Follow Friday is a blog hop Hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read

Q: Do you read one book at a time or do you switch back and forth between two or more? 
Well, I always read two books at once, one ebook and one print format. It’s finally easier like that for me. I just need to not mix the stories lol. But I don’t read more at a time.


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28 commentaire

  1. Oh the joys of getting muddled up when it comes to plots! I find that reading books of very different genres helps with keeping things straight in my head. But once I’ve finished the book I find I’ll soon start thinking of certain scenes from another book and think that they were part of this particular book. It’s very confusing!

    My FF.

  2. I seldomly read more than one book at a time when it comes to fiction novels, but mainly because I’m a fast reader and finish one in one sitting, then start the next one! 🙂

    Patricia // My FF

  3. Two is the perfect number for how many books to read at a time, Mel! 🙂 I don’t usually get there because I have a condition (that really feels a lot like some sort of disease) where I have to finish an awesome book the night I start it LOL x) But for those rare cases when it takes me a couple days, reading more than two at a time can get kind of confusing haha!

    Awesome answer, Mel! I hope you have a fantastic Friday! 🙂 <3

  4. Hi Melliane 🙂

    Thank you for visiting my FF!!! I would have totally visited you sooner but I’ve been under the weather and the last two days I’ve had a horrible headache, so I posted my FF last night and went to bed…so I didn’t participate, but thank you for thinking about me! Have a fantastic weekend!!! XOXO

  5. I usually read a book at a time. If I get a second one to read without finishing the other one it’s because I’m losing interest on it and need a break to make my mind on keep reading it or just give up totally on it…

    Murphy’s Library

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