Synopsis: Have you ever had your heart broken? How did you get over it?
If a pint of ice cream cheered you up and you were able to delete his number and start again then . . .
You’re a weirdo and this book is not for you.

But if you reacted with denial, begging, or a spot of casual witchcraft, then you’ve come to the right place. This is one woman’s journey from love to lunacy and back again. If you ever recall past heartbreaks with acute embarrassment and an urge to go into hiding, this will make you feel better. Sure, you may have sent his new girlfriend a bunch of dead roses, but did you spend a grand on psychic hot-lines and a voodoo curse?

Review: It’s always a pleasure to have a break between all my books to get into another genre. The Chick-lit has always been something different to read, something that allows to change a little my ideas.
Getting over Mr. Right was a fast read, well it’s not a big book either and the writing style is really fluid, so we can have a pleasant moment. I confess I was immediately attracted by the synopsis. Mainly when I saw the words “voodoo curse” and “witchcraft”, I knew this book would be fun and I was curious to learn more about it.
What can I say about the story? Ashleigh had a lot of love deceptions but now she is in couple for two years with the same man, she waits for only one thing: his wedding proposal and after that to have a family with him. What a surprise when he decides that he doesn’t want to marry her and doesn’t even want to stay with her at all! And the worse happens when she learns that her boyfriend was in the arms of another woman just after this event. From that moment the life of our heroine is shocked at the highest point.
From the start of the book, we understand that the separation won’t be easy and that Ashleigh will do anything for changing his mind. And of course for nothing in return. She is an interesting character to follow and in the same time I think it’s always a little too much (and even more than that). Like in all this kind of stories, her obsession will upset all the persons she cares about. But we understand them perfectly, and with her rupture, our heroine doesn’t realize she becomes really selfish. Sheruins everything and even blames thosearound her for all that happens. 
It’s true it’s was a funny and pleasant story to read but I think it might be a little too much. Ashleigh becomes so obsessed and acts so strangely that it’s very difficult to understand her. Well it’s complicated for her, we know that, but she needs a limit.
We don’t really know all along the story if she learned something about all of this or if she would do the same thing if she could, which is unfortunate.
However, it was a refreshingand not complicated read, something niceto change a little.

12 thoughts on “Getting Over Mr. Right by Chrissie Manby

  1. Mirjam

    It is nice to switch to another genre occasionally, isn’t it? I’m glad you enjoyed this one, even though it sounds as if you would have liked the book more had the heroine’s behaviour been less extreme.

    1. Melliane

      Oh yes and I love a good chick-lit novel. It was my big problem… I don’t know why they did it so extreme.

  2. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Oh I do enjoy a sweet chick-lit. Even though you had trouble with the heroine of the story, it still sounded like you enjoyed the change. I am thinking about reading one of this genre soon. Hm…

    1. Melliane

      Oh you need to read the Janet Evanovich books or the Lisa Lutz ones, I love them! I think it’s difficult to have a really really amazing book in this genre, as there are already some awesome.

  3. Mimi Valentine

    I adore all of those break-in-between books too! I read so many darker and more serious books that sometimes taking a break to read light and fun ones always puts a smile on my face 🙂 Plus, the title and cover for them, along with your review, make me positive that this will be one of those! It may not be perfect, but it sure is enjoyable, right? 😉

    Really awesome review, Mel! <3

    1. Melliane

      you’re right, it’s always very nice to have a book like that. We don’t have to think a lot about everything. thank you dear!

  4. BookaholicCat

    I trust your opinion so I think this one is not for me.

    1. Melliane

      Yes I sadly think there are better books to read in the same kind. the heroine is a little too much annoying. Too bad because I really like the story.

  5. Rea

    Every so often it’s good to have a little forray into another genre! I like to go for some chick lit when I need a lighter read too! I love the title of this one and the idea behind it, but from what you said it sounds like the character might be a tad too obsessed for my tastes. Do she at least get her happy ending?

    1. Melliane

      Well I don’t know if I can tell it’s a happy ending. there is revenge for her, so I can say yes lol. She is terrible, I always wanted to shake her!

  6. Melissa (My words and pages)

    Sounds like one to kick back and read for fun. 🙂 Thanks for the review. And we all need one of these every once in a while. 😀

    1. Melliane

      yeah it’s nice, I have some, I love to read one from time to time.

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