
Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews

Animaly (Schrodinger’s Consortium, 1) – Tonya Kuper

Reality is only an illusion.
Except for those who can control it…

Worst. Birthday. Ever.
My first boyfriend dumped me – happy birthday, Josie!- my dad is who knows where, I have some weird virus that makes me want to hurl, and now my ex is licking another girl’s tonsils. Oh, and I’m officially the same age as my brother was when he died. Yeah, today is about as fun-filled as the swamps of Dagobah. But then weird things start happening…
Like I make something materialize just by thinking about it.
When hot badass Reid Wentworth shows up on a motorcycle, everything changes. Like, everything. Who I am. My family. What really happened to my brother. Existence. I am Oculi, and I have the ability to change reality with my thoughts. Now Reid, in all his hotness, is charged with guiding and protecting me as I begin learning how to bend reality. And he’s the only thing standing between me and the secret organization that wants me dead…

Another One Bites the Dust (Jensen Murphy, Ghost for Hire, 2) – Chris Marie Green

Jensen Murphy is back in the spooky sequel to Only the Good Die Young.

Some people think that ghosts are spirits that refuse to go to the other side because they have unfinished business. Take my word—that’s true. I should know. I’m a ghost.

I was an ordinary eighties California girl, dead before my time, until psychic Amanda Lee Minter pulled me out of the time loop where I was reliving my death over and over. Now I’m Jensen Murphy, Ghost for Hire. I decided to put my spooky talents to use in helping Amanda Lee track down bad guys and killers (including my own).

It’s taken time to figure out exactly how that will work (our first case was definitely a learning experience for all involved), so when a young woman asks Amanda Lee for help convincing her best friend to leave a dangerously hot-tempered boyfriend, I’m ready and willing to use our collective powers on her behalf. But some people are dangerous not only to the living—especially when there are darker forces involved…

Casual Curses & Meticulous Magic (A Gramarye Novel, 1) – Lee Roland

What happens when a dysfunctional witch and a tough PI work together to save an aging apartment house filled with ghosts, dragons and one oversexed house plant?

Spirits, spells and mayhem…Magic rises in the Gramarye

Melian Devlin is a witch who often resorts to exotic and slightly illegal methods of acquiring money to maintain the 300-year-old Gramarye, the stone apartment house that’s her heart and home. Her life is a series of skirmishes that occasionally end with her behind bars.

Titus Moran is a no-nonsense PI who makes big bucks busting insurance fraud schemes. So how did he wind up in a tortuous battle to keep Melian out of jail? Did the delightful young witch with her gray eyes and magic at her fingertips enchant him—or does the Gramarye hold greater mysteries?

Titus will enter a new exciting world when he joins Melian in her quest to save the Gramarye. Melian will fumble along in her usual impulsive way, leaving a trail of disasters behind her. If they’re lucky, they might survive.

The Winner’s Crime (The Winner’s Trilogy, 2) – Marie Rutkoski

Book two of the dazzling Winner’s Trilogy is a fight to the death as Kestrel risks betrayal of country for love.

The engagement of Lady Kestrel to Valoria’s crown prince means one celebration after another. But to Kestrel it means living in a cage of her own making. As the wedding approaches, she aches to tell Arin the truth about her engagement…if she could only trust him. Yet can she even trust herself? For—unknown to Arin—Kestrel is becoming a skilled practitioner of deceit: an anonymous spy passing information to Herran, and close to uncovering a shocking secret.

As Arin enlists dangerous allies in the struggle to keep his country’s freedom, he can’t fight the suspicion that Kestrel knows more than she shows. In the end, it might not be a dagger in the dark that cuts him open, but the truth. And when that happens, Kestrel and Arin learn just how much their crimes will cost them.

A Perfect Blood (The Hollows, 10) – Kim Harrison

New York Times bestselling author Kim Harrison returns to the Hollows with the electrifying follow-up to her acclaimed Pale Demon!

