Midnight Frost by Jennifer Estep

Mythos Academy, Book 5

Synopsis: Here we go again …

Just when it seems life at Mythos Academy can’t get any more dangerous, the Reapers of Chaos manage to prove me wrong. It was just a typical night at the Library of Antiquities — until a Reaper tried to poison me. The good news is I’m still alive and kicking. The bad news is the Reaper poisoned someone else instead.

As Nike’s Champion, everyone expects me to lead the charge against the Reapers, even though I’m still hurting over what happened with Spartan warrior Logan Quinn. I’ve got to get my hands on the antidote fast — otherwise, an innocent person will die. But the only known cure is hidden in some creepy ruins — and the Reapers are sure to be waiting for me there …

Review: Mythos Academy is a series that I love and I was eager to read this new volume. I must say that Gwen has always so much to do and I’m always curious to see her adventures.

At the end of the previous book and the novella, we know that Logan won’t be here and it’s always very difficult for Gwen to accept that. Also, we begin the story with this, Gwen is mulling over the departure of her companion, trying to understand why he had abandoned like that, since she is already struggling to cope with the recent events. But our young heroine will not have the time to recover, the reapers attack them already trying to poison her in vain. However, even she is not reached by this subterfuge, it is not the same for another character in the story. Also despite her feelings, our heroine is determined to find the cure and save him. But for this, they have to go to another part of the country where only the required plant grows. A trap would you say? Of course, but do they really have a choice? Also here is our little group, leaving for a very different adventure, with many extraordinary encounters.

I really enjoyed reading this novel and we learn a lot of things here compared to Gwen. Indeed, we have the opportunity to meet her cousin by her father, the person she didn’t even know the existence. Rory is not very friendly to us early in the book, but we begin to appreciate her when we understand what she really hides and all she has endured in her life. I was happy that Gwen could learn more about her family and I hope we’ll meet her cousin again. Of course, we also have the return of Logan and I admit that I expected to see forward what would happen between them, but it hurts my heart to see our young heroine like that. This however is not everything and we also meet a goddess who could change the balance in the history of the war, but also some new creatures that we had not seen before.

A great new volume and the fans of the series will not be disappointed. Gwen is equal to herelf and I always look forward to read more now!



5 thoughts on “Midnight Frost by Jennifer Estep

  1. I loved this one too! The gryphons were wonderful. I really enjoyed meeting them. And like you guys I also hope we will meet Rory again. Definitely looking forward to Killer Frost! 🙂

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