Emma by Jane Austen

Synopsis: ‘I never have been in love; it is not my way, or my nature; and I do not think I ever shall.’

Beautiful, clever, rich – and single – Emma Woodhouse is perfectly content with her life and sees no need for either love or marriage. Nothing, however, delights her more than interfering in the romantic lives of others. But when she ignores the warnings of her good friend Mr Knightley and attempts to arrange a suitable match for her protegee Harriet Smith, her carefully laid plans soon unravel and have consequences that she never expected. With its imperfect but charming heroine and its witty and subtle exploration of relationships, Emma is often seen as Jane Austen’s most flawless work.

Review: I’ve always been attracted to Jane Austen’s novels but I hadn’t read one. I loved the movie adaptations of Pride and Prejudice and I’ve read many novels derived from the story with great pleasure. Yes I can say that it’s an universe that I like. I actually have Pride and Prejudice for years without ultimately having reading it yet. But I know I have to do it !!!! I’ll do it! When I saw the new re-release of Emma, ​​I was immediately attracted. I do not really know about her other novels and I was curious to find out what the author would present us then. And I can tell you that even with some few lengths, I had a great time with this story and I am now even more curious to read her other books.

Emma is a young woman who believes that she will end up alone and independent with enough money from her family to do what she desires. Moreover, it must be said that love does not interest her particularly if it does not concern others. Oh yes, because the girl is determined to mingle with the stories of each to try to create possibly couples and weddings. She develops plans to put her objectives to the test and thus bring two people together. Unfortunately, despite her good intentions, the young woman is not so good and is easily mistaken without realizing it. And even if we understand ourselves soon enough the truth, it’s pretty funny to see how events evolve. But as she does so, she does not realize that she could meet her own half and could well be closer to this person than she thought.

I loved Emma, ​​even if it is true that after seeing that her indiscretions were hurting those around her, she did not abandon her quest. She remains determined at any time and does her best to achieve what she wants to see. It was interesting to see that everyone liked her and that with surprise her father did not particularly pushed her to marry someone. Besides, I’m sure that he would have preferred her to stay with him forever. Then, we discover many characters that we begin to appreciate while following Emma. We have thus Ms. Weston, her former nurse, or Mr Knightley, an old friend of the family who does not hesitate to hold forth with her or even Miss Smith who becomes a dear friend and a confidante. Yes, many of the characters are fun to explore and to see evolve.





39 thoughts on “Emma by Jane Austen

  1. Okay, I’ll admit something and then I’ll pretend I’d never said it and it’s going to be our little secret: I really don’t like Jane Austen. It’s just that I had to read her all the darn time when I was getting my master’s degree and her characters just don’t appeal to me at all. But I understand why she’s so popular and I’m glad you enjoyed Emma.

  2. I’ve always wanted to read one, too. Haven’t seen any, so maybe I should just take the jump and read one? I’ve always been a little intimidated by them, but you’ve seen to have enjoyed this one. 😀

  3. Though not a fan of the so-called classics myself I always enjoying reading the thoughts of others if only to see what they see in the novels/characters that I don’t. Great review, thank you.

  4. I still have not read anything by Jane Austen *hides* which is terrible since i feel like, as a reader, I should primarily read all the classics. LOL. Lovely review Melliane!

  5. I really liked this too but it wasn’t a favorite but still a really good read. I do like the movies adaptations as well, they are all (at least the ones I have seen) pretty good.

  6. I am one of those who wasn’t exaclty over the moon over Pride and Prejudice when I read it in my youth, maybe I need to go back and revisit Austen as an adult, maybe I will have a new appreciation, or not. who knows.

  7. Everyone loves Jane Austen. Emma is great, but my favorite is Mansfield Park. They’re all wonderful and I can’t wait for a few more years to pass, so I can give them to my son to read 🙂 Lovely review <3

  8. Do you know that among all of Austen’s novels, Emma is the one that annoyed me the most? Lol. Emma was such a hard character to like in the beginning – and through most of the novel. I almost feel like her growth kind came too little too late. Glad you enjoyed this one, Melliane!

  9. Oi! I can’t get into classical literature so like any idiot, I watch the movies instead. Why did Gwyneth Paltrow have to make this movie?? I can’t stand her although I did love the scheming parts.

  10. I haven’t read it but I did attempt the movie and to be honest I was bored to tears. My mother tried watching it as well and felt the same way. Maybe it was just that it was Gwyneth Paltrow though!

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