Holiday Homecoming, Book 1

Synopsis: I can’t believe that I pulled my boss’s name for our company’s annual Secret Santa tradition…

As the devil incarnate, this infuriating, cocky bastard never gives us the holidays off, and he honestly expects us to be grateful for his generous alternative: The Office Party.

It’s a mandatory, all-expenses trip for two weeks at a surprise luxury resort—where we still have to work twelve to fifteen hours a day.

I’m so over this…

So, I put zero percent effort into his gift. I tear the tag off whatever my sister gifts me, add a five-dollar amazon gift card, and hand it off to him.

It’s not until my sister sends me a text that I realize how terrible of a decision that was.

Georgia: Why haven’t you sent me a ‘LOL’ about the brand-new vibrator I got you? I really do hope that you use your boss’s face as a muse, like my note says. 🙂

If that’s not bad enough, this year’s “luxury trip” will be in my hometown–the place I’ve avoided for years. At the resort that my grandmother owns…

If the universe gets me out of this, I will never ‘regift’ anything ever again…

Review: Upon seeing the release of this new novel by Whitney G., I was immediately intrigued by the synopsis. How could I resist it? An insufferable boss, a Christmas party and a short novel? All with a nice touch of humor?

Savannah loves her job, but the person she hates as much as she loves is none other than her boss, and both are workaholics. Difficult as you can imagine. More than that, every year he organizes a Christmas vacation, right in the middle of the holidays, and everyone is required to attend. Our dear heroine tried everything to avoid it, in vain!

As I said, this is a very short novel, but I had a good time. It moves a little fast, but the story is humorous and I loved getting a glimpse of Savannah, Garrett and Georgia. All three are great and it was a pleasure to get to know them.

If you want to have a good time, I can’t recommend this novella enough.


8 thoughts on “The Office Party by Whitney G.

  1. Carole Rae

    Ooooh! This sounds fun!

  2. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I’m enjoying some of these shorter fun novels too.

  3. Sophia Rose

    Oh nice! I’ll keep this one in mind for a holiday read.

  4. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer

    This one is new to me, but sounds delightful! Lovely review!

  5. Blodeuedd

    Short novel for the win!

  6. Felicity Grace Terry

    I must admit the cover doesn’t appeal but given that synopsis this is definitely a book I can see myself enjoying. Perhaps a read for this year’s Christmas Reading Challenge – its certainly very different.

  7. Carole @ Carole's Random Life

    This sounds like a great short romantic read. Great review!

  8. Lover of Romance

    I am not really wanting to read this one due to the cover, but I do like the author so I am intrigued.

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