Renzo + Lucia, Book 1

Synopsis: They didn’t come from the same world …

Born rich to a family of mafia royalty, Lucia Marcello was already destined to succeed. She wanted for absolutely nothing, until she met him.

Born poor to parents who never cared, Renzo Zulla was already destined to fail. He has struggled for absolutely everything, but she’ll prove to be his biggest fight yet.

She’s high society from the upscale suburbs.
He’s a drug dealer from New York’s slums.

They just weren’t meant to be … until they were.

What would it take to change a life—an entire perspective? All the things you thought you knew and wanted?

For them, it took thirty-six days.
And the privilege of meeting each other.

They shouldn’t be.
They don’t fit.
Love doesn’t care.

Review: After loving discovering Andino and Haven in Vow and Duty, I was eager to discover another story of the author and how to resist a novel featuring John’s sister, which we see so much in the duology? More than that, we also meet with Lucian again (in many scenes) but also Gio, Andino or John at a few moments. It was really a real pleasure to see them again!

Lucia has always been the little princess of the Marcello family, the last born, the one everyone pampered. Yet, despite everything she has, she also lives in a golden cage that won’t let her go, let alone let her growing up. Besides, Lucian doesn’t want to understand it. However, until then, she always did what she was told, without ever complaining, until she met him… Renzo. Ah Renzo, who does everything for his family, who had a difficult life since birth and who does the best he can! Renzo who comes from a completely different world than Lucia’s… and yet. But this is not a simple story, far from it, and they will have to decide if they are able to stay together.

I really had a great time with this novel. I didn’t expect the characters to be at least eighteen years old, but it allows us to see Lucia change from the quiet little girl to a woman who makes her own choices. Renzo and Lucia are evolving, opening up and it was very touching to see them together. I loved discovering them and I am really looking forward to reading more! This novel being the first of a trilogy, I am curious to read the second one now! Bethany-Kris is really an author to follow!

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9 thoughts on “Privilege by Bethany-Kris + Giveaway

  1. Sophia Rose

    I haven’t read a good mafia romance in a while. Thanks for putting this one on my radar, Melliane!

    1. Melliane

      she writes great mafia books

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  3. blodeuedd

    I always like a good mafia book

  4. Carole Rae

    I like when we get to see them young and grow up

  5. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Oh nice, a mafia romance. I guess that it makes more sense that the characters are over 18 in that case 😀

  6. Ayane

    Je ne comprends pas du tout l’anglais mais en tout cas la couverture est sublime je trouve 🙂

  7. Melanie Simmons

    I’ve never read a mafia romance. Maybe one day I will try one. Glad you enjoyed this one.

  8. Anne

    I’m glad you enjoy this one. It’s not what I usually read, sometimes for romantic suspense though. Anne – Books of My Heart

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