Synopsis: Judith, in her mid-thirties and single, meets Hannes when he steps on her foot in a crowded supermarket. Before long he turns up in the exclusive little lighting boutique that Judith runs with the help of her assistant Bianca.

Hannes is an architect – single and in the prime of life. Not only is he every mother-in-law’s dream, but Judith’s friends are also bowled over by him. At first Judith revels in being put on a pedestal by this determined man who seems to have eyes only for her. But as time goes by, she finds his constant displays of affection increasingly wearying and his intensive attention becomes oppressive and overwhelming.

In the end she feels cornered, controlled and stifled. All her attempts to get him out of her life fail. He seems to follow her all the way into her dreams, and when she wakes up he’s already waiting on her doorstep to pamper her afresh…

Review: Celine had given me this novel and I was curious, after having it for some time in my TBR pile, to read it. It’s not a very thick book, so it’s easy to finish it fast enough.

It’s a rather different and intriguing story that the author proposes here. This is the story of Judith and Hannes. A story that begins perfectly, although this guy is a little too insistent for her liking. But everyone loves hil, he is so good … But now, is Hannes the one he claims to be? Or is she crazy?

I was really curious to discover the answers to these questions. We doubt with Judith, we wonder what exactly is happening. It’s hard to understand, it’s hard to see her going through all these events and we hope things will work out. On the other hand, I must admit that I remain a little on my hunger with this end. I have the impression that with all that happened, my final was stolen. I would have liked more explanations I think.

6 thoughts on “Forever Yours by Daniel Glattauer

  1. Mary Kirkland

    Yeah he started to sound a bit too much. I hate a pushy guy.

  2. Sophia Rose

    It does get me curious what is going on with them. Bummer about the ending for you.

  3. Joy // Joyousreads

    Aw. It sounds like you were dissatisfied with this book. Oh well, you can’t love them all, right?

  4. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Yeah it sounds a bit on the confusing side.

  5. Carole Rae

    Yea – it does sound a touch confusing. Sometimes more explanations are needed for books like these

  6. blodeuedd

    Interesting, though not sure if for me

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