Lost in Starlight by Sherry Soule

Starlight Saga, Book 1

Synopsis: High school reporter Sloane Masterson knows she has one helluva story when she  witnesses hottie Hayden Lancaster bending forks with his mind.

Like any good journalist, Sloane sets out to uncover the truth, even if it includes a little stalking. When the superhuman feats start to pile up and the undeniable heat rises between them, Hayden has no choice but to reveal his secret: he’s an alien hybrid.

They’re as different as night and day—she’s a curvy, purple-haired, horror junkie and he’s a smoking hot, antisocial, brainiac—yet the intense fascination between them refuses to go away. Even at Hayden’s insistence that dating each other is “off limits” and crazy dangerous, their fiery attraction threatens to go supernova.

Now Sloane’s dealing with creepy government agents, über snobby extraterrestrials, and a psycho alien ex-girlfriend out for revenge. After a crash course on the rules of interstellar dating, Sloane must decide if their star-crossed romance is worth risking her own life….

Review: I think we all have guilty pleasures when it comes to books and mine is teen aliens. I loved the Roswell TV show, as well as the books that inspired it, and I also love the Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Therefore Lost in Starlight seemed like my kind of book from the start. The story focuses on a teenage girl who has to investigate the whereabouts of one of her classmates for the school paper. Instead of the hacking story she was looking for, she discovers much more. Hayden is definitively not human, he is a hybrid, and what Sloane finds is a whole alien community that might not be so happy about a regular human snooping around their business…

I really liked our main character, Sloane. She is very resilient and pugnacious as it’s something I love. Maybe because I’m very resilient too so I like that when I find the same quality in a book character. Aside from her motivation, Sloane was also interesting because of her eccentricities. She is passionate by horror flicks, has her very own fashion sense, and totally owns her differences. Even when people try to get her down, particularly about her curves, she never backs down and always presents a strong and determinate front. Hayden, our male alien, is without surprises particularly dreamy. Aside from the obvious hotness, I found his kindness and sense of justice even more appealing. I like a guy who doesn’t define himself by his good looks and who is not scared to stand up for the people in need.

Of course the most interesting part of the story is how the whole “teenage alien thing” was played out in this book. The back-story created by the author for the hybrids alien was interesting and quite tangible. It wasn’t too developed yet and we didn’t get to discover much of it. This first book explores more the romance than the paranormal aspect, which was not so bad since it’s clear that the background is here and ready to be more developed in the sequels. The only downside is that we didn’t get to meet someone we can identify as the big bad guy yet. The antagonists were mostly Sloane’s chief at the school paper and Hayden’s younger brother. They both were utterly annoying but it’s still mostly made for the human setting of the story, not the hybrid one. I guess I was excepting something fishy happening with the hybrids and when no one revealed himself as “the guy with evil plans to dominate the world” I was a bit disappointed.

Overall Lost in Starlight was a good first book. Sloane is a very compelling character and her star-crossed romance with Hayden was appealing, even though we didn’t get that much surprises and everything was kind of predictable. But, more importantly, the hybrid side of the story holds lots of potential and the end cliffhanger promises lots of craziness for the sequel.





Lost in Starlight de Sherry Soule (VO)

Starlight Saga, Tome 1

Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Reporter pour le journal du lycée, Sloane Masterson sait qu’elle a une sacrée histoire lorsqu’elle voit le canon Hayden Lancaster tordre des fourchettes avec son esprit.

Comme n’importe quelle bonne journaliste, Sloane est décidée à découvrir la vérité, même si cela implique un peu d’espionnage. Quand les exploits surnaturels commencent à s’amonceler et que l’attirance devient plus que palpable entre eux, Hayden n’a pas d’autre choix que de lui révéler son secret : il est un hybride extraterrestre.

Ils sont aussi différents que le jour et la nuit —elle est ronde, a les cheveux violets, est accro aux films d’horreur, alors qu’il est un asocial surdoué quand même super canon— néanmoins l’intense fascination qu’ils ont l’un pour l’autre refuse de se dissiper. Même lorsque Hayden insiste sur le fait que toute relation amoureuse entre eux est hors limite et potentiellement dangereuse, leur attraction explosive n’est pas loin de se transformer en supernova.

