozoologists who don’t like their “visiting expert” very much.

Australia is a cryptozoologist’s dream, filled with unique species and unique challenges. Unfortunately, it’s also filled with Shelby’s family, who aren’t delighted by the length of her stay in America. And then there are the werewolves to consider: infected killing machines who would like nothing more than to claim the continent as their own. The continent which currently includes Alex.

Survival is hard enough when you’re on familiar ground. Alex Price is very far from home, but there’s one thing he knows for sure: he’s not going down without a fight.

Deadly Spells (Prospero’s  War, 3) – Jaye Wells

After the grisly murder of a dirty magic coven leader, Kate Prospero and The Magical Enforcement Agency team up with the local police to find the killer. But as the infighting between covens turns ugly, an all-out war brews in the slums of Babylon.

When a tenacious reporter sticks her nose in both the investigation and Prospero’s past in the covens, old ghosts resurface. The team will have to use all the weapons in their arsenal to stop the coven war and find the killer before the case brings down all their careers – and their lives.

Deadly Spells is the third novel in the Prospero’s War series that started with Dirty Magic and Cursed Moon!




36 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #133

  1. Genesis @ GenGen's Book Blog

    I had neber heard of any of these books. But they seem interesting. The Exil sounds more intriguing to me. I hope you enjoy the books 🙂<Check out my STS
    Genesis @ GenGen’s Book Blog

  2. Genesis @ GenGen's Book Blog

    I had never heard of any of these books. But they seem interesting. The Exil sounds more intriguing to me. I hope you enjoy the books 🙂“<Check out my STS
    Genesis @ GenGen’s Book Blog

  3. Sofia

    All of these are completely new titles to me! I hope they are exciting reads. Happy reading and btw I love your blog’s name!

  4. anna (herding cats & burning soup)

    Oh my gosh I love The Exile cover. That looks amazing.

  5. Aurian

    The C.T. Adams book sounds good, adding it to my wishlist!

  6. chucklesthescot

    It’s not my kind of read but I think The Exile has a beautiful cover. I did get Deadly Spells recently though I haven’t started reading the series yet. I really need to catch up on my Jaye Wells books! Enjoy your reading!

  7. Shelley @ Gizmos Reviews

    Oh, wow, another CT Adams book I am apparently missing. I’m also behind on the Jaye Wells series. Geez, I tell you, I need to clone myself!

  8. Chrissi Reads

    I haven’t read any of these books. I hope that you enjoy them though. Happy Reading 🙂

  9. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    OOh nice! I need to get caught up in Jaye’s series! And Exile looks intriguing too! Happy Reading!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  10. Sheila (Book Journey)

    Nice haul on the books!

  11. Tsuki @ Tsuki's Books

    I haven’t heard of these but happy reading!

    Tsuki’s STS

  12. Grace Fonseca

    The Exile has a beautiful cover indeed. I do like books that have a great cover that immediately sucks you in. The Jaye Wells book sounds interesting. I still need to read Book 2 of that series.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  13. Ramona

    Another good week for you, Melianne. Can’t wait to hear how Exile turns up – it sure looks and sounds good, doesn’t it? Enjoy <3

  14. Sofia T.

    I haven’t read the book but the Exile seems great! Happy reading 🙂

    Here’s my StS: SofiaLovesReading

  15. Cristina

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…I haven’t heard of these books but clearly, I need to add them to my ever growing TBR pile! *wink* And The Exile looks amazing!!! ♥

  16. ShootingStarsMag

    Thanks for sharing! I really need to read something by Jaye Wells. 🙂

  17. Carole Rae

    I have read Seanan McGuire’s short story before. Pretty good! I must check out some more.

  18. kindlemom1

    The first and last ones look so good! I am excited to see what you think of them. Congrats on all the books!

  19. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    You got The Exile! YAY!!! I knew you were curious about that so glad it arrived. And Deadly Spells too, double yay! You might be happy to know Kate is much less annoying in this one than in Cursed Moon 😀

    1. Melliane

      yes I’m so happy! I’m starting it!

  20. Lupdilup

    The Exile sounds like an interesting read. I’ll be keeping my eyes open for your review 🙂 I’ve fallen behind on Prosperor’s War series, but it’s not too late to catch up before the new one.

  21. Leydy

    These are all new to me. I hope you enjoy them.

    Come and check out OUaT’s STS and ENTER our giveaways!

  22. Lola @ Hit or Miss Books

    Haven’t heard of any of these titles, but I like the looks of The Exile. 🙂 You enjoy, girl!!

  23. Beatrice@Book For Thought

    I don’t know any of these books, but they look great! Happy readings!

    My STS

  24. le livre-vie

    Comme d’habitude, je ne comprends pas grand chose, mais la première couverture es très sympa je trouve!

  25. viou03

    Bonnes futures lectures.

  26. Marsha

    The Exile caught my attention real quick. I’m such a cover person, if the cover gets my attention I will most likely buy, borrow and read it. Some very interesting sounding books. I have taken notes – my poor TBR pile.

    My STS

  27. Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    Very nice haul this week, Melliane! I haven’t read any of your new books yet, but they all look really good! I hope you’ll enjoy them all 🙂

    Have a great week ahead.

  28. Brandi Breathes Books

    Exile sounds like it will be a good one. Have a great week!

  29. blodeuedd

    That first one sounds cool 🙂

  30. Alise

    These all seem like they could be really fun but I’m liking The Exile, both for that awesome cover and that blurb. It seems really original. Enjoy these!

  31. Jennifer Bielman @ Bad Bird Reads

    The Exile looks awesome!!! I want.

  32. Freelfe

    Je n’en connais aucun mais le premier m’intrigue
    Je te souhaite des bonnes futures lectures !

  33. Melissa (My words and pages)

    Oh The Exile does look so good. Hope you enjoy it. 🙂 I need to get started on Jaye Wells new series too. Have a great week!

  34. Molly Mortensen

    Nice haul! Deadly Magic sounds interesting and I like the sounds of the Fae. I hadn’t heard of them before. Happy reading.

  35. Jamie

    Ooh, the Exile sounds interesting! I hope you enjoy all these. Happy Reading!
    Here are my newest additions.

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