Blog Tour: Safe from Harm by Kate SeRine (Giveaway)

Protect and Serve, Book 2

Synopsis: There’s something about prosecuting attorney Elle McCoy that Deputy Gabe Dawson just can’t get enough of. Even with Gabe’s family legacy in law enforcement and promising career, Elle’s smart, sassy rejection of all his charm makes Gabe want her even more.

But Gabe’s confidence is shaken when he’s shot on the steps of the courthouse, protecting Elle from a terrorist intent on revenge. Worse, Elle isn’t out of danger yet. But as they race to counter the terrorist’s next move, Gabe determines to prove to Elle—and himself—that he’s a man worthy of her.

Review: I liked the first book in the series and it’s true that I was curious to get into a new one. Admittedly, Kate Serine presents a very good sequel and I was happy to discover Elle and Gabe!

A family is terrorizing the city, but no one seems able to do anything against them. Yet everything gets worst when one of them kills Gabe’s partner at a party in a bar. The trial appears to strengthen their grip when they lose and vow revenge for what they have experienced. To stay alive, Gabe and Elle will have to join forces to understand what is really happening and to stop the events that worsen gradually.

I will not say more about the plot not too spoil the story but this is a new good novel. It’s quite surprising to see such an unhealthy atmosphere here with this family which eventually creates a sort of cult followed by many. It’s impressive to see what Jeb, the head of the family, is willing to do to bring down the other family he considers enemy.

In short, it is difficult to say that but Jeb does not hesitate to sacrifice his family to achieve his objectives and is even willing to be violent. He’s a completely crazy but it’s true that it’s fascinating to see his limits and especially what Elle and Gabe would be willing to do to stop them. The relationship between the two is rather touching, we see it evolve gradually until something more tenuous appears.

You’ll understand, we have a good plot, a different atmosphere and a couple that is fun to read about. Yes, it’s a good discovery.




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Gabe started awake, throwing off the covers and bolting to his feet. Pain shot up and down his leg as soon as he made contact with the floor, making him groan through clenched teeth and follow it up with a juicy curse.


“I’ll just come back later.”

His gaze shot up to see Elle standing inside the doorway, gorgeous eyes wide, her peaches-and-cream skin flushed an alluring shade of pink that deepened as he gaped at her. When she dropped her gaze, turning first left, then right, as if forgetting where the door was, he suddenly realized his bare ass was hanging out of the back of his hospital gown giving her quite an eyeful.

“No, that’s okay,” he said in a rush. “Come on in.”

He straightened quickly, wincing with the sudden movement, belatedly realizing his wound apparently hadn’t affected other areas of his anatomy and he was sporting some serious morning wood, which was pitching one helluva tent beneath the thin cotton gown.

He cursed again and dropped down on the bed, throwing the blanket over his lower body in one quick motion and trying unsuccessfully to suppress another groan. He squeezed his eyes shut for a second until the wave of agony passed. When he opened them again, he was surprised to see Elle standing before him, her gaze searching his face.

“Are you okay?” she asked, her hand coming up to cup his jaw. The gentle warmth of her palm sent a chill through him, making him shudder. Her hand immediately dropped away at the response, mistakenly thinking her touch was unwanted when, in fact, he desperately he craved it. “I’ll get the nurse.”

When she reached for the call button hanging near the head of the bed, he gently grasped her wrist and drew her hand away. “Leave it. I’m fine.”

She swallowed and dropped her gaze briefly to their hands, looking like she wanted to bolt and rid herself of his touch. He almost released her, saddened that she found the contact so unwanted. But then he felt her pulse quicken beneath his fingertips.

So maybe it wasn’t revulsion she was feeling after all…

When her gaze drifted back up to his, he decided to test his new theory and let his thumb slowly smooth over her skin. “How are you?” he asked softly.

She gave him a tremulous smile and, God help him, he damned near dragged her into his arms and kissed her. But he managed to restrain himself as she said, “Shaken up a bit. But no lasting harm.”

He narrowed his eyes at that, not believing her for a second. “You sure about that, honey?”

“I’ll be okay,” she assured him, nodding a little, her lips pressed together as if she was trying to convince herself of the truth of her words. “It’s just…” She sighed. “I almost died yesterday.”

There it was. The truth they both needed to face. Elle was no fool. Hell, she was brilliant as far as he was concerned. She must’ve known as certainly as he did how close they’d both come to losing their lives the previous day. So there was no denying her words, no use trying to convince her she was mistaken.

“Yeah,” he said, still caressing her pulse point. “You sleep at all last night?”

She shook her head, her eyes beginning to glisten with unshed tears. “No. All I could see when I closed my eyes was—” Her words broke off when her voice hitched with emotion.

Ah hell.

He slipped his hand into the thick waves of hair at the base of her neck and pulled her toward him. Every inch of him—especially those hidden under the blanket—longed to kiss her, but at the last moment, he pressed his lips to her forehead in a lingering kiss.