Maintenant Sloane doit jongler entre de sinistres agents du gouvernement, de supers  extraterrestres snobs, et une ex petite copine alien psychopathe qui cherche sa revanche. Après un cours intensif sur les relations amoureuses interstellaires, Sloane doit décider si leur star-crossed romance vaut le coup de risquer sa propre vie…

Avis : Je pense qu’en littérature on a tous nos petits péchés mignons, et le mien est clairement les extraterrestres adolescents. J’adorais la série TV  Roswell, ainsi que les livres qui l’ont inspirée, et j’apprécie également beaucoup la série  Lux  de Jennifer L. Armentrout pour ne citer que ces deux-là. Ainsi  Lost in Starlight avait l’air d’être exactement mon genre de livre dès le résumé.  Le récit se concentre sur une adolescente qui enquête sur un de ses camarades de classe pour le journal du lycée. A la place de l’histoire de hacker qu’elle cherchait, c’est quelque chose de complètement différent qu’elle découvrira : Hayden n’est pas humain. Le jeune homme est un hybride et ce que Sloane trouve c’est un communauté entière de cette espèce qui semble tout sauf contente de cette humaine se mêlant de leurs affaires…

J’ai beaucoup aimé l’héroïne,  Sloane. Elle est  très pugnace et tenace, ne laisse rien passer, et c’est quelque chose que j’ai beaucoup apprécié. Peut-être parce que je suis du genre tenace aussi et que c’est une qualité que j’aime retrouver chez des personnages. Au delà de cette motivation à toute épreuve, Sloane est également  intéressante et attachante par ses excentricités. Elle est passionnée par les films d’horreur, a un sens de la mode très personnel, et assume totalement ses différences. Même lorsque les gens essaient de la rabaisser, notamment à propos de son poids, elle ne se laisse jamais complètement abattre et cela nous la rend forcément très sympathique.  Hayden, le protagoniste masculin hybride, est quant à lui  particulièrement craquant  comme beaucoup de héros de romances paranormales YA. Néanmoins l’auteure ne s’est pas contentée de simplement nous le présenter comme un physique avantageux, et c’est vraiment  sa gentillesse et son sens de la justice  qui le rendent encore plus attractif.

Bien sur la partie la plus intéressante du roman est bien la façon dont le côté paranormal est géré.  L’histoire de fond  créée par l’auteure pour les hybrides est  intéressante et plutôt tangible. Néanmoins  ce premier tome se concentre beaucoup plus sur la romance que le côté paranormal, ce qui n’est pas forcément une si mauvaise chose car on a tout juste assez d’éléments pour sentir qu’il y a beaucoup de développement possible dans les suites. La seule chose qui m’a gênée avec l’importance minime du paranormal c’est qu’on ne rencontre pas réellement de vrai “méchant” pour ce premier tome, or c’est toujours intéressant d’avoir un ennemi identifié même s’il reste vague en début de saga. Ici les antagonistes de l’histoire ne sont que le chef de Sloane au journal du lycée et le petit frère d’Hayden et, bien que ce soit deux personnages particulièrement irritants et désagréables, ils ne se fondent que dans la partie humaine de l’histoire. Personnellement je m’attendais à quelque chose de suspect du côté des hybrides et lorsque rien de transcendant ne s’est produit j’étais un peu déçue.  Il m’a manqué le grand méchant qui a pleins de plans malveillants pour dominer le monde !

Ceci étant dit,  Lost in Starlight  est tout de même  un bon premier romanSloane est un héroïne très intéressante et sa romance impossible avec Hayden sait retenir notre attention, bien qu’il y ait peu de surprises. Néanmoins le plus gros point fort du roman est bel et bien l’histoire  pleine de potentiel  développée autour des hybrides et le cliffhanger final qui promet de beaux rebondissements pour la suite.




Sherry Soule ~ Book Tour

Supernatural Urban Legends

Guest Post by author Sherry Soule

Today bestselling author, Sherry Soule has some exciting news to share with us! All the previously published books in the Spellbound series have been rewritten and republished with more epic romance and suspenseful thrills. The new versions also include exclusive bonus material and brand new scenes. Even additional scenes from charming, bad-boy, Trent Donovan’s point-of-view! To help promote the new editions, she is doing this awesome book promo to share the update with fellow booklovers.