A Perfect Blood

Ritually murdered corpses are appearing across Cincinnati, terrifying amalgams of human and other. Pulled in to help investigate by the I.S. and FIB, former witch turned day-walking demon Rachel Morgan soon realizes a horrifying truth: a human hate group is trying to create its own demons to destroy all Inderlanders, and to do so, it needs her blood.

She’s faced vampires, witches, werewolves, demons, and more, but humanity itself might be her toughest challenge yet.

The Witch with no Name (The Hollows, 13) – Kim Harrison

At long last… The final book in the New York Times bestselling Hollows series by Kim Harrison!

Rachel Morgan’s come a long way from the clutzy runner of Dead Witch Walking. She’s faced vampires and werewolves, banshees, witches, and soul-eating demons. She’s crossed worlds, channeled gods, and accepted her place as a day-walking demon. She’s lost friends and lovers and family, and an old enemy has become something much more.

But power demands responsibility, and world-changers must always pay a price. That time is now.

To save Ivy’s soul and the rest of the living vampires, to keep the demonic ever after and our own world from destruction, Rachel Morgan will risk everything.

Prodigal  Son (Truth Seer, 1) – Debra Mullins

Prodigal Son—the new paranormal romance from acclaimed historical romance author Debra Mullins

Bounty hunter Rafe Montana is a Seer, descended from the fabled Atlanteans. He uses his inherited power to “see” criminals across the globe and track them down, and he’s just started on a new case. Danny Cangialosi is accused of disappearing with a stolen car…but for the first time in his life, when Rafe goes looking, he is unable to “see” him. Instead, his search leads him to Danny’s stubborn, meddling, and very cute stepsister, Cara McGaffigan.

Cara is looking for Danny, too, but not to turn him in. He is her brother, after all, and she’s convinced he has a good heart. If she can just find him before the cops do, she’ll figure out a way to get him out of this. But Cara didn’t count on a scorching-hot bounty hunter getting in her way.

Despite instant chemistry, Rafe and Cara know they’re never going to see eye-to-eye when it comes to Danny. What they don’t know is that Danny didn’t just steal a car—he stole a precious stone, a stone right out of the legends of Atlantis. It holds powers they can only dream of…and its owner wants it back.

Heart of Stone (Truth Seer, 2) – Debra Mullins

Debra Mullins introduced readers to the world of the Truth Seers in Prodigal Son. Now the story of the lost Atlanteans continues in Heart of Stone.

Darius Montana is a Seer. With his gift of empathy, he can see into the hearts of others, both human and Atlantean. When his family comes into possession of one of the legendary power stones of Atlantis, Darius is sent to find the Stone Singer.

Faith Karaluros is the last Stone Singer. Manipulated all her life for her rare ability, she is widowed after her husband tried to steal her power for the Mendukati, an extremist group that hunts Seers. Faith wants nothing more than to stay out of this war when Darius comes to find her—just in time to rescue her from being kidnapped.

Faith goes with Darius, determined to do the job and be on her way with the money that can set her up where no one can find her again. She didn’t count on the Mendukati sending a hit man after her. Darius swears he can protect her, but when she discovers he is one of the rare Atlanteans whose powers work on their own kind, can she trust him to keep his word, or is she being used again?

Eclats de Ténèbres (Risa Jones, 6) – Keri Arthur

La deuxième clé de l’Enfer est perdue. Les hordes démoniaques sont sur le point d’envahir le monde. Tout espoir semble perdu pour Risa Jones, mi-louve mi-Aedh, chargée d’empêcher les portes de s’ouvrir. Prise entre deux feux, Risa doit satisfaire les exigences de son père et celles du Conseil des Vampires si elle veut sauver ses amis et sa peau. Mais pour contenter ces derniers, elle va devoir trouver le moyen d’assassiner Madeline Hunter, vampire millénaire et fourbe à la tête du Directoire, sans perdre de vue la quête des clés !

