Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews
Book of your choice in the Sentinels of New Orleans – Suzanne Johnson (INT)
Ebook of your choice by Sierrra Dean (INT)
Reckoning by S.J. Harper (US&CAN)
Book of your choice in the series by Suzanne McLeod (INT)
When – Victoria Laurie
Maddie Fynn is a shy high school junior, cursed with an eerie intuitive ability: she sees a series of unique digits hovering above the foreheads of each person she encounters. Her earliest memories are marked by these numbers, but it takes her father’s premature death for Maddie and her family to realize that these mysterious digits are actually death dates, and just like birthdays, everyone has one.
Forced by her alcoholic mother to use her ability to make extra money, Maddie identifies the quickly approaching death date of one client’s young son, but because her ability only allows her to see the when and not the how, she’s unable to offer any more insight. When the boy goes missing on that exact date, law enforcement turns to Maddie.
Soon, Maddie is entangled in a homicide investigation, and more young people disappear and are later found murdered. A suspect for the investigation, a target for the murderer, and attracting the attentions of a mysterious young admirer who may be connected to it all, Maddie’s whole existence is about to be turned upside down. Can she right things before it’s too late?
The Bloodline Feud (The Merchant Princes 1-2) – Charles Stross
Miriam knows there’s no smoke without fire. And she’s about to get burnt…
The Family Trade and The Hidden Family – The first two installments of the Merchant Princes series combined in one volume.
Miriam Beckstein is a successful reporter for a hi-tech magazine. So when she discovers a huge money-laundering scam, she thinks she’s hit the big time. But when she takes it to her editor, she’s not only fired, but receives death threats. That’s just the beginning.
To distract her furious daughter, Miriam’s adopted mother unearths mementos from her real mother, murdered when she was an infant. But these reveal a secret that will ultimately throw governments into disarray. For what Miriam thinks is a simple locket has the power to fling her into an alternate timeline. In this less-developed world, knights on horseback wield automatic weapons, and world-skipping assassins lurk on the other side of our reality. Here, her true family runs a criminal empire – and they want her back. But Miriam has other plans.
Seventh Grave and no Body (Charley Davidson, 7) – Darynda Jones
Twelve. Twelve of the deadliest beasts ever forged in the fires of hell have escaped onto our plane, and they want nothing more than to rip out the jugular of Charley Davidson and serve her lifeless, mangled body to Satan for dinner. So there’s that. But Charley has more on her plate than a mob of testy hellhounds. For one thing, her father has disappeared, and the more she retraces his last steps, the more she learns he was conducting an investigation of his own, one that has Charley questioning everything she’s ever known about him. Add to that an ex-BFF who is haunting her night and day, a rash of suicides that has authorities baffled, and a drop-dead sexy fiancé who has attracted the attentions of a local celebrity, and Charley is not having the best week of her life.
A tad north of hell, a hop, skip, and a jump past the realm of eternity, is a little place called Earth, and Charley Davidson, grim reaper extraordinaire, is determined to do everything in her power to protect it.
We’re doomed.
Sans Issue (Texas Ranger, 1) – Mary Burton
Même derrière les barreaux, le tueur en série Harvey Lee Smith représente encore une menace. Pourtant Jolene Granger, psychologue, a accepté d’écouter ses derniers aveux avant son exécution. Car Harvey a encore des secrets à révéler : un apprenti poursuit son œuvre macabre en enterrant vivantes ses victimes. Jo, troublée par sa fascination pour Harvey, va devoir collaborer avec son ex-mari, le ranger Brody Winchester, pour retrouver le meurtrier. Une traque morbide qui lui fera déterrer une vérité terrifiante…
Pour l’amour d’un prisonnier (La Confrérie des Lords, 4) – Mary Jo Putney
Grâce à son charme, Lord Wyndham, parvient toujours à s’extirper des situations les plus embarrassantes. Mais après avoir séduit la femme d’un fonctionnaire du gouvernement au cours d’une brève mission d’espionnage, il est condamné à dix ans d’emprisonnement. Lorsqu’il en sort, il n’est plus que l’ombre de lui-même. Son plus grand défi sera de reconquérir le cœur de cette énigmatique jeune femme envoyée pour le libérer,la seule susceptible de guérir son âme, Cassie Fox, dont les talents d’espionne ne semblent pourtant pas compatibles avec sa condition de lord…
Furie de Flamme (Dragonfury, 1) – Coreene Callahan
Les dragons vivent cachés parmi les hommes. Mais la guerre opposant les Nightfury aux Razorback va mettre un terme à des siècles de clandestinité et pousser Bastian, leader de son clan, dans ses derniers retranchements. Entièrement dévoué aux siens, ce dernier est confronté à un terrible dilemme : prendre pour compagne l?envoûtante Myst au risque que leur nuit de passion coûte la vie à la jeune femme ou signer l’arrêt de mort définitif de toute son espèce…
L’ambassadeur et Moi (Les Héritiers, 3) – Ruth Cardello
L’amour est aveugle… et il ne faut pas compter sur le mariage pour lui rendre la vue !
