
Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews



Stone Cold by Devon Monk (US&CAN)

Déliquescences (Les larmes Rouges, 1) – Georgia Caldera

« Les réminiscences n’étaient que le commencement… »

Le voile a été levé sur les étranges rêves de Cornélia mais elle est plus que jamais en danger. Pourtant, la seule prudence n’est pas ce qui la pousse à rester auprès de Henri. Progressivement, leurs liens se renforcent bien que l’ombre du passé plane sur leur relation…
Pire encore, pour assurer leur protection contre Avoriel, ils doivent retourner à Reddening House où Cornélia a été témoin des horreurs que peuvent commettre ses habitants. Déjà angoissée, la jeune femme se noie de plus en plus dans de bien surprenantes visions…

Souls of the Damn (Kat Redding, 5) – E.S. Moore

Innocence is relative, and evil is damned hard to kill. . .

Kat Redding would love to take a break from the gruesome, dangerous work of hunting down rogue vampires and werewolves, battling for innocent lives. But there’s no peace for Lady Death. Until Kat’s young charge, Sienna, appears on her doorstep, escaped from the shadow-paradise of Delai. Sienna is weak, confused, desperate–human in the utmost. If Kat is going to have any hope of breaking the hold of Delai, she’ll have to infiltrate the walls around the false sanctuary. And the only way she can do that is to trade in her battle-hardened, bloodthirsty vampire’s body–for Sienna’s human form.

With no weapons but her wits, Kat has to trust a demon, defeat an angel, and wrestle with her own rebel soul–because with all the fear and death she’s conquered, no one has ever offered her another day under a warm yellow sun. . .

Sidekick – Auralee Wallace

Bremy St James, daughter of billionaire Atticus St James, has been cut off from the family fortune and is struggling to survive in a world that no longer holds its breath every time she buys a new outfit. To make matters worse, her twin sister is keeping secrets, loan sharks are circling, and the man of her dreams — a newspaper reporter — is on assignment to bring down everyone with the last name St James.

Things are certainly looking bleak for the down-and-out socialite until a good deed throws her into the path of the city’s top crime-fighter, Dark Ryder. Suddenly, Bremy has a new goal: apprentice to a superhero, and start her own crime-fighting career.

Ryder has no need for a sidekick, but it turns out the city needs Bremy’s help. Atticus St James is planning the crime of the century, and Bremy may be the only one able to get close enough to her father to stop him.

Now all she needs to do is figure out this superhero thing in less than a month, keep her identity secret from the man who could very well be The One, and save the city from total annihilation.
Well, no one ever said being a superhero would be easy…


34 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #90

  1. Melanie (YA Midnight Reads)

    These all look like kick-ass and good reads!

    Have a lovely week, Melliane! <33

  2. Vickie (Under The Mountain)

    Oh dear. I dropped the book description of Déliquescences into Google Translate and for the most part the book sounds really good! Makes me wish I could read in more than one language. However it translated this one sentence into ‘Gradually loses foot.’ Which is either the worst translating ever or the main character has a very weird occurance… XD

    This week I visited UK’s most beautiful library! Find me Under The Mountain

    1. Melliane

      yes I sounds really nice, I heard great things about it. LOL no worst translating ever I think. It means she doesn’t know how to manage things, too much for her.

  3. Chene Sterckx

    Souls of the Damned & Sidekick looks awesome! I really like the cover of the first book too 🙂

    Happy reading!!

    Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.

  4. Chrissi Reads

    Looks like you’ve got some really interesting reads coming up! I hope you enjoy them.

  5. Nikki

    Ooh, I think I want Sidekick. I’m on a bit of a superhero novel streak. At least buying wise… if only I had time to read them.

    Hope you enjoy these!

    My StS.

  6. Shelley @ Gizmos Reviews

    I downloaded Souls as well. The only real book I received this week 🙁 Let’s hope it’s good! Have a great weekend!

  7. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    OOoh nice! These are all new to me! Hope you enjoy them all!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower 🙂

  8. aurian

    Hmm the English ones are interesting.

  9. Mary @SweepingMe

    Awesome line up! I hope you enjoy them all. I haven’t heard of these so I have to go check them out! Have a great week!

    My STS

  10. Grace Fonseca

    I always love coming here to see what you get. Awesome covers for these books. Sidekick is new to me have never heard of it before. Enjoy your new reads and have a lovely weekend.

  11. Rachel

    I do love strong heroines and all your books look like they have one. Enjoy your reads! 🙂

  12. Janina @ Synchronized Reading

    Side Kick looks pretty good. I’ve not heard of these before, but I hope you enjoy them 🙂

    My Haul!

  13. blodeuedd

    Looks fun 🙂 enjoy!

  14. Bob @ Beauty in Ruins

    I saw Sidekick on NetGalley the other day – looks interesting, but my review pile runneth over.

    My Stacking the Shelves

  15. avenael

    Le tome 2 des larmes rouges me tente beaucoup. J’avais beaucoup apprécié le premier volume, je pense l’acheter très bientôt.

  16. Missie

    These all look like kickass heroines!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  17. Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

    Oh wow! It looks like you’ve got a great haul this week! I haven’t heard of any of these books before, but I’ll be on the lookout for your reviews for them and if you end up enjoying them I’ll definitely add them to my TBR list! Thanks so much for sharing and happy reading! 😀

  18. Jennifer @ Some Like It Paranormal

    These are new to me but look kickass! Enjoy!

    My Stack

  19. Jess

    I love the cover for Sidekick – it’s both intriguing + awesome. 😀

    Stacking the Shelves #35

  20. Andrea @ The Overstuffed Bookcase

    I haven’t heard of any of these, but Sidekick sounds cool! Hope you enjoy all of these! Happy Reading! 🙂

  21. kindlemom1

    Congrats on all the great books!!

  22. viou03

    La série de Georgia Caldera me fait bien envie .
    Bonnes lectures .

  23. kara-karina

    Nice books, D.! I’ve been eyeing Sidekick myself :))) Enjoy all, sweetie!

  24. brandileigh2003

    Stone Cold sounds good, hope you enjoy!

  25. Jessica @ Rabid Reads

    Oh, oh! I got Sidekick too! I think it looks great 😉

  26. Kirsty-marie

    Haven’t heard of these but Sidekick sounds completely badass. Happy reading! 🙂

    Here’s mine

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

  27. Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    Nice haul, Melliane! I haven’t heard of any of these books before, but especially Sidekick looks really awesome 🙂

    I hope you’ll enjoy all of them. Happy reading.

  28. Tabitha

    Looks like you have some fun looking urban fantasy in store for you!

  29. kimbacaffeinate

    Sidekick sounds awesome, in fact these all look good..cannot wait for your reviews Melliane!!

  30. Ellie M.

    I don’t know what the first one says but I’m in love with this cover! Hope you love all of your new books 🙂

  31. Joy (Joyousreads)

    Enjoy all your lovely books, Melliane. 🙂

  32. chucklesthescot

    I love the cover to Souls of the Damned. I really need to get started reading this series! Enjoy your books!

  33. Freelfe

    Les larmes rouges me tentent vraiment beaucoup !

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