Synopsis: Walter Mosley’s talent knows no bounds. Inside a Silver Box continues to explore the cosmic questions entertainingly discussed in his Crosstown to Oblivion. From life’s meaning to the nature of good and evil, Mosley takes readers on a speculative journey beyond reality.
In Inside a Silver Box, two people brought together by a horrific act are united in a common cause by the powers of the Silver Box. The two join to protect humanity from destruction by an alien race, the Laz, hell-bent on regaining control over the Silver Box, the most destructive and powerful tool in the universe. The Silver Box will stop at nothing to prevent its former master from returning to being, even if it means finishing the earth itself.
Thanks to the publisher you can win a copy of Inside a Silver Box. The giveaway is open to US & CAN only.
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That sounds pretty interesting! Happy Monday!
This one sounds pretty interesting, love that cover too!!
Hey this looks pretty awesome. Thanks for sharing this giveaway!
Thanks so much for the giveaway Deliah!
Another great cover and anything with aliens, end of times, and a possible couple for romance has me curious! Thanks for the lovely giveaway 🙂
This one sound good. Thank you for this giveaway.
Sounds like a read with huge potential, I’m certainly intrigued reading the synopsis.
How did I miss this series?!? Also, so not fair about the US/CAN only! C’mon, you’re stuck in Europe (just like me). Et tu, Brute? 😀
lol sorry, it’s the publisher not me.
Sounds like an interesting read and I can’t resist aliens. Thanks for the giveaway.
I’ve never read anything by this author, but this sounds quite interesting. Love the cover.
OOo! Sign me up!
This is different and I am curious, thanks for sharing it!
Oh, I heard about this one the other day. It sounds interesting! Thanks for the giveaway!
oh nice 🙂 I LOVE THE COVER. But I’m not into sci-fi, really. I mean, I still try it, but I rarely like it. But I just keep on trying… yeah. Good luck to everyone!!
Thanks for the giveaway!