Synopsis: Bella has given up on men. Happily divorced, her latest boyfriend just omitted to tell her about his current wife, so she’s back on her own again. Then her ex-husband turns up, wanting to sell the family home in which she and their two teenage children are well settled.

But all their lives are changed when a television company rents the house for a reality TV fashion makeover programme. Against her better judgment Bella finds herself taking part in the programme, and while she learns a little bit too much about what really goes on behind the scenes, she also discovers that love can appear in the most unexpected places…

Review: I admit that the French cover of this book attracted me immediately when I saw it, so when I read the summary and found it quite nice, I thought I had to try the story and see how it would be.

Bella is a young woman who had very little luck in love and each of her relationship ends disastrously. After her last break up, the return of her ex-husband who is determined to sell their old house where she lives precisely, her boss who greatly reduces her budget and her mother who decides to come home, she does not know where to head. But that’s not all, so when Saul, a charming producer asked her to be part of a reality show makeover, she happily accepts to escape her everyday life. But she did not expect to fall in love with this man … especially if her story turns like all the others. We also follow the story of her daughter Molly and her boyfriend Giles in their little love story. Or even the story of her mother and Dennys, this so mysterious man.

It was a cute story and I really sympathized to Bella as her life is really not easy. I loved getting to know her and see her story unfold with Saul. But I admit that I think it was a bit too easy and they fall madly in love with each other a little too quickly for it to be credible. But each character has a little something that interests us and although many things are pretty mundane, the story is really nice and fun to read for the holidays.

So it was a lovely book with some fun characters to follow.



5 thoughts on “The look of Love by Judy Astley

  1. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Oh sounds like a cute book. Too bad about the insta love, but it still seemed to work despite it.

  2. blodeuedd

    I do like chick-lit 🙂

  3. brandileigh2003

    This does sound cute, and glad to hear that you could emphatize with the mc

  4. Melissa (My words and pages)

    I have to say I’m liking this cover as well. 🙂 And so glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

  5. aurian

    This sounds like a fun chick lit. I do hope the ex husband does not get their house sold from under them though.

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