Darkhaven, Book 2

Synopsis: In Darkhaven, peace doesn’t last long.

Ayla Nightshade has ruled Darkhaven for three years. With the help of Tomas Caraway, her Captain of the Helm, she has overcome her father’s legacy to find new confidence in herself and her unusual shapeshifting abilities.

Yet three years ago, a discovery was made that could have profound consequences for the Nightshade line: a weapon exists that can harm even the powerful creatures they turn into. And now, that knowledge has fallen into the wrong hands.

An assassin is coming for Ayla, and will stop at nothing to see her dead.

Review: I enjoyed the first volume of the Ayla’s adventures and it’s true that I was curious to see what happened to her after the end of the novel which put her on the throne of Darkhaven. It must be said that the end of the previous novel was not necessarily very gay, and our heroine was left with many consequences to be considered.

Three years have passed, although I confess that I have not really felt it at the beginning the novel and Ayla is always there to govern with the help of her lover, Tomas. But now, the enemies are legion, and it appears that they now know how to put the woman dowm to take her throne. With the characters we have previously discovered, such as Naeve, our heroes will learn that an assassin was sent to kill Ayla. The whole story turns on this fact and more precisely on Tomas’ investigation while following the tracks and it is true that the revelations still managed to surprise me at the end regarding the culprit.

I enjoyed the novel and I had a great time with the story as well as the investigation even if it’s true that I found some passages a little long. Yet this is not really disturbing because the dynamics of the book makes us really want to know more and to know the truth about what is happening. We also focuse on the recruits of the Helm trying to understand who is the killer between them. Thus we take pleasure in discovering the different characters, some with deep resentment toward Darkhaven and it was interesting to see how they evolved gradually.

We also go back in time a few times to understand how our characters got there. In any case, it’s nice to see Ayla, Tomas and Marlon (you will discover who he is) together and see that they finally got to create a life that suits them even if it is true that the determination of Ayla and her desire for freedom are sometimes dangerous.

A nice second volume as the first one.




19 thoughts on “Goldenfire by A.F.E. Smith

  1. blodeuedd

    I do want to try this series one day 🙂

    1. Melliane

      it’s quite fun

  2. Silvia

    I must say, I’m intrigued! Glad you found this a nice second instalment, I’ll keep the series in mind 🙂

    1. Melliane

      yes I’m curious for more

  3. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    Such a pretty cover! Love the style of it and the colors:) I haven’t read the first book, but I’m glad to see this was a solid enough follow up and didn’t suffer from any kind of second book syndrome!

    1. Melliane

      yes it was a nice second book

  4. kindlemom1

    Sorry this dragged in places but it still sounds like you liked it and had a nice time with it. I love that crazy cover!

    1. Melliane

      yes it was a good sequel

  5. LilyElement

    Sounds like a good sequel to book one! Glad you enjoyed. Loving that cover too!

  6. Lekeisha

    It’s good that this isn’t one of those sequels that completely take a different turn, despite having little problems here and there. Great review!

    1. Melliane

      no for that it was well done

  7. ShootingStarsMag

    I’m glad you liked this one overall. It’s never fun to have parts in books that are too long or drag, but it sounds like you did okay with them.

    1. Melliane

      yes I know, I felt them a lot but well in the end it was ok

  8. Heidi

    I like the cover. I also appreciate when the second book holds up to the first, that makes the series worth reading.

  9. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    I have the first book of this but haven’t read it yet. I remember it well though, because it had the very gorgeous cover of the winged unicorn on it. I’m going to have get cracking on it soon!

    1. Melliane

      I hope you’ll like it if you try it

  10. Carole Rae

    Not for me. 🙁 But it does sound like fun!

  11. Carole Rae

    Not for me. 🙁 But it does sound like fun!

  12. Lola @ Hit or Miss Books

    Wow, three years? That’s a lot of time.

    Glad you were surprised!!


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