Stacking the Shelves #77

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews

The Immortal Crown (Age of X, 2) – Richelle Mead
Gameboard of the Gods introduced religious investigator Justin March and Mae Koskinen, the beautiful supersoldier assigned to protect him. Together they have been charged with investigating reports of the supernatural and the return of the gods, both inside the Republic of United North America and out. With this highly classified knowledge comes a shocking revelation: Not only are the gods vying for human control, but the elect—special humans marked by the divine—are turning against one another in bloody fashion.Their mission takes a new twist when they are assigned to a diplomatic delegation headed by Lucian Darling, Justin’s old friend and rival, going into Arcadia, the RUNA’s dangerous neighboring country. Here, in a society where women are commodities and religion is intertwined with government, Justin discovers powerful forces at work, even as he struggles to come to terms with his own reluctantly acquired deity.

Meanwhile, Mae—grudgingly posing as Justin’s concubine—has a secret mission of her own: finding the illegitimate niece her family smuggled away years ago. But with Justin and Mae resisting the resurgence of the gods in Arcadia, a reporter’s connection with someone close to Justin back home threatens to expose their mission—and with it the divine forces the government is determined to keep secret.

Heights of Desire (Heightsbound, 1) – Mara White
A woman who has everything meets a man who can offer her nothing but trouble. They bring each other to a height of desire neither thought possible, but is it enough to overcome the differences that tear them apart?
Kate Champion, a forty-two-year-old, married mother of two, leads an enviable upper class life of luxury. Her comfortable path takes an unexpected detour after a chance encounter at a neighborhood playground.
Jaylee Inoa is a twenty-two-year-old, second generation New York Dominican with close ties to the Heights and the gangs that run them.
Her life of privilege is no match for the code of the streets he navigates with ease. When a crime of the heart leads to a crime in the flesh, how far will she go to redeem him? Can she risk all in her life that is golden for the love of her golden-eyed man?

Killer Frost (Mythos Academy, 6) – Jennifer Estep
I’ve battled the Reapers of Chaos before–and survived. But this time I have a Bad, Bad Feeling it’s going to be a fight to the death … most likely mine.Yeah, I’ve got my psychometry magic, my talking sword, Vic–and even the most dangerous Spartan on campus at my side, in Logan freaking Quinn, but I’m no match for Loki, the evil Norse god of chaos. I may be Nike’s Champion, but at heart, I’m still just Gwen Frost, that weird Gypsy girl everyone at school loves to gossip about.

Then someone I love is put in more danger than ever before, and something inside me snaps. This time, Loki and his Reapers are going down for good … or I am.

Loving Lord Lash (Duchess of Love, 3) – Sally MacKenzie
A Little Misunderstanding. . .Kit, the Marquis of Ashton, is in a sticky wicket. He married young and for love—how naïve. He discovered his mistake the very day of his wedding, but he is saddled now with a wife he’s reluctant to trust. And however much evidence he gathers against faithless Jess, he can’t seem to prove her guilt to the final judge—his foolish heart.

Jessica knows she’s bobbled her marriage, however innocently. A fairytale wedding makes no difference if she hasn’t got the marquis charmed to show for it. Well, she’s had enough of accidental encounters with naked gentlemen and near misses explaining things to her husband. It’s time to buck up and go win her man back—even if she has to fight very dirty indeed.

Inspired by classic fairy tales, but with a dark and sinister twist, Grim contains short stories from some of the best voices in young adult literature today:Ellen Hopkins
Amanda Hocking
Julie Kagawa
Claudia Gray
Rachel Hawkins
Kimberly Derting
Myra McEntire
Malinda Lo
Sarah Rees-Brennan
Jackson Pearce
Christine Johnson
Jeri Smith Ready
Shaun David Hutchinson
Saundra Mitchell
Sonia Gensler
Tessa Gratton
Jon Skrovan


50 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #77

  1. Nice haul, Melliane! I am actually very, very curious about The Immortal Crown, even if I didn’t particularly enjoy The Gameboard of the Gods. I am such a big fan of Richelle Mead, and I’m hoping this 2nd book in the series is more to my liking.

    Heights of Desire seems pretty hot, I look forward to seeing your review for that one 🙂

    And the rest of your books look awesome, too. I hope you’ll enjoy them all!

    Thanks for stopping by earlier. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. OOh nice!! I put a request in for Richelle Mead’s books! Keep your fingers crossed for me because I need all the luck I can get with Edelweiss!

    Loved Fire & Flood! Hope you enjoy all your new reads!

    My STS post will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  3. Weeee! I actually saw the Immortal Crown on EW but I didn’t put in a request. I’ve read a lot of negative reviews on GR about its prequel so I just made a decision on not requesting it.

    I am a great fan of Richelle Mead but that doesn’t stop me from being wary about her books. 😀 I guess I’ll just have to focus my energy on her Bloodlines series.

    Great haul, Mel!

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