Blood and Sand – C.V. Wyk
The action-packed tale of a 17-year-old warrior princess and a handsome gladiator who dared take on the Roman Republic―and gave rise to the legend of Spartacus…
For teens who love strong female protagonists in their fantasy and historical fiction, Blood and Sand is a stirring, yet poignant tale of two slaves who dared take on an empire by talented debut author C. V. Wyk.
Roma Victrix. The Republic of Rome is on a relentless march to create an empire―an empire built on the backs of the conquered, brought back to Rome as slaves.
Attia was once destined to rule as the queen and swordmaiden of Thrace, the greatest warrior kingdom the world had seen since Sparta. Now she is a slave, given to Xanthus, the Champion of Rome, as a sign of his master’s favor. Enslaved as a child, Xanthus is the preeminent gladiator of his generation.
Against all odds, Attia and Xanthus form a tentative bond. A bond that will spark a rebellion. A rebellion that threatens to bring the Roman Republic to its end―and gives rise to the legend of Spartacus…
Ryan’s Bed – Tijan
I crawled into Ryan Jensen’s bed that first night by accident.
I barely knew him. I thought it was his sister’s bed—her room. It took seconds to realize my error, and I should’ve left…
I didn’t.
I didn’t jump out.
I didn’t get embarrassed.
I relaxed.
And that night, in that moment, it was the only thing I craved.
I asked to stay. He let me, and I slept.
The truth? I never wanted to leave his bed. If I could’ve stayed forever, I would have.
He became my sanctuary.
Because—four hours earlier—my twin sister killed herself.
High Lonesome Sound – Jaye Wells
In the sleepy mountain town of Moon Hollow, Virginia, there is a church with a crooked steeple. No one will say for sure how it got that way, but it’s reason the whole town gathers every Decoration Day to honor the dead.
But this year, there are two fresh graves up on Cemetery Hill, a stranger’s come to town, and the mountain’s song is filled with dark warnings.
The good people of Moon Hollow are about to learn that some secrets are too painful to bear, and some spirits are too restless to stay buried.
The Goal (Off Campus, 4) – Elle Kennedy
Il suffit d’une nuit pour que tout change. Sabrina James est en dernière année de lycée. Elle a depuis longtemps planifié son avenir : obtenir son diplôme, entrer à la fac de droit et décrocher un super-job dans un des plus grands cabinets d’avocats du pays. Elle veut aller de l’avant et oublier son passé. Quand elle croise le beau Tucker, elle n’a à lui offrir qu’une nuit, il ne peut pas faire partie de ses projets. Mais tout va se compliquer… John Tucker, la star du hockey qui ne vit que pour sa passion, va se transformer quand Sabrina lui annonce qu’elle est enceinte. Il compte bien assumer son rôle de futur papa. Mais la jeune fille est têtue et ne veut accepter aucune aide de sa part. Il va falloir toute la ténacité de Tucker pour que, petit à petit, elle lui ouvre son coeur. Saura-t-il convaincre la belle et froide Sabrina que, parfois, mener un projet à deux est plus facile ?
L’homme Craie – C.J. Tudor
Tout avait commencé quand Eddie avait 12 ans. La première fois qu’Eddie avait rencontré l’Homme craie. C’était ce dernier qui avait donné à Eddie l’idée de dessiner à la craie : un moyen de laisser des messages secrets à son groupe d’amis. Et c’était marrant au départ… jusqu’à ce qu’ils découvrent le corps d’une jeune fille… Trente ans plus tard, Eddie pense que le passé est derrière lui. Mais, lorsqu’il reçoit une lettre contenant un morceau de craie et un dessin, il comprend que l’histoire se répète… et que le jeu n’est jamais terminé.
Jessica @ a GREAT read
OOh nice! I’m excited for Jaye’s new book! Though I have a few of her backlist in my TBR pile still! Sooo behind on everything these days! Lol! Blood and Sand is one I keep seeing a lot lately! Hope you enjoy all the new lovelies!
My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
La couverture du roman de Tijan est sublime.
Bonnes lectures.
I want to like that first one, but I fear it is just so YA
Geybie’s Book Blog
Yay, for the Goal. It’s GREAT. Trust me. You’re gonna love it. I hope you enjoy the others as well. Have a wonderful weekend. ❤️
Sophia Rose
The Tijan and Elle Kennedy look great. 🙂 Happy Reading, Melliane!
I’m pretty sure that last one is The Chalk Man – I’m read it now and enjoying it.
Carole Rae
They all look good, but that last one looks the most interesting…
Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum
The only one here I know is Blood and Sand, which I just finished reading, and it wasn’t as good as I’d hoped. But I hope you enjoy all your books!
L’homme craie m’intrigue ! Hâte de découvrir ce que tu en penses !
Bon dimanche 🙂
Il faudrait que je tente High Lonesome Sound, ça a l’air pas mal !
Océane - Entournantlespages
J’ai été complètement conquise par le premier tome de Off-Campus d’Elle Kennedy, j’ai très envie de découvrir les histoires d’amour des amis de Garrett, je pense lire le deuxième tome bientôt !
Ryans bed..not so sure how I feel about that description! Looking forward to your review of it.
Jenea's Book Obsession
Such amazing books this week. I hope they all end up being really good reads for you!
La tête dans les livres
A chaque fois que je vois ce rendez-vous chez toi, les couvertures me font rêver!! Très bonnes lectures 🙂
Satine's books
Beaucoup de choses qui me plaisent. Surtout “L’homme craie” =)
Mary Kirkland
Ryan’s Bed sounds really interesting.
Livre sans fin
Je ne connaissais pas Ryan’s Bed mais j’apprécie beaucoup la plume de l’auteure et il faut dire que la couverture est vraiment très belle !
Ahh il faudrait que je commence la saga off-campus ! (Le premier tome m’attends dans ma PAL)
Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books
I loved The Chalk Man and I am seeing Blood and Sand everywhere. I hope you enjoy all of your new books. Have a great week!
herding cats
Yay Elle Kennedy! Happy reading!
Le résumé de High Lonesome Sound me tente pas mal !
Bonnes futures lectures 🙂
Melanie Simmons
I haven’t seen that Jaye Wells book. I just started the Prospero’s War series. I’ve really enjoyed it so far (I’m two book in). I hope you enjoy all of your books.
Let’s hope we both enjoy Chalk Man! Looking forward to it! Happy reading.
Bonnes lectures à toi !
J’adore la couverture de Ryan’s bed.
Echos de Mots
Non mais Ryan’s Bed l’air tellement fort !
Je me le note celui-là, merci pour la découverte (contente haha) <3