Follow Friday is a blog hop Hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read

Q: What is one thing you wish you could tell your favorite author?
I would love to thank Janet Evanovich for writing a such amazing series that gave me the desire to start reading books en English. Because now I can’t stop anymore. So a really big thank you, I was so not patient to wait for French books.  

33 thoughts on “Feature & Follow

  1. Alison Can Read

    Hopping through. I so admire anyone who reads and writes in any language other than their native language. All I know is English. Do you speak any languages other than French and English?
    My Hop

    1. Melliane

      I can speak a little in spanish as well but It’s been a long time since I didn’t try it. Maybe it will change for you ne day, but you already have all the amazing books lol.

  2. Mirjam

    That was my reason too! If the original was already published I simply did not have the patience to wait for the translation. Besides there is so much more to choose from if you read in English! 🙂

    1. Melliane

      really! it’s the same. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one, I thougjt it was your language.

  3. Mel

    Ah, patience – so many readers lack it! We all wait impatiently for books to come out and I can imagine waiting again for a translation to be extra annoying! I always feel a little guilty with just knowing English when you guys can read so much more than that. 🙂

    1. Melliane

      I confess the worst is that sometimes the translation is horrible, so it didn’t worth it. lol you already have so many books, you’re the lucky one!

  4. Jessica@a GREAT read

    Never read her books either. But see them a loooooot!!

    Here’s my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower 🙂

  5. Ali

    New Follower! Thanks so much for following me and stopping by!!! Great answer. I haven’t read any of her books but one of them are on my TBR list 🙂

    Happy Reading

  6. J.R.

    Thanks for stopping by my Hop today! I haven’t read any of her books either but I see them all over the place.

    Old Follower

  7. Sakinia

    Je te conseille vraiment un livre de Lauren Oliver. Que ce soit Délirium ou Le dernier jour de ma vie, ça a été un coup coeur 🙂

    1. Melliane

      merci il faudra vraiment que je tente!

  8. Mel - Thedailyprophecy.

    I have the same thing! I’m Dutch, but I didn’t have any patience and now I only read English books 🙂

    1. Melliane

      lol we need to make a club; It’s so amazing when we can read everything!

  9. Patricia

    Same here! I couldn’t wait for a book release when I was 16 or so and since then read more and more books in English only. Until, when I was 18 or so, I stopped reading German translations completely. 😀

    Patricia // My Hop

    1. Melliane

      I still read some because I have some in french but I confess it”s quite the same thing, and like that we don’t have any problems with the translations.

  10. Krista Raven

    I don’t know that author but neat story I’m french-canadian but nothing like french in France found that out quickly. Beautiful language! Thanks for following me happy to follow your wonderful blog back!
    Book Review Club:)

  11. Melissa (Books and Things)

    What a great compliment to an author!

    Have a great weekend!!

  12. It is just so awesome that you’re willing to put in the work to read in a language that is not your own. I’ve only ever done it if I had to in school. 😉

    New follower! (via twitter)

    1. Melliane

      I love to read and share in English, I’m so glad I’ve started it.

  13. Lauren@ The Housework Can Wait

    Wow! That’s pretty powerful that she inspired you to read in another language. That kind of blows my mind!

    New follower via GFC.

    Thanks for following on my FF!

    1. Melliane

      well I was young so it wasn’t so difficult at first and finally I really enjoyed that. thank you!

  14. Kelsey

    I’m really happy to have found your blog! I love your layout. Did you make it yourself?

    Janet Evanovitch was an author that really got me to start reading as well. Did you end up seeing the movie that they made of One for the Money? (I didn’t… It was supposedly really horrid).

    New follower! Feel free to visit me FF!

    1. Melliane

      thank you it’s really nice. Yeah I did everything, but the header and the buttons were made by a graphic artist. No I haven’t yet… I’m too anxious to see it lol.

  15. Agnieszka Nashi

    Ohhh, that’s a great reason to thank an author for! ;)I should thank J. K. Rowling then. I just couldn’t wait for next Harry Potter book to come out in Polish, and started reading originals. ;D

    Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Amanda @ Letters Inside Out

    What a great answer! 😀

    Thanks for stopping by LIO!

  17. AwesomeSauce Book Club

    Thanks for stopping by our blog. That’s awesome that you’re doing something new and different. New follower.

    1. Melliane

      thanks to you!

  18. Livia @ Butterfly-o-Meter

    Hmm, haven’t read her yet 😀 Yes, another one of those names I want to read. It’s just…whoever made time, they made it wrong somehow. I mean I can’t manage to read all I want to, and I’m being really picky in choosing reading targets to begin with. Sigh.

    I know, right? Reading a book as it was written by the author is always better. I mean, translations are better then nothing, but I’ll always go for the original if I can pull it off. I studied English in school, so I didn’t really learn it to be able to read originals, but I do have the chance to freshen up on all kinds of languages I knew some when reading a book.

    And boy, do I need to freshen up on a couple, lol. We need to chat in French sometime, help me remember how to use the beautiful language. It’s been years since I tried it out 😀

    1. Melliane

      yes I understand the feelings, I want to read so many books and it’s finally really not possible. it’s true it’s great to have translations but as you say the original will always be the best. If you could see some translations, it’s terrific!!! (really, but I confess I have some lol)

      It’s quite the same for me, thanks for my little English at school, when I think sometimes I was better in spanish lol.

      If you want, I would be more than glad to speak with you in French.

  19. Miss Vain's Paranormal Fantasy

    Hi Melliane 🙂

    Great answer!! I haven’t read her books though!! But it’s always a pleasure when you visiting my blog! I hope your having a wonderful weekend!!;)

  20. Ninja Girl

    Oh, I love Janet Evanovich!!! So glad she inspired you to read English books.
    Great choice!
    Ninja Girl

  21. Christy @ TheReaderBee

    That’s so great that you were inspired to read JE’s books in English! 🙂 Great answer!

    Thanks for hopping by for FF!!

  22. Lu

    Thanks for stopping by my FF!
    Have a great day 🙂

    Win on Wednesday
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