Synopsis: Beth, Ginny, Kirsten, and Anna are all set for a holiday of sun, sea, and frolics. The four have been friends since college and now, as Ginny is about to get married to Tony—Beth’s first love from university—it’s time to catch up, reminisce, and maybe indulge in a holiday romance or two. But the bars, clubs, and beaches of their imaginings are a far cry from the slow, quiet pace of life on Liminaki, and with nothing better to do, the girls find themselves spending far too much time in each other’s company. As the tension rises, old rivalries are reignited and the truth about their lives begins to surface. Ginny really isn’t sure about Tony. Tony thinks he still loves Beth. Beth is falling in love with Greg. Kirsten refuses to tell Jack about her visa problems, and Anna is finally convinced she has found true love. Can it all be sorted out in two short weeks?
Review: This novel counts us the story of four young women while going on vacation on an island that is far from what they would have thought. Yet each girl is revealed there and we can therefore learn about them all. Indeed, although at first glance they seem happy, they’ve gone through a lot. We follow the four of them including Beth, a young woman who wants to love the right man and hope to have a story worthy of a fairy tale.
With the hope of a paradisiacal holiday, for a nice meeting between friends, our young heroines are far from what they wanted. Between Ginny and her marriage, Kirsten and her constant sadness or Beth and her search for true love, they have a lot in minds. I was curious to see what would happen to each and I confess that it was difficult for me to like Ginny. We soon realize that she compensates her lacks but that does not make her more friendly … I also struggled to understand how the girls were able to stay with her after what she did to them. I was also really curious to understand what happened to Kirsten. She is always closed, and does not want to share her troubles and it is true that I was quite surprised when I learned the truth as I did not expect such a revelation. After that, it is true that I really enjoyed Beth even though it hard to understand what she really wanted.
It was a cute story without any brainstorming. It’s not a wonderful one, and it’s true that I sometimes had the impression that the author wanted to begin many interesting points without really going through everything or too quickly. It’s a shame because I had a great desire to understand a little more what was going on and I’m still a bit unsatisfied. But it is nevertheless a good break between two books and we can only wish many beautiful things to our heroines. This is quite a good story if you want a reading something during the summer vacation.
Sometimes I like cute without much else 😉
I am glad you enjoyed it, but certainly not a book for me.