
Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews

 Jeux de Fauves (Anita Blake, 17) – Laurell K Hamilton

C’est le cadeau répugnant d’un vampire tueur en série qui m’a incitée à  m’intéresser à Las Vegas. Mais la situation est pire que je ne le pensais : plusieurs officiers de police et un exécuteur ont été assassinés. Épaulée par trois marshals, dont l’impitoyable Edward, je dois mener l’enquête. Heureusement qu’il est là pour couvrir mes arrières, car tout porte à croire que c’est un tigregarou qui a fait le coup. Or, ces derniers sont très puissants dans la Cité du péché, ce qui signifie que je risque bien de prendre quelqu’un de haut placé à rebrousse-poil…
 Thank you Sullivan McPig!
Enemy Within (Enemy, 1) – Marcella Burnard
An intergalactic cold war-and some heated passion- from an inventive new voice in futuristic romance.

After a stint in an alien prison, Captain Ari Rose wonders why she even bothered to survive. Stripped of her command and banished to her father’s scientific expedition to finish a Ph.D. she doesn’t want, Ari never planned to languish quietly behind a desk. She wasn’t built for it, either. But when pirates commandeer her father’s ship, Ari once again becomes a prisoner.

As far as pirate leader Cullin is concerned, Ari’s past imprisonment puts her dead center in Cullin’s sights. If she hasn’t been brainwashed and returned as a spy, then he’s convinced she must be part of a traitorous alliance endangering billions of lives. Cullin can’t afford the desire she fires within him and he’ll stop at nothing, including destroying her, to uncover the truth.


Immortal Eclipse: New Adult Immortal Eclipse – Sherry Soule

A devoted fashionata and practical New Yorker, Skylar Blackwell doesn’t believe in the supernatural—until she inherits Summerwind Mansion. . . .

When her uncle is brutally murdered, and the cops seem uninterested in following up the case, Skylar journeys to California to seek answers. Her search for clues is soon overshadowed by haunting nightmares of a young woman also murdered in the house.

Now the inhabitants of Summerwind are mysteriously dying, leaving no evidence as to how or why, and Skylar finds herself in a deadly race against time to expose the killer—before they strike again.

The problem is . . . whoever it is may not be human.

Armed with only wit and Pradas, Skylar begins questioning the servants, but the growing list of suspects includes the sexy and brooding caretaker, Dorian, a man desperately trying to forget his tragic past. And a major distraction for Skylar.

Determined to play detective—instead of the fashion police—and unravel the dark history of the mansion, Skylar is plunged into an otherworldly mystery that not even she can explain away. As the boundaries between reality and dreams blur, Skylar’s greatest challenge is to stay alive long enough to learn the truth.

The Monsters In Your Neighborhood (Monstrosity, 2) – Jesse Petersen

As one of Frankenstein’s Creatures, Natalie Gray knows that unique parts sometimes make up a great whole. Still, leading a diverse support group for monsters-now including Cthulhu!-isn’t an easy task. Especially not since the internet arrived. New York City embraces the different and the bizarre. Still, even for such a fun-loving city, the supernatural and monstrous might be a bit too much. It’s been six months since the members of “Club Monstrosity” overcame the most recent spate of anti-monster violence and they’ve reestablished their routine of meeting in a church basement once a week to (ugh!) talk about their feelings. Still, they also know a war against them is brewing.
Natalie and Alec (the werewolf) have begun dating, and the mummies Kai and Rehu are tighter than a bug in a…well, bandage. But when modern means (YouTube, Twitter, bits and bytes) are used to chilp away at the solidarity of these ancient monsters, it’s up to Natalie to save the day. #MonstersInNewYork may be trending on Twitter, but this girl’s trending toward saving the day…somehow.

No Angel No Angel – Helen Keeble

Rafael Angelos just got handed the greatest gift any teenage boy could ever dream of. Upon arriving at his new boarding school for senior year, he discovered that he is the ONLY male student. But what should have been a godsend isn’t exactly heaven on Earth.

Raffi’s about to learn that St. Mary’s is actually a hub for demons-and that he was summoned to the school by someone expecting him to save the day. Raffi knows he’s no angel-but it’s pretty hard to deny that there’s some higher plan at work when he wakes up one morning to discover a glowing circle around his head.

A Cursed Embrace (Weird Girls, #2) A cursed Embraced (Weird Girls, 2) – Cecy Robson

Celia Wird and her three sisters are just like other twenty-something girls—with one tiny exception: They are the products of a curse that backfired and gave each of them unique powers that made them, well, a little weird…

After Celia Wird and her sisters help master vampire Misha save his family, their powers are exposed to the supernatural community of the Lake Tahoe region. But fame comes at a price, and being “weird” isn’t always welcome.

To make matters worse, Celia desires the love of Alpha werewolf Aric, but his pack is bent on destroying their relationship to preserve his pureblood status. And once weres start turning up dead—with evidence pointing to the vampires—she must face the prospect of losing Aric forever. But the chaos only masks a new threat. An evil known as the Tribe has risen—and their sights are set on Celia and her sisters.