Les Fourberies de L’amour – Georgette Heyer

Un gentleman peut en cacher un autre…

Pour rendre service à sa mère criblée de dettes, Evelyn Denvill, dandy désinvolte, accepte de jouer la comédie de l’amour à Cressida Stavely, issue d’une famille fortunée, dans l’espoir de restaurer les finances familiales. Mais le soir où un dîner est donné en son honneur par la famille de sa fiancée, Evelyn disparaît. Son frère jumeau, lord Christopher, accepte à contrecœur de le remplacer à cette réception. Et comme le hasard fait bien les choses, le jeune homme tombe sous le charme de la ravissante fiancée de son frère…

En Bout de Course (Texas Rangers, 2) – Mary Burton

Lorsque Charlotte Wellington, avocate de la défense, se retrouve à enquêter sur une série de meurtres abjects, elle est loin de se douter que son passé trouble va remonter à la surface. Mais avec l’aide du détective Daniel Rokov, elle va découvrir qu’elle est la cible principale de ce tueur qui noie ses victimes pour les laver de leurs péchés. Un tueur qui souhaite exposer sa vraie nature et l’entendre hurler tandis qu’elle se repent…


Le Businessman et Moi (Les Héritiers, 2) – Ruth Cardello

Nicole Corisi perdra son héritage si elle ne trouve pas un moyen de remplir les conditions de son père, mais elle devra s’associer avec le rival de son frère pour y arriver. Alors que les apparences deviennent douloureusement réelles, Niole devra choisir entre Stephan et la famille qu’il est bien décidé à détruire. Stephan Andrade planifie sa revanche depuis que Dominic Corisi a repris l’entreprise de son père. Alors que Corisi Enterprises joue sa réputation sur le succès d’un nouveau logiciel pour la Chine, Stephan a enfin sa chance de retrouver son héritage. La jeune sœur de Dominic, Nicole, demande de l’aide à Stephan et lui offre l’opportunité de se venger aussi sur un plan personnel. Tout allait bien… jusqu’à ce qu’il tombe amoureux d’elle.


38 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #116

  1. Gilwen

    Wahouuu, de bien belles réceptions. Beaucoup me tentent, mais je dois dire que je suis particulièrement intriguée par la toute première. Le nom de la série m’inspire je crois 😉

    1. Melliane

      tu as vu ça ? Cette semaine j’ai de quoi faire. Le résumé du premier m’a pas mal intrigué j’avoue. Mais je suis contente d’avoir mes Karison et d’avoir le Rutkoski parce que je pensais pas que les ARCs papiers sortaient si tot ! Trop hate, j’ai adoré le 1.

  2. chucklesthescot

    I’m still wondering whether to give The Hollows another try. I did like the action and humour but got tired of Ivy attacking Rachel through books 2 and 3 and abandoned the series. Not sure what to do. Happy reading!

    1. Melliane

      you should try, it’s a really great series.

  3. Shelley @ Gizmos Reviews

    Another One Bites the Dust is a definite for me since I read the first book.
    Casual Curses & Meticulous might be the next book to be added to my TBR.
    Hope you enjoy all your lovely reads!

  4. Grace Fonseca

    Awesome stack. Must say that I’m happy that you got the Winner’s Crime. It looks so good. Prodigal Son was very good, I enjoyed it. Anomaly sounds really good as well, it sounds like something that I would read. Enjoy your new books and have a lovely weekend.


  5. kimbacaffeinate

    Animaly and Casual Curses & Meticulous Magic both look good! Woot for more Harrison. I have the Mullans books and I am curious to check them out. Enjoy all your new lovelies and have a great week!

  6. Chrissi Reads

    Looks like you’ve got some good books to get stuck into! I hope you enjoy them all. 🙂

  7. Jon @ Bookish Antics

    I’m so excited to read The Winner’s Crime, I hope you enjoy all of your books! Great haul!
    -Jon from Bookish Antics!

  8. kindlemom1

    I am so excited you got Winner’s Crime! I hope it is wonderful.
    Congrats on all of the fabulous books!

  9. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    OOoh nice! I still need to read the finale to Kim’s series myself! And I just read Chris’s new book the other day! Loved it! Happy Reading!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  10. Michele @ A Belle's Tales

    Those are some great titles up there! Several are on my TBR. Enjoy all the lovely reads! Have a great weekend!

  11. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Ooh, the Winner’s Crime! I didnt’ even know that’s almost coming out already. I’m looking forward to that. Nice haul this week.

