Justine (Tina) Clancy is just an ordinary law student with a faulty arrest record, a part-time job in Baltimore’s radioactive Zone, and a family secret so bizarre even she doesn’t believe it. That is, until in a fit of fury she damns her boyfriend to hell—and it’s exactly where he ends up.
Much to her own surprise, Tina is apparently one of Saturn’s daughters, with the power to wield vigilante justice. But poor Max didn’t deserve to go up in flames, even if he did almost run her over with her own car. Tina’s convinced someone cut the brakes—and now a relentless nemesis is stalking her through the Zone’s back alleys, where buildings glow, statues move, and chemical waste exposure comes with interesting consequences. Tina’s usually a loner, but now she needs a posse like no other: a shape-shifting kitten, an invisible thief, a biker gang, a snake-charming private detective, a well-meaning cop, and her sleazy, sexy boss. But in between freeing Max from hell, saving her own neck, and solving a mystery that threatens the Zone and her newfound friends, how is she ever going to study for finals?
Kat Redding is a vampire with a job to do—wiping out the vamps and werewolves who prey on Pureblood humans. Someone has to do it…as long as that someone is her. But suddenly Kat, also known as Lady Death, has competition, and it’s causing problems. Vampire houses and werewolf clans alike are blaming her for a spate of gruesome murders, and Kat needs to figure out who’s really responsible before she becomes the next target…
On the hunt, she forms an uneasy alliance with both the Luna Cult and a powerful rogue werewolf. But the truths Kat’s uncovering—about her enemies and her few remaining confidantes—are far from comforting. And when the chance comes to leave her life of vengeance behind, Kat must decide whether her real motive lies in protecting the innocent, or sating her own fierce hungers…
Kat Redding est une vampire qui à un travaille à faire – tuer les vampires et les loups-garous qui chassent les humains de sang pur. Quelqu’un doit le faire… et c’est elle. Mais soudain, Kat, aussi connue sous le nom de Dame de la Mort, a de la compétition et ça lui pose quelques problèmes. Les maisons de Vampires et les clans de loups garous la rendent responsable pour tous les différents meurtres, et Kat a besoin de comprendre qui est responsable avant de devenir la prochaine cible.
OOh nice! Those look exciting!
My STS will be up on Sunday! Be sure to stop by if you can!
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower 🙂
I didn’t know about those books but they look good, I may check them out. Have a wonderful weekend.
thanks, for now I love the first one! and I had the luck to have a signed copy from E.S. Moore, I can’t wait to start the Kat Redding one.
Your books are looking fantatstic. Boyfriend from hell sounds really great. I hope you would enjoy reading them.
Happy reading!
Here is My STS
Ooh nice haul! They look like really hardcore books and I hope you enjoy them! 🙂
Check out my Stacking the Shelves!
I recvd Boyfriend last week. Tainted Night is the Second book of the series, and was actually Okay.
Here’s mine:
Awesome week that you had. Enjoy your new books. Hope you like your new books.
Never heard of either of these, but they both look AMAZING! Thanks for stopping by! My StS
Haven’t heard of these, but they sound good.
Happy reading,
Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog
Those are a couple of great looking books! I haven’t heard of them until now. I hope you enjoy all the books you got this week! Happy reading 🙂
MaryAnn @ Chapter by Chapter
What we got this WEEK!
Great haul this week! I love the books you picked out! I can’t wait to read them! Adding to my TBR list! And their covers are gorgeous too! Thanks for sharing! 😀
My StS post!
Btw…I am a new follower! 🙂
~Maida @ Literary Love Affair
A nice haul this week! Both sound great..
Happy reading!
Sharon @ http://www.obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com
Great set! I’m not familiar with either book but I hope you love them.
My Bookish Recap
Great books this week! I’ve seen Boyfriend From hell a couple times this week. Happy reading 🙂
Tu me fais à chaque fois regretter de ne pas lire en vo !!! deux titres qui ont l’air vachement bien !!
le premier est géniallissime, je l’ai fini hier et j’ai eu un gros coup de coeur!
Je ne connais pas beaucoup de livre anglais mais le premier m’a l’air intéressant !!! Je revienderais voir ta chronique pour voir si je vais me tenter avec cette série VO. :):)
j’ai adoré celui ci! je l’ai fini en un jour lol. Mais il ne sort qu’en Septembre aux USA alors je dois garder ma chroniques pour au moins fin Aout du coup.
Rooooo !!! je vais devoir attendre lol
Mais si tu dis qu’il est bon…je le mets dans ma wishlist 🙂
Merci !
j’aurais un concours début septembre pour le gagner. (plusieurs d’ailleurs, pour le premier anniversaire du blog, plusieurs auteurs et concours)
Bonne semaine et bonnes lectures Melliane (^-^) Merci beaucoup de ton passage sur mon blog et, c’est curieux mais je ne connaissais pas encore le tien… je manque à tous mes devoirs ><
Merci! Mais non ça fait plaisir de te voir passer aussi. Merci! Je lis beaucoup en VO et je poste en anglais et français avec mon amie Vanessa. Enfin elle lit beaucoup plus en français que moi.
Oh oh!! “Un gros coup de coeur pour A Boyfriend from Hell”?! Je suis bien contente de l’avoir déjà pré-commandé parce que je n’aurai pas eu d’autres choix que de le commander immédiatement sinon! lol
Bon deuxième tome de Kat Redding! 😀
trooop j’ai adoré! c’était un super livre plein de jolies idées. J’aurais un concours pour le deuxieme de Kat Redding (voir event in september lol)
tu vas adoré a boyfriend from hell!
Adepte de la VO c’est chouette 😉
Awesome books this week! The covers are amazing!!!!
Happy reading and thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂
Quelle chance de pouvoir lire en VO !
Bonne semaine de lectures 😉
Great looking books. Enjoy. Here is my post:
Tainted Night, Tainted Blood looks absolutely awesome!!! <3 Even though it's another vampire+wolfies book, still very intriguing! Fantastic haul this week, Melliane dear <3 Hope you enjoy them ^_^
Boyfriend from Hell sounds awesome! The chick on the cover is kick ass! Thanks for stopping by and happy reading!
Hi Melliane 🙂
Hope you love Boyfriend From Hell. I need to read it too! Thanks for visiting, happy Monday!! <3
Boyfriend from hell looks like a great read. And that crowbar, I thought she had a devil tail at quick glance. LOL! And I do want to get to the Tainted series one day as well. Hope you have a great week.