The Brokenhearted The Broken Hearted – Amelia Kahaney

A teenage girl is transformed into a reluctant superhero and must balance her old life with the dark secret of who she has become.

Prima ballerina Anthem Fleet is closely guarded by her parents in their penthouse apartment. But when she meets the handsome Gavin at a party on the wrong side of town, she is immediately drawn into his dangerous world. Then, in a tragic accident, Anthem falls to her death. She awakes in an underground lab, with a bionic heart ticking in her chest. As she navigates her new life, she uncovers the sinister truth behind those she trusted the most, and the chilling secret of her family lineage…and her duty to uphold it.

The Chaos of Stars The Chaos of Stars – Kirsten White

Isadora’s family is seriously screwed up.

Of course, as the human daughter of Egyptian gods, that pretty much comes with the territory. She’s also stuck with parents who barely notice her, and a house full of relatives who can’t be bothered to remember her name. After all, they are going to be around forever—and she’s a mere mortal.

Isadora’s sick of living a life where she’s only worthy of a passing glance, and when she has the chance to move to San Diego with her brother, she jumps on it. But Isadora’s quickly finding that a “normal” life comes with plenty of its own epic complications—and that there’s no such thing as a clean break when it comes to family. Much as she wants to leave her past behind, she can’t shake the ominous dreams that foretell destruction for her entire family. When it turns out there may be truth in her nightmares, Isadora has to decide whether she can abandon her divine heritage after all.

Merci à Zendarstak: 

Cat & Bones (Chasseuse de la nuit, #0.5;Chasseuse de la nuit, #4.5;Chasseuse de la nuit, #6.5) Cat & Bones – Jeaniene Frost

Retrouvez la Chasseuse de la nuit dans trois inédits !
Cat et Bones sont de retour dans trois aventures qui vous feront découvrir vos personnages préférés comme vous ne les avez jamais vus.
Du passé trouble de Bones à ses retrouvailles familiales inattendues, embarquez pour un voyage captivant en compagnie de ce couple explosif qui n’a pas fini de vous faire rêver.

Ce recueil comprend les nouvelles suivantes : Home Sweet Home, La prime et Un plat qui se mange froid. 

Traquée (Waynest, #1) 
 Traquée (Waynest, 1) – Jess Haines

Quand le chasseur devient la proie…

Le job de détective de Shiarra Waynest est déjà dangereux d’ordinaire. Il le devient davantage quand elle doit accepter un contrat susceptible de renflouer ses caisses vides… s’il ne lui coûte pas la vie. Dans une ville où rôdent la magie et les nonmorts et où vampires et loups-garous ne sont pas toujours ce qu’ils semblent être, Shiarra va devenir une arme secrète dans la bataille entre le bien et le mal… que cela lui plaise ou non.

Touch of the Demon (Kara Gillian, #5) 
 Touch of the Demon (Kara Gillian, 5) – Diana Rowland

Kara Gillian is in some seriously deep trouble.

She’s used to summoning supernatural creatures from the demon realm to our world, but now the tables have been turned and she’s the one who’s been summoned. Kara is the prisoner of yet another demonic lord, but she quickly discovers that she’s far more than a mere hostage. Yet waiting for rescue has never been her style, and Kara has no intention of being a pawn in someone else’s game.

There’s intrigue to spare as she digs into the origin of the demonic lords and discovers the machinations of humans and demons alike. Kara is shocked to discover that she has her own history in the demon realm, and that the ties between her and the demonic lords Rhyzkahl and Szerain go back farther than she could have ever imagined. But treachery runs rampant among all the lords, and she’s going to have to stay sharp in order to keep from being used to further their own agendas. The lords have a secret that dates back to earth’s ancient history, and it could have devastating repercussions for both worlds.

Yet more than anything else, Kara’s abilities as a homicide detective will be put to the test—because this time the murder she has to solve is her own. 

The Spellman Files (The Spellmans #1) The Spellman Files (Spellman, 1) – Lisa Lutz

Meet Isabel “Izzy” Spellman, private investigator. This twenty-eight-year-old may have a checkered past littered with romantic mistakes, excessive drinking, and creative vandalism; she may be addicted to “Get Smart” reruns and prefer entering homes through windows rather than doors — but the upshot is she’s good at her job as a licensed private investigator with her family’s firm, Spellman Investigations. Invading people’s privacy comes naturally to Izzy. In fact, it comes naturally to all the Spellmans. If only they could leave their work at the office. To be a Spellman is to snoop on a Spellman; tail a Spellman; dig up dirt on, blackmail, and wiretap a Spellman. Part Nancy Drew, part Dirty Harry, Izzy walks an indistinguishable line between Spellman family member and Spellman employee. Duties include: completing assignments from the bosses, aka Mom and Dad (preferably without scrutiny); appeasing her chronically perfect lawyer brother (often under duress); setting an example for her fourteen-year-old sister, Rae (who’s become addicted to “recreational surveillance”); and tracking down her uncle (who randomly disappears on benders dubbed “Lost Weekends”). But when Izzy’s parents hire Rae to follow her (for the purpose of ascertaining the identity of Izzy’s new boyfriend), Izzy snaps and decides that the only way she will ever be normal is if she gets out of the family business. But there’s a hitch: she must take one last job before they’ll let her go — a fifteen-year-old, ice-cold missing person case. She accepts, only to experience a disappearance far closer to home, which becomes the most important case of her life.