Hi everyone, I’m Sherry Soule—waving from the Bay Area. Thanks for letting me stop by today and chat about my books. It’s a thrill to get to be a guest and meet fellow booklovers. I have put together a few mysterious and intriguing urban legends about the Spellbound series that surround the cursed town of Fallen Oaks, California…


Urban Legend #1

Some researchers believe that certain demon races are actually the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim. (They are also considered to be Shadow People.) The origination of the Nephilim began with the legend of an archangel named Raziel. Urban legend states that Raziel escorted a sect of angels that were to instruct humans in morality.

Unfortunately, these angels began to educate man in sciences that God had deemed to be forbidden. These subjects included astrology, divination, and magic. The tutelage went on for centuries, until the angels began to pine for the human females.

After the fallen angels, or sometimes known as the Fallen, had sexual relations with the women, their unholy union resulted in the hybrid offspring called: Nephilim, which are the direct descendants of the antediluvian Fallen. Nephilim are also known as the Grigori or the Watchers.

It has been insinuated that one of the main reasons for the great flood, was not only to punish man, but to cleanse the earth of the Nephilim created from the union of fallen angels and human women. The flood banished most of the Fallen and their offspring into a Sheol.

So, do you believe in the Nephilim? What do you think will happen if they are ever freed?


Urban Legend #2

One haunted house claim that continues to be an urban legend is the infamous, Ravenhurst Manor in Fallen Oaks. Books and stories have been written based on its hauntings and its reputation as one of California’s most ghostly places.

Ravenhurst Manor’s first owner was a woman and dark sorceress named, Rowan Broussard. After her death, the estate was used as an all girl’s boarding school for many years. The sixty room Gothic mansion was listed for sale with the resident ghosts. Other odd things that occurred in in this house were: doors and windows that opened or closed on their own, cold drafts, whispering voices, and some visitors even claimed to see a dark shadowy figure roaming the halls.

However, Ravenhurst is most famously linked to the disappearance of six children during the years of 1964 through 1967. (After the school was closed, the estate became the property of the town before it was sold to an wealthy, oil magnate.) After the children’s’ bodies were discovered buried within the walls of the house, obviously from less than peaceful circumstances, the town buried them in Silent Hollows Cemetery.

Did these Children buried on unconsecrated ground, lead to the strange tragedy that would make this mansion so famous?


Urban Legend #3

Ah, let’s move on to the zombie apocalypse!

Another interesting urban legend states that on September 28, 1941, during an eclipse, a zombie was spotted in Fallen Oaks. To make matters worse, a fire at the local mill had swept through town. As day turned to night, more zombies appeared. Many townsfolk mistook the undead for dazed mill workers. After the residents received hugs from the zombies, they were bitten by these paranormals, and soon the epidemic spread across the town like wildfire.

To make matters worse, the roads and bridges connecting Fallen Oaks to the rest of the Bay Area had burned in the fire. The townsfolk had no way to escape. Scores of people become lost when they chose to venture into the dark depth of Deadwood Grove rather than face the insatiable zombie menace.

Within days, the Paranormal Research Group (PRG) converged on Fallen Oaks in a variety of aircraft. They established a base on the south side of the forest and went about the process of extermination. It took two weeks to secure the town. A total of 500 people were plague-ridden, an enormous number considering that there wasn’t a zombie vaccine available at this time.

Whatever the case, Fallen Oaks’s zombie outbreak affected just under 600 people, making it one of the worst cases in U.S. history.

Are you prepared for a zombie apocalypse? What if zombies start showing up again?


Thank you so much for letting me chat up my YA series with all of you. It’s been an honor to share the eerie urban legends associated with the Spellbound series. If you haven’t seized your copy yet, please do so. Many thrilling and extraordinary adventures await you!

Places you can cyberstalk, Sherry Soule:

Official website: http://www.sherrysoule.blogspot.com

Official Spellbound Series Blog: http://thespellboundseries.blogspot.com

goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11634793-beautifully-broken

Twitter: @WriterSherry: http://twitter.com/writersherry


Deadly Witchcraft. Ghostly Threats. Doomed Romance.

