Q: Do you read one book at a time or do you switch back and forth between two or more?
Well, I always read two books at once, one ebook and one print format. It’s finally easier like that for me. I just need to not mix the stories lol. But I don’t read more at a time.
Ah, someone else with the problem of mixing up the stories! I don’t usually read one e-book and one print at a time, but sometimes I do read more than one.
I think it’s sometimes difficult when you read a lot of books in the same genre. But it’s rare I mix the story, but it may happen.
Oh, I’m always in the middle of a zillion books! Concentrating on two or three at a time, hah. I don’t normally have a problem keeping them separate, although I do try not to read more than one dystopian at a time, PNR at a time, etc. 🙂
Wendy @ The Midnight Garden
you’re right it’s more clever like that lol.
Oh the joys of getting muddled up when it comes to plots! I find that reading books of very different genres helps with keeping things straight in my head. But once I’ve finished the book I find I’ll soon start thinking of certain scenes from another book and think that they were part of this particular book. It’s very confusing!
My FF.
it’s funny sometimes to know separate the stories. I need to do the same but I know it would be difficult.
Seeing a lot of that! I like it just one book at a time!
Here’s my Friday Hops
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower 🙂
I don’t read more than 2 at a time either. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy Friday to you, too.
_yay_: FollowFriday
I do that sometimes as well, but mostly one book at a time is good for me.
Have a great weekend!
The Musings of ALMYBNENR
I seldomly read more than one book at a time when it comes to fiction novels, but mainly because I’m a fast reader and finish one in one sitting, then start the next one! 🙂
Patricia // My FF
I read the two of them in one week for me, so it’s nice too like that.
Thanks so much for stopping by. 😀 I made sure to follow.
I’m a new follower, GFC and linky love the blog.
Two’s a good number of books, but I do often get mixed up reading more than one at a time…
lol I think it’s impressive to read more than that.
I honestly wish I could read more than one book at a time! Thanks for stopping by!
Two is the perfect number for how many books to read at a time, Mel! 🙂 I don’t usually get there because I have a condition (that really feels a lot like some sort of disease) where I have to finish an awesome book the night I start it LOL x) But for those rare cases when it takes me a couple days, reading more than two at a time can get kind of confusing haha!
Awesome answer, Mel! I hope you have a fantastic Friday! 🙂 <3
Yep… when I’m not reviewing books, I read several books at once. I’ve been doing one at a time lately so I don’t get confused (well, except for the read a longs.. LOL).
Happy Weekend!!
I do that every once in a while, but I do prefer just one 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, old follower!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Old follower.
I like to read a real book and kindle book at once…and then usually another couple that I own and a couple library books LOL Thanks for visiting My FF! Old follower.
Hi Melliane 🙂
Thank you for visiting my FF!!! I would have totally visited you sooner but I’ve been under the weather and the last two days I’ve had a horrible headache, so I posted my FF last night and went to bed…so I didn’t participate, but thank you for thinking about me! Have a fantastic weekend!!! XOXO
I hope you’re better today… thanks you.
Reading more than two books at once can be overwhelming! And I read slower that way, so I agree with you completely. Thanks for stopping by!
Agnieszka @ Nook of Books
Hopping by to say have a great weekend!
Old Email follower 🙂
The Muggle
Check out my Giveaway of Infinity
Two is all I can handle as well.
Old follower, just stopping by to say hey and hope you have a great weekend!
Ninja Girl
Hi there, thanks for stopping by 🙂 I read quite a few books at a time normally and only the one if it’s great!
I usually read a book at a time. If I get a second one to read without finishing the other one it’s because I’m losing interest on it and need a break to make my mind on keep reading it or just give up totally on it…
Murphy’s Library