Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s ReviewsChamp de Tir (Promose Fall, 4) – Linwood Barclay Quand des citoyens justiciers sèment la terreur dans une petite bourgade américaine… Meurtres, complots et coups tordus : à Promise Falls, on ne badine pas […]
Shelley @ Gizmos Reviews
We totally need to discuss this book once you start reading. I am definitely anticipating some really interesting things happening in this book!
Jennifer Bielman
Haven’t read the series but it sounds good.
Jessica @ Rabid Reads
Lucky girl! I can’t wait to read this. Edie is hilarious 😉
Janina @ Synchronized Reading
I’ve not heard of this series before, but I hope you enjoy the book 🙂 Have a great weekend!
My Haul!
Bloodshifted was totally awesome, D.! You are in for a treat 🙂 Enjoy!
Jessica @ a GREAT read
OOh nice! Haven’t read this series either but it’s always one I consider one day!
My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower 🙂
Bob @ Beauty in Ruins
Interesting addition – here’s how I’m Stacking the Shelves.
Vickie (Under The Mountain)
This one seems really cute for some reason! I think it’s the little fangs. I haven’t seen this series before – happy reading!
Under The Mountain
et dire que je pensais enfin être à jour dans cette série… les délais entre les parutions sont vraiment courts mais cela semble devenir de plus en plus intéressant
lol à la fin on est jamais à jour.
Cindy's Love of Books
This series sounds really good. I will have to check it out enjoy
Tsuki @ Tsuki's Books
I haven’t heard of this one but happy reading!
Tsuki’s STS
This is the first I’ve seen this series! Looks good! Happy reading 🙂
Congrats! I have the first couple of books in this series and have been meaning to read them. So many books…
Haven’t read this series but it’s up to 5 so you must be enjoying it! Awesome new addition to your shelves this week 🙂
You read so many books that are new to me, so interesting!
Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
Happy reading 🙂 My STS
anna@herding cats & burning soup
Ooo new one to me. Looks good!
Sounds good 😀
Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf
I haven’t heard of Bloodshifted yet, but it sounds fabulous! I’ll definitely have to add it to my TBR list if you end up enjoying it! Thanks for sharing and happy reading!
Braine Talk Supe
Edie Spence is already book 5?!?! Grrr!!!
Lily B
have not read this series yet, looks like a lot of fun
Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
I’ve never heard of this, but I hope you enjoy it! It’s got a cool cover. (:
Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
michelle A - Novels On The Run
I don’t know this series or author. Thanks for sharing 😀
Jeann @ Happy Indulgence
First time I’ve heard of this but I hope you enjoy it, looks like a decent paranormal read 😀
I haven’t heard of this series before, but it sounds good! Hope you enjoy the read, Melliane 😀
Haven’t heard of the series but enjoy! Thanks for stopping by mine earlier! 🙂
Bloodsoaked looks good Melliane, hope you enjoy it.
Sweet. I love winning whole trilogies/series. Hope you enjoy these.