They say every town has its secrets, but that doesn’t even begin to describe Fallen Oaks. The townsfolk are a superstitious lot and the mystical disappearance of a local teen has everyone murmuring about a centuries old witch’s curse.

When sixteen-year-old Shiloh Trudell takes a summer job at Craven Manor, she discovers a ghost with an agenda. That’s where she meets the new town hottie, Trent Donovan, and immediately becomes enchanted by his charms.

Finally, Shiloh’s met someone who is supercute and totally into her, but Trent is immersed in the cunning deception that surrounds the mysterious Craven Manor. So much so that he may lose sight of what is truly important to him. And she can’t decide whether she wants to shake him or kiss him. Yet neither one of them can deny the immediate, passionate connection growing between them.

But underlying everything is the fear that Trent may be the next victim on a supernatural hit list, and Shiloh is the only person with the power to save him…

With cryptic messages from a pesky wraith, Shiloh will finally begin to understand the mysterious significance of the strange mark branded on her wrist and decide how much she’s willing to sacrifice to protect the other teenagers in town.

Unfortunately, for Shiloh, not all ghosts want help crossing over. Some want vengeance.


ISBN: 978-0976180425


Amazon Paperback: http://amzn.to/18NB8CG

Kindle: http://amzn.to/OnCDca

NOOK: http://bit.ly/Q6mGqx

Kobo: http://bit.ly/18C4KQK

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/14edSHU

Immortal Eclipse by Sherry Soule

Synopsis: Mystery, Murder, and Manolo Blahnik…

A devoted fashionata and practical New Yorker, Skylar Blackwell doesn’t believe in the supernatural—until she inherits Summerwind Mansion. . . .

When her uncle is brutally murdered, and the cops seem uninterested in following up the case, Skylar journeys to California to seek answers. Her search for clues is soon overshadowed by haunting nightmares of a young woman also murdered in the house.

Now the inhabitants of Summerwind are mysteriously dying, leaving no evidence as to how or why, and Skylar finds herself in a deadly race against time to expose the killer—before they strike again.

The problem is . . . whoever it is may not be human.

Armed with only wit and Pradas, Skylar begins questioning the servants, but the growing list of suspects includes the sexy and brooding caretaker, Dorian, a man desperately trying to forget his tragic past. And a major distraction for Skylar.

Determined to play detective—instead of the fashion police—and unravel the dark history of the mansion, Skylar is plunged into an otherworldly mystery that not even she can explain away. As the boundaries between reality and dreams blur, Skylar’s greatest challenge is to stay alive long enough to learn the truth.

Review: This is the first volume of the Sherry Soule’s adult series, being accustomed to her young adult series. But it was also nice to read something a little different. I admit that the same theme runs throughout all her books, but it is much darker here. I didn’t really expect it, but that does not mean that I was disturbed by my read.

Skylar is a woman like any other, until her uncle dies due to the strangest conditions. She didn’t have the time to take care of his legacy or the house he left her, but the moment finally arrives faster than she would have thought. After being fired, here is our young heroine going to this house that could help her make a fresh start, or even a break in her life. Something she really needs! But this house looks different than a haven of peace, and it’s even the opposite. Everything seems strange … people working there, the noises she hears, the conversations she discovers or even the secrets that live there.

I was really curious to learn more about this house and its inhabitants, and I must say I was quite surprised when I discovered the truth. Everyone has something to hide and we wonder why. We discover Dorian, this enigmatic guardian. Indeed, our heroine seems irresistibly drawn to him, but their relationship is very strange. He turns around her, looking for her, pushing her, without we really understand the reason. I confess that I asked myself a lot of questions about him, to try to understand what he was trying to hide and I admit that I was quite surprised by the result. But when more facts are intriguing, we can understand some others quite easily and it is therefore difficult to see why Skylar refuses to see the truth when it’s right in front of her. I particularly think about Victor and her feelings towards him. She stays away from him, but then she agrees to stay with him and all this without really trying to find out who he is. I admit I struggled to understand about that shot.

