Vehicle city Vampires, Book 1 Synopsis: Anwyn Rose is descended from a long line of powerful witches yet she can barely cast spells young witchlings have mastered. She has one functioning witch gift, the power of knowing, which she puts to good use as a Detective on Flint’s Preternatural Investigation Team (aka the P.I.T. Crew)It’s …
Hex and the Single Witch de Roxanne Rhoads (VO)
Vehicle City Vampires, Tome 1 Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Anwyn Rose est la descendante d’une longue lignée de puissantes sorcières mais elle peut à peine jeter des sorts que les jeunes ont maîtrisés. Elle a un don qui fonctionne parfaitement, le pouvoir de connaître, qu’elle met à profit en tant que détective pour l’équipe d’Enquête …
Stacking the Shelves #21
Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews Grab the Code Stygian’s Honor (Breeds, 27) – Lora Leigh Window Rock, Arizona, is the last known location of Honor Roberts, who vanished when she was just thirteen. It was her only sanctuary from the Breed research that would surely have ended in her death—one …