La vie de Lil est sens dessus dessous. Sur le point d’épouser un homme richissime, sa soeur fait appel à elle pour organiser le mariage du siècle en moins d’un mois. Cette jeune femme issue d’un milieu modeste n’a pas l’habitude de gérer des milliardaires et des paparazzis. Bras droit de Dominic, Jake voit en Lil une catastrophe ambulante. Dès le premier jour, elle a été une source d’ennuis, mais comme son meilleur ami s’apprête à épouser sa soeur, il n’a d’autre choix que de l’aider. La jeune femme ne va pas tarder à le rendre complètement fou, dans la vie comme dans la chambre à coucher…
Rhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!! Mode je te hais le retour. Tu te douteras bien pourquoi 😉 Enjoy ce petit bijou.
HA HA HA HA *evil* LOL je sais !!! moi je suis troooooooop contente.
Wow what a haul!! When & Seventh grave & no body look good!
Happy reading 🙂
Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.
Arg ! Je te maudis ! Dire que j’attends que le tome 6 de Charley Davidson soit publié en français, et toi, tu commence le 7èmeeeee ! J’espère qu’il va te plaire 😀
Et je vois que tu as finalement eu le tome 1 de DragonFury ! En espérant qu’il nous plaise à toutes les deux 😉
Bon weekend et bonnes lectures ! 😀
LOL moi je suis pas assez patiente. Deja je suis super vigilante pour voir si je peux avoir les épreuves non corrigées pour ne pas attendre. Moi aussi !
Oui j’espere que dragonfury vaut le coup… surprise du coup.
merci !
Je te comprends ! J’ai beaucoup de mal à attendre, surtout quand je vois que le tome 7 est sorti ! Cette série est un véritable bijou ! 😀
Oui, j’ai lu des avis plutôt mitigés, mais bon, on verra bien 😉
Il est pas encore sorti, ils sort fin Octobre. Oui j’adore aussi.
oui je crois que ça sera la surprise. Je le lirais surement assez vite donc je te dirais.
Ah donc, tu as eu celui-là en avant-première :p Je te maudis encore plus 😉
Super 🙂
LOL j’ai de la chance d’avoir dans mes contact sa gentille assistante qui me connait. Ca aide beaucoup.
Je vois ça ! 😉 En tout cas, j’espère qu’il te plaira !
When sounds awesome. I hadn’t heard of that before!!
I was tempted by your INTL giveaway but I had to restrain myself as I haven’t yet read the first book in the Sentinels series which I bought ages ago! It looks like a great series so I really need to get into book one soon. Happy reading!
Yay, for When and More Charley! Too bad they don’t add this book to NG, or Edelweiss 🙁
OOoh you got 7th grave!! Lucky you! Hope you love it! When is on my kindle waiting to be read as well! Seeing a lot of that one today! Hope you enjoy all your lovely new reads!
My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
A lot of your books are new to me this week. They do look very interesting and some even very sexy. Enjoy all of your new reads and have an awesome weekend.
Oh my goodness the newest Charley book! So excited you have it. Congrats on all of the great books this week!
Really curious about that When book! Those looks like some interesting reads. Enjoy! 🙂
These are all new to me – excited for your reviews!
Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
Nice haul, lots of interesting books. When sounds very similar to Rachel Ward’s Numbers, where the girl can see the date that a person will die. I haven’t read either, but the premise does intrigue me. I hope you enjoy all of your reads! Here’s my STS.
Dragonfury… Huh, that’s new to me, I’m curious and will be looking it up after this. 🙂
Ooo interesting assortment this week. I’ve got a couple of those authors on my tbr pile for one day 🙂
OMG the new Charley!
Only one up there I’m familiar with is Bloodline Feud, which I also received! It’s apparently a collection of book 1 and 2 of the Merchant Princes, a series which I’m curious about. Hope it’s good!
Wow! You always manage to get the most intriguing books Melliane! 😀 Super excited to see your thoughts on all these wonderful stories. I am highly anticipating When as well because the permise sounds fantastic, and I hope you end up enjoying it! Thanks for sharing and, as always, BRILLIANT review! <3
Les Milady m’attirent plutôt bien, je me demande pour lequel je vais craquer !
toujours dur de choisir je crois !
Tu as reçu les Milady.
Sans Issue et l’ambassadeur et moi me font bien envie.
Bonnes lectures (avec Bastian (Furie) et les autres).
Oui du coup un peu en retard mais je les ai ! Je vais commencer bientot tout ça.
AHHH When! SO JEALOUS, definitely my type of read and can’t wait to get my hands on it. 🙂
Oh man. When sounds like Numbers by Rachel Ward. That series is way too dark for my taste, though.
Enjoy, Melliane!
I’ve seen When around and it sounds good! Great haul!
Check out my STS
When looks good, hope you enjoy and have a great week.
So much awesomeness here. Happy reading and I hope you’ll enjoy them all! 🙂
All your new books look really good, Melliane. Especially When! That is a premise that is quite different, especially because the MC is both involved in the investigation and possibly a suspect.
Happy reading, my friend 🙂