I loved the mystery during the whole story although I would have liked to learn more about the magic and acronyms mentioned in the novel. Indeed, at the end of book, we still have a few questions and I wonder if the author will tell us more in further adventures.

It was a very interesting and enjoyable story to discover. I’m curious to see what will happen now.



Immortal Eclipse de Sherry Soule (VO)

Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Mystère, Meurtre, et Manolo Blahnik …

Fashionata dévouée et New Yorkaise, Skylar Blackwell ne croient pas au surnaturel, jusqu’à ce qu’elle hérite de Summerwind Mansion. . . .

Lorsque son oncle est sauvagement assassiné, et que les flics ne semblent pas intéressés par le suivi de l’affaire, Skylar voyage en Californie pour trouver des réponses. Sa recherche d’indices est bientôt éclipsée par des cauchemars au sujet d’une jeune femme aussi assassinée dans la maison.

Maintenant, les habitants de Summerwind sont mystérieusement tués, ne laissant aucune preuve quant à la manière ou la raison, et Skylar se retrouve dans une course mortelle contre la montre pour exposer le tueur avant qu’il ne frappe encore.

Le problème est… qu’il pourrait bien ne pas être humain.

Seulement armée de son esprit et de Pradas, Skylar commence à interroger les fonctionnaires, mais la liste croissante des suspects inclut le sexy et sombre gardien, Dorian, un homme qui tente désespérément d’oublier son passé tragique. Et une distraction majeure pour Skylar.

Déterminée à jouer au détective et à démêler l’histoire sombre de la maison, Skylar est plongée dans un mystère surnaturel que même elle ne peut expliquer. Comme les frontières entre réalité et rêve s’estompent, le plus grand défi de Skylar est de rester en vie assez longtemps pour apprendre la vérité.

Avis : C’est le premier tome adulte de Sherry Soule que je tente, ayant été habituée à sa série young adult. Mais c’était aussi agréable de pouvoir lire quelque chose d’un peu différent. J’avoue que le thème revient toujours dans ses livres mais celui-ci est tout de même beaucoup plus sombre. Je ne m’attendais pas vraiment à ça, mais cela ne signifie pas que j’ai été perturbée par ma lecture.

Skylar est une jeune femme comme les autres, jusqu’au jour où son oncle meurt de certaines conditions des plus étranges. N’ayant pas encore eu le temps de s’occuper de son héritage et de la maison qu’il lui a laissé, le moment arrive plus vite qu’elle ne le pensait. Après avoir été virée, voilà notre jeune héroïne en direction de cette maison qui pourrait bien l’aider à prendre un nouveau départ, ou même une pause dans sa vie. Chose dont elle aurait bien besoin ! Mais cette maison semble différente d’un havre de paix, et même l’opposé. Tout y semble étrange… les gens y travaillant, les bruits qu’elle y entend, les conversations qu’elle surprend ou même les secrets qui y résident.

J’étais vraiment curieuse d’en apprendre plus sur cette maison et ses habitants, et je dois dire que j’ai été assez surprise quand j’ai pu découvrir la vérité. Chacun a quelque chose à cacher et c’est qu’on se demande la raison. On découvre ainsi Dorian, ce gardien si énigmatique. En effet, notre héroïne semble irrésistiblement attirée par lui, mais leur relation est des plus étranges. Il lui tourne autour, la cherchant, la repoussant, sans vraiment en comprendre la raison. J’avoue que je me suis posé énormément de questions à son sujet, pour essayer de comprendre ce qu’il essayait de cacher et j’avoue que j’ai été pas mal surprise par la raison. Mais quand plusieurs faits sont très intrigants, d’autres se comprennent assez vite et c’est donc difficile de voir que Skylar refuse de voir la vérité en face. Je peux notamment parler de Victor, et par ses sentiments envers lui. Elle le fuit, elle accepte de rester avec lui et tout cela sans vraiment essayer de savoir qui il est. J’avoue avoir eu du mal à la comprendre sur ce coup-là.

J’ai beaucoup aimé le mystère qui encadrait toute l’histoire bien que j’aurais aimé en apprendre plus sur toute la magie et les sigles dont on parle au cours du roman. En effet, en fin de livre, il nous reste quelques points flous et je me demande si l’auteure nous en apprendra plus dans la suite des aventures.