He didn’t know what to say to make her feel better. It wasn’t like that time when Todd Jenkins had broken up with her a week before the homecoming dance and Gabe had hinted to Chris that maybe he should ask her. Or the time her biggest rival was made editor of the school yearbook and he’d broken into her locker before school to leave her flowers (anonymously, of course). Or the time he’d given Aaron Maguire a fat lip when that asshole had gotten a little grabby with Elle in spite of her saying no loud and clear. Or the time he’d driven two hours to the college she was attending to fix her car on the sly because her aunt Charlotte had mentioned that it wasn’t running and Elle refused to ask for the money to fix it.

He’d been secretly looking out for Elle for as long as he had known her, never letting on that he was the one, never asking for anything in return. Knowing she was safe and happy was enough. But he was at a loss on how to comfort her this time, when they were very literally face to face.

He’d never known how to deal with a woman when she was upset. He supposed he got that from his father, who wasn’t exactly the most nurturing guy. Normally, Gabe bailed when things got serious enough with a woman that she was actually sharing emotions. Okay, to be honest, he usually bailed way before that. But seeing Elle looking lost and afraid brought out a protective urge in him that he’d never really experienced with anyone else—not to this extent, anyway.

He could lie and say she’d be fine in a few days. But the truth was, it might be something that haunted her far longer. God knew he had plenty of nightmares—some of them walked and talked and dropped by for a visit in his hospital room in the middle of the night.

Elle’s hand came up to rest lightly on his chest, and he felt her breath quicken as tension began to build in the air between them. “Thank you for saving my life,” she whispered. She pulled back enough that their faces were just inches apart. And for a moment, he thought she might actually kiss him. The look in her eyes told him she was considering it, which shocked the hell out of him…


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Safe from Harm de Kate SeRine (VO)

Protect and Serve, Tome 2

Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Il y a quelque chose au sujet du procureur Elle McCoy dont le député Gabe Dawson ne peut pas se passer. Même avec l’héritage de la famille de Gabe pour la loi et sa carrière prometteuse, le rejet impertinent d’Elle de son charme donne à Gabe encore plus envie de la séduire.

Mais la confiance de Gabe est secouée quand on lui tire dessus sur les marches du palais de justice, protégeant Elle d’une intention de vengeance. Pire, Elle n’est pas encore hors de danger. Mais dans leur course pour contrer le prochain mouvement terroriste, Gabe est déterminé à prouver à Elle et lui-même qu’il est un homme digne d’elle.

Avis : J’avais bien aimé le premier tome de la série et c’est vrai que j’étais curieuse de me lancer dans la suite. Il faut dire que Kate Serine nous présente un très bon nouveau volet et j’étais contente de découvrir Elle et Gabe !

Une famille terrorise la ville mais personne ne semble capable de faire quoi que ce soit contre eux. Pourtant, tout empire quand un de leur proche tue le partenaire de Gabe lors d’une soirée dans un bar. Le procès semble raffermir leur emprise quand ils perdent et jurent de se venger pour tout ce qu’ils ont vécu. Pour tous les faire tomber, Gabe et Elle vont devoir unir leurs forces et comprendre ce qu’il se passe réellement et arrêter les évènements qui empirent petit à petit.

Je ne vais pas en dire plus sur l’intrigue pour ne pas trop spoiler mais c’est un nouveau bon roman. C’est assez surprenant de voir une ambiance aussi malsaine ici avec cette famille qui crée finalement une sorte de culte que beaucoup suivent. C’est impressionnant de voir ce que Jeb le chef de famille est prêt à faire pour faire tomber la famille qu’il considère comme ennemie.

Bref, c’est assez difficile à dire mais Jeb n’hésite à sacrifier les membres de sa famille pour atteindre ses objectifs et même à être violent. C’est quelqu’un de complètement fou mais c’est vrai que c’est fascinant d’un côté de voir ses limites et surtout de voir ce qu’Elle et Gabe seraient prêts à faire pour les arrêter. La relation entre les deux est d’ailleurs assez touchante, on la voit évoluer petit à petit jusqu’à ce que quelque chose de plus ténu apparaisse.

Vous l’aurez compris, une bonne intrigue, une ambiance différente et un couple que l’on prend plaisir à lire. Oui, c’est une bonne découverte.



Stop at Nothing by Kate Serine

Protect and Serve, Book 1

Synopsis: When a high-profile investigation goes wrong, FBI Agent Kyle Dawson is transferred back home where he is forced to confront his demons…and the only woman he ever loved. Three years ago, Kyle and Abby Morrow shared a wild, passionate summer—then Abby broke his heart.


