Fallen Angels, Book 1

Synopsis: Redemption isn’t a word Jim Heron knows much about—his specialty is revenge, and to him, sin is all relative. But everything changes when he becomes a fallen angel and is charge with saving the souls of seven people from the seven deadly sins. And failure is not an option. Vin DiPietro long ago sold his soul to his business, and he’s good with that — until fate intervenes in the form of a tough- talking, Harley-riding, self-professed savior. But then he meets a woman who will make him question his destiny, his sanity, and his heart—and he has to work with a fallen angel to win her over and redeem his own soul.

Review: I really enjoyed The Black Dagger Brotherhood series, that’s why I was so curious to discover this J.R. Ward’s other series: Fallen Angels. The Black Dagger Brotherhood was for me so good that I was a little afraid to read this one and to dislike it, not to mention some mixed reviews I read before starting the book. Finally I must say that personally, it was a great discovery and I would like to thank Aurian for having recommended it to me: Thank you so much! The action takes place in Caldwell, so in the same city as BDB but this time it is not about vampire warriors but angels and demons. I really liked this world which is parallel to the vampire and Human’s world. It’s another facet of Caldwell as this city is full of surprises.

In the prologue the tone is given, it explains the “rules of the game” because it is indeed a game that Heaven and Hell are delivering for ages. A game whose outcome will determine the fate of humanity. One man can tip the balance to one side or the other: Jim Heron. He is a former soldier with a dark past, a man capable of the best as the worst. To ensure that Good prevails over Evil, Jim must save the soul of seven people including his employer, Vin DiPietro, a building contractor. So this first installment of the series is his first mission. Jim will have to choose which side he is on especially as the demon he will face will do anything to push him to fail his mission.

I had some difficulties to get into the book at the beginning. I found that the first few chapters were a bit long but they are essential as they present all the characters and we can understand the issue that Jim faces and the heavy burden on his shoulders. But once you read the first five chapters, the story becomes very exciting and the book is very hard to put down until you have read the last page.

We recognize here the style of the author: a dark atmosphere and a multitude of characters well described and complex on a psychological point of view. I immediately liked Jim, Vin and Marie-Terese. We learn so much about each of them. Moreover, we find that they have all three in common a heavy past and they have experienced terrible things during their lives. As for Adrian and Eddie, I just loved them and I can’t wait to see them again in book 2 and learn more about them.

I also enjoyed the fact that the romance between Marie-Terese and Vin does not occupy a central place in the story – as it is often the case in paranormal romances – because the plot is really interesting. I have to say that so much happens in this book and all that in just three days! In summary, we have an ex-soldier who is assigned to the role of a redeemer, a prostitute who wants to retire, an unscrupulous businessman, a psychopath, angels, demons, mediums, black magic and full of other things … An explosive cocktail! We do not really have time to get bored!

J.R. Ward also often refers to the characters of BDB. Indeed Revhenge is mentioned several times and we even see the warrior Phury and Trez, the owner of the Iron Mask! It was really great to see them through Marie-Terese’s eyes.

To conclude I loved the first book of the Fallen Angels series despite the beginning was a little bit slow. I can’t wait to read book 2 to see how this series will evolve. BDB fans can only enjoy it.

19 thoughts on “Covet by J.R. Ward

  1. Blodeuedd

    I won this book once but never got it :/

  2. Braine TS

    I love this series too! Although Rapture felt meh to me.

    1. Inessa

      Wow! You’re up to date on this series ! You’re so lucky !
      I just started reading it and I really enjoyed it ! I can’t wait to read the second book now 🙂

  3. Melissa (Books and Things)

    You ended up liking this one much more than I did. However, I still am curious enough to eventually get that second book and read. Would like to know what you think of that one. 🙂

    1. Inessa

      I plan to read the second book soon. I hope it will be as good as this one even better. 🙂

  4. Melissa (My World...in words and pages)

    Oh, good to see you enjoyed this one as well. I’ve not read anything by this author yet, but should think about it sometime in the future. 🙂 Thank you.

    1. Inessa

      Yes, it was great ! lol
      J.R. Ward is one of my favorite Paranormal Romance authors, I liked most of her books 🙂

  5. Candace

    I liked this one too. I have read the first two books in this series but not the third yet. I think her books all start out slow. Well, to me anyway. But when I stick with it I end up enjoying it. I’m not a huge paranormal romance reader but this is one series I have had the intention of sticking with. Glad you enjoyed it!

    1. Inessa

      It’s true that her books start slowly and then it becomes really addictive! However I found that the first book of BDB starts a little bit more quickly. I look forward to book 2 to have a better idea but I think Fallen Angels will be one of my favorite paranormal romance series! 🙂

  6. Julie

    I was never able to get past the slow. Nor was I able to truly care for any of the characters 🙁 I didn’t continue on with this series after this book. Maybe I will feel to urge to pick it up again someday but so far…not so much. I did like seeing the BDB through someone else’s eyes though. That was neat.

    1. Inessa

      Yes, it’s true! It was funny to see them through someone else’s eyes. It was interesting. I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy the first book, but I understand that, the first 5 chapters were really slow.Fortunately, after the first hundred pages, it gets better. 🙂

  7. Diana Ramsey

    Great review! I really loved this book. I am like Candace, I read the first two, but not the third one yet. Her books do start slow, but it is like a slow burn and I love it. Ward is one of my favorite authors and was one of my introductions into PNR. I hope you do start her work soon Melissa, especially the BDB. You don’t know what you are missing. Great review again hon, thank you for sharing 🙂

    1. Inessa

      I started reading Paranormal romance thanks to Sherrilyn Kenyon’s books. And then I continued with Ward’s books. She’s one of my favorite authors too. 🙂

      And Melissa, Diana is right, you should read her books ! They’re awesome! 🙂

  8. kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews

    I’m so curious now! I’ve been avoiding these book because of lukewarm reviews, but I think I’ll give them a try! 😉

    1. Inessa

      I hope you’ll like it 😉

  9. Ann@Blogging-Profits-Unleashed

    This is a good, solid beginning to a new series by JR Ward. I am thrilled with the first book in this series. This is very different from the BDB series.

    1. Inessa

      It’s true, this series is completely different from BDB. And I really liked this new world the author has created!
      I appreciated to see Phury (even if he appears very briefly) and Trez. It was funny 🙂

  10. Aurian

    I am so glad you liked the book so much Inessa! I truly love this series, and think it is even better than the BDB, but of course I should not make such a remark as the series are so different from each other. I am still waiting for the 4th book to reach my home, but then it will be devoured.
    I also started reading paranormal romance with Sherrilyn Kenyon and Christine Feehan!

    1. Inessa

      Oh yes, I loved it! Thank you again!
      Book 4? Ohhh I have to get the other three books! I love Sherrilyn Kenyon ‘s books too. But I didn’t read Christine Feehan’s books yet. Many people told me that Kresley Cole’s books are very good too 🙂

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