A Pennyworth of Sunshine by Anna Jacobs

The Irish Sisters, Book 1

Synopsis: Keara Michaels doesn’t want to leave her family in Ireland, but fate sends her first to Lancashire, then across the sea to Australia, pregnant and penniless. But danger threatens Keara as she starts the search for her lost sisters.

Review: I really like the novels I’ve read from the author and when I saw the release of a brand new series in French, I didn’t hesitate for long.

This time we are travelling through Ireland and Australia. Keara is a young girl who does everything for her two sisters and her sick mother. Unfortunately, their father also lives with them and it is far from easy. He steals all their money and spends it on drinks, leaving them destitute and without anything to eat. So when Keara is offered a job, she can’t turn it down, even though she knows it will take her away from her family. It’s a very difficult situation for her. But it’s even harder to put up with her mistress and resist her attraction to her master.

At the same time, we also follow Mark, who decides to leave everything to go to Australia and look for gold. But it’s a harder life than he thought.

It was really a great novel and I loved following the story and the characters. But I thought it was a shame that there were formatting problems in the French translation. I can’t wait to see what happens next and what happened to our heroine’s two sisters.


9 thoughts on “A Pennyworth of Sunshine by Anna Jacobs

  1. So sorry you had some problems with the format, but hey, you loved the book as much!

    I don’t think I’ve heard of this series, nor author before. I hope you’ll continue to love the books, despite some minor issues.

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