Kyle never stopped loving Abby. So when Abby uncovers evidence of a human-trafficking ring, leading to her sister’s kidnapping, he swears he’ll stop at nothing to bring her sister home and keep Abby safe. Caught in a lethal game of cat and mouse and blindsided by their own explosive desires, they must set aside the past before it’s too late.

Review: I enjoyed the fairy tales series by Kate Serine and it’s true that when I heard about a new, suspense romance story, I admit that I was curious to find out more about it. And in a totally different note, I spent a great time with the story.

We discover Kyle, a FBI agent who is forced after a case to leave and go back to work in his native country. This is not necessarily something nice for him because he has to face his family and his father that he left in pretty bad terms or even the girl he has never stopped loving but who also broke his heart. But their reunion will be far from what they both thought… Indeed, it seems that the young woman had fallen of something terrible while working for a client, a human beings traffic story, and those responsible are not very happy about this leak. It is in this context that our heroine’s sister, Abby, is kidnapped and that Kyle and the young woman will have to team up to understand what exactly is happening. Yet it may well be that this story surpasses her completely and put them all in danger.

I was quickly caught by all events. It was indeed interesting to follow our heroes trying to determine the truth behind the story. I suspected some facts but I also enjoyed seeing how it all unfolded. Many parts enter the fray here and we remain attentive to understand what each character brings to the story. In any case, I took pleasure in discovering Kyle, to see him try to make Abby fall in love with him, to help her and be there whatever happens. We can also see him facing his family and realize that he did not know what was happening in reality. Then we also have Abby… we therefore discover her history, why she left Kyle, her desire to protect her family and to find out what exactly happened. These are two characters very easy to appreciate and I am curious now to see what the author will introduce us in Volume 2.




Stop at Nothing de Kate Serine (VO)

Protect and Serve, Tome 1

Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Quand une enquête de grande envergure tourne mal, l’agent du FBI Kyle Dawson est transféré chez lui où il est forcé de faire face à ses démons … et la seule femme qu’il n’ait jamais aimée. Il y a trois ans, Kyle et Abby Morrow ont partagé un été sauvage et passionné avant qu’Abby ne lui brise le cœur.

Maintenant elle besoin de son aide

Kyle n’a jamais cessé d’aimer Abby. Ainsi, lorsqu’Abby découvre des preuves une piste sur une traite d’êtres humains, conduisant à l’enlèvement de sa sœur, il jure qu’il ne rien ne l’arrêtera pour retrouver la sœur d’Abby et la garder en sécurité. Pris dans un jeu mortel du chat et de la souris et aveuglés par leurs propres désirs explosifs, ils doivent mettre de côté le passé avant qu’il ne soit trop tard.

Avis : J’avais beaucoup apprécié la série de contes de fées de Kate Serine et c’est vrai que quand j’ai entendu parler d’une nouvelle, de romance à suspense, j’avoue que j’ai été curieuse d’en découvrir plus. Et dans un registre totalement différent, j’ai passé un très bon moment avec l’histoire.

On découvre Kyle, un agent du FBI, qui est contraint après une affaire l’obsédant de repartir travailler dans sa contré natale. Ce n’est pas forcément quelque chose d’agréable pour lui car il doit affronter sa famille et son père qu’il a quitté dans d’assez mauvais termes ou encore la fille qu’il n’a jamais cessé d’aimer mais qui lui a brisé le cœur. Pourtant leurs retrouvailles vont être bien loin de ce qu’ils pensaient tous les deux… En effet, il semblerait que la jeune femme soit tombée lors d’un travail pour un client sur une histoire de trafic d’êtres humains et les personnes responsables ne sont pas très contentes de cette fuite. C’est dans ce cadre que la sœur de notre héroïne, Abby, est enlevée et que Kyle et la jeune femme vont devoir faire équipe pour comprendre ce qu’il se passe exactement. Pourtant, il se pourrait bien que cette histoire les surpasse complètement et les mettent tous en danger.

J’ai été assez vite happée par tous les événements. C’était, en effet, intéressant de suivre nos héros pour essayer de déterminer la vérité derrière l’histoire. Je me suis doutée de certains faits par ailleurs mais j’ai beaucoup apprécié de voir comment le tout se déroulait. De nombreuses parties entrent en lice ici et on reste attentif pour comprendre ce chaque personnage amène à l’histoire. Dans tous les cas, j’ai pris plaisir à découvrir Kyle, à le voir essayer de faire tomber Abby amoureuse de lui, à l’aider et à être présent quoi qu’il se passe. On le voit aussi affronter sa famille et se rendre compte qu’il ne connaissait pas tout ce qu’il se passait en réalité et puis il y a Abby. On découvre aussi son histoire, la raison pour laquelle elle a laissé partir Kyle, son envie de protéger sa famille et de découvrir ce qu’il se passe exactement. Ce sont deux personnages qu’il est très facile d’apprécier et je suis curieuse maintenant ce que l’auteure va nous présenter pour le tome 2.