    1. Melliane

      I’m so so impatient to start it. It’s for March.

  12. Jillyn

    So many good looking books. Enjoy them 🙂

  13. anna (herding cats & burning soup)

    Another One Bites the Dust looks good! And yah Keri! Some great reads picked up thsi week 🙂

  14. Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

    I am not even going to try to hide my jealousy that you got an ARC of The Winner’s Crime! I absolutely adored the first book in the series, so I am anxious to hear your thoughts about the second installment and how it compares. Thanks for sharing Melliane! 😀

  15. LilyElement

    I’ve read the KHarrison ones, but other than that they’re all new to me. Those covers!!!

  16. Keertana @ Ivy Book Bindings

    So excited to see you got The Winner’s Crime–can’t wait to see what you think! 🙂 Happy Reading!

  17. Leydy

    Anomaly sounds good. I hope you enjoy your new books!

    Come and check out OUaT’s STS !

  18. Lupdilup

    What an ecleptic bunch! I see a few interesting choices. I have to keep an eye on some of those and see if there’s plans for audio.
    Maybe I should give the Hallows a go! I say that everytime I see the covers..LOL I just didn’t hit it off with the first book and never fisnished it, I know I should tho.
    Looking forward to your reviews 🙂

    1. Melliane

      oh yes you need to try them! Harrison is a wonderful author, I love her series!

  19. le livre-vie

    Jolie récolte!! Les derniers ont l’air sympa (ben oui, ils sont en français…).
    couvertures très belles pour les Debra Mullins (et ce n’est pas à cause du monsieur dessus, nanméo!, je les trouve vraiment très “esthétiques” (sérieusement hein!)

    1. Melliane

      lol c’est vrai. Le tome 2 vient de sortir ou va sortir et finalement l’éditeur m’a demandé si je voulais le 1 aussi du coup j’ai pris les 2. J’espère qu’ils sont biens…

  20. viou03

    Bonnes lectures.

  21. blodeuedd

    Happy reading 😀

  22. Nikki

    Ooh, looks like a great haul! I’m trying to figure out which Georgette Heyer novel that is from the summary, and I’m not sure if I’ve read it or not. But Heyer’s always fun! Hope you enjoy all these.

    My StS.

  23. Joy (Joyousreads)

    Lovely haul, Melliane. Looking forward to your thoughts on these books – more specifically, The Winner’s Crime.


  24. Tiffany

    The Winner’s Crime! Look at that beautiful cover! So many of these covers look wonderful, in fact, and I am going to have to look into some of these books that I don’t know much about yet!

    You can check out my STS HERE

    Beneath the Jacket Reviews

  25. Kirsty-Marie

    THE WINNERS CRIME. THE WINNERS CRIME. THE WINNERS CRIME. (Can you tell I’m excited for that one? Haha.) Seriously, SO CAN’T WAIT FOR IT. PLUS, IT’S GORGEOUS.

  26. Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    Oh my goodness, Melliane, way to go with the awesome books! I’m glad you got some more Hollows books arriving in the mail – do you have them all now so you can just sit down and enjoy them?
    I think I’d like to read all of the books you added this week… Must. Not. One-click. Anything.

    Have a fantastic week 🙂

    1. Melliane

      yes I have them all! I’m so happy now! lol I know the problem…

  27. Molly Mortensen

    What a haul! I’m getting Anomaly soon too! I hope it’s good. Casual Curses looks funny.

  28. Jennifer Bielman

    Can’t go wrong with Kim Harrison.

  29. Léa Touch Book

    The winner’s crime est trop beauuuuu <3:D

  30. Lily B

    oh wow so lucky, so curious about Jensen Murphy, Ghost for Hire series

  31. kara-karina

    What a haul, D.! LOL I love the look of anomaly ad glad you are finishing Rachel Morgan. I still haven’t read A Perfect Blood :(Enjoy all, sweetheart!

  32. mariska

    OMG!! Those books!! And especially those two written by Kim Harrison. I am jeallous. Enjoy reading all of your new books 😉

    My STS

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