Riveted (Iron Seas, #3) Riveted (Iron Seas, 3) – Meljean Brook

A century after a devastating volcanic eruption forced Iceland’s inhabitants to abandon its shores, the island has become enshrouded in legend. But the truth behind the legends is mechanical, not magical—and the mystery of the island a matter of life and death for a community of women who once spilled noble blood to secure their freedom.

Five years ago, Annika unwittingly endangered that secret, but her sister Källa took the blame and was exiled. Now Annika serves on an airship, searching for her sister and longing to return home. But that home is threatened when scientific expedition leader David Kentewess comes aboard, looking to expose Annika’s secrets. Then disaster strikes, leaving David and Annika stranded on a glacier and pursued by a madman, with their very survival depending on keeping the heat rising between them—and generating lots of steam 


28 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #45

  1. Blodeuedd

    How is she mortal and they gods? Ohhh I wanna read it

  2. Jessica@a GREAT read

    OOoh fabulous haul!!!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!

    GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower 🙂

  3. Shelley Romano

    Hmmm, lots of goodies this week! I’m excited about A Cursed Embrace! Enjoy!

  4. Grace Fonseca

    Lots of great PNR and UF titles this week. That Cat and Bones cover is amazingly pretty. Enjoy your new goodies.

  5. Divergent Gryffindor

    I dont know any of these books, but I hope you enjoy! 🙂
    Stacking the Shelves
    April Giveaway

  6. mariska

    Oooh! You got such an awesome haul.
    Your books are looking really great.
    I hope you enjoy reading them.

    Happy reading!
    My STS

  7. The Book Belles

    The Chaos of The Stars sounds amazing 🙂 No Angel also looks really interesting. Enjoy your books!

  8. Moonlight Gleam

    So many books!!!! How will you ever find time to read them all? lol I ask myself this question constantly so we’re in the same boat haha! Enjoy! A Bientot!

    1. Melliane

      LOL I was my question this week… I didn’t expect to have so many…

  9. Brandi Kosiner

    Immortal sounds great, hope you enjoy.
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  10. Danielle Romero

    Love your stacks. I recently read riveted by meljean brook and LOVE its!
    Danielle @ Coffee and CHaracters

  11. Mel

    What a wonderful selection of books! I love Kara Gillian series by Diana Rowland and I’m quite jealous that you have a Cursed Embraced already! 🙂

  12. chrissireads

    A great selection of books! I hope you enjoy them!

  13. kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews

    Haha, I’m reading Riveted right now, D.! Also, Enemy Within was wicked. You had an absolutely fantastic haul. Even Anita looks decent on a French cover *wink* Enjoy all!

  14. Halee

    I REALLY want to read Chaos of the Stars. It’s sounds like a really great and different book. Great haul!

    Halee @ Confessions of a Book Addict

    My STS

  15. Jennifer Bielman

    Frost and Hamilton books are always really good. And Rowland too. Enjoy.

  16. Mina

    Bonne semaine et bonne lecture (^-^)

  17. Aurian

    I am a huge Laurell K. Hamilton fan, so I sincerely hope, you have followed the series and are not diving into nr 17 unprepared …

    1. Melliane

      already read the whole series but I won it.

  18. Ula (Blog of Erised)

    Oh wow, these books look amazing, so many good looking ones! Great haul!

    Happy reading!
    My Haul

  19. The Twins Read

    Ooooh, I’m interested in reading The Chaos of Stars. Hope it turns out great.

    The Twins Read

  20. Anne-C

    Le Samantha Bally me tente énormément tout comme Cat&Bones ! 🙂 Bonnes lectures à toi 🙂

  21. Alexia

    Cat & Bones et Waynest me tentent beaucoup.
    Bonne lecture !!!

  22. Bob Milne

    Wow, nice haul – hope all your new reads are good reads!

    My STS

  23. Freelfe

    J’ai super envie de découvrir Ce qui nous lie !!!
    The Chaos of Star me tente énormément, la cover est sublime en plus !!!

  24. Zina

    T’as toujours pas abandonné les AB ? ^^ J’aime bien la couverture de Iron Seas, ça fait très steampunk, c’est bien ?

  25. Melissa (My words and pages)

    Enemy Within… now that cover looks like my kinda book! And Jess has a new series? Is that a new series? Wow, some great new books! Hope you enjoy them all.

    1. Melliane

      no sorry, it’s only the French cover.

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