C’était une histoire assez intéressante et agréable à découvrir. Je suis assez curieuse de voir ce que tout cela donnera.



Stacking the Shelves #45


Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews

 Jeux de Fauves (Anita Blake, 17) – Laurell K Hamilton

C’est le cadeau répugnant d’un vampire tueur en série qui m’a incitée à  m’intéresser à Las Vegas. Mais la situation est pire que je ne le pensais : plusieurs officiers de police et un exécuteur ont été assassinés. Épaulée par trois marshals, dont l’impitoyable Edward, je dois mener l’enquête. Heureusement qu’il est là pour couvrir mes arrières, car tout porte à croire que c’est un tigregarou qui a fait le coup. Or, ces derniers sont très puissants dans la Cité du péché, ce qui signifie que je risque bien de prendre quelqu’un de haut placé à rebrousse-poil…
 Thank you Sullivan McPig!
Enemy Within (Enemy, 1) – Marcella Burnard
An intergalactic cold war-and some heated passion- from an inventive new voice in futuristic romance.

After a stint in an alien prison, Captain Ari Rose wonders why she even bothered to survive. Stripped of her command and banished to her father’s scientific expedition to finish a Ph.D. she doesn’t want, Ari never planned to languish quietly behind a desk. She wasn’t built for it, either. But when pirates commandeer her father’s ship, Ari once again becomes a prisoner.

As far as pirate leader Cullin is concerned, Ari’s past imprisonment puts her dead center in Cullin’s sights. If she hasn’t been brainwashed and returned as a spy, then he’s convinced she must be part of a traitorous alliance endangering billions of lives. Cullin can’t afford the desire she fires within him and he’ll stop at nothing, including destroying her, to uncover the truth.


Immortal Eclipse: New Adult Immortal Eclipse – Sherry Soule

A devoted fashionata and practical New Yorker, Skylar Blackwell doesn’t believe in the supernatural—until she inherits Summerwind Mansion. . . .

When her uncle is brutally murdered, and the cops seem uninterested in following up the case, Skylar journeys to California to seek answers. Her search for clues is soon overshadowed by haunting nightmares of a young woman also murdered in the house.

Now the inhabitants of Summerwind are mysteriously dying, leaving no evidence as to how or why, and Skylar finds herself in a deadly race against time to expose the killer—before they strike again.

The problem is . . . whoever it is may not be human.

Armed with only wit and Pradas, Skylar begins questioning the servants, but the growing list of suspects includes the sexy and brooding caretaker, Dorian, a man desperately trying to forget his tragic past. And a major distraction for Skylar.

Determined to play detective—instead of the fashion police—and unravel the dark history of the mansion, Skylar is plunged into an otherworldly mystery that not even she can explain away. As the boundaries between reality and dreams blur, Skylar’s greatest challenge is to stay alive long enough to learn the truth.

The Monsters In Your Neighborhood (Monstrosity, 2) – Jesse Petersen

As one of Frankenstein’s Creatures, Natalie Gray knows that unique parts sometimes make up a great whole. Still, leading a diverse support group for monsters-now including Cthulhu!-isn’t an easy task. Especially not since the internet arrived. New York City embraces the different and the bizarre. Still, even for such a fun-loving city, the supernatural and monstrous might be a bit too much. It’s been six months since the members of “Club Monstrosity” overcame the most recent spate of anti-monster violence and they’ve reestablished their routine of meeting in a church basement once a week to (ugh!) talk about their feelings. Still, they also know a war against them is brewing.
Natalie and Alec (the werewolf) have begun dating, and the mummies Kai and Rehu are tighter than a bug in a…well, bandage. But when modern means (YouTube, Twitter, bits and bytes) are used to chilp away at the solidarity of these ancient monsters, it’s up to Natalie to save the day. #MonstersInNewYork may be trending on Twitter, but this girl’s trending toward saving the day…somehow.

No Angel No Angel – Helen Keeble

Rafael Angelos just got handed the greatest gift any teenage boy could ever dream of. Upon arriving at his new boarding school for senior year, he discovered that he is the ONLY male student. But what should have been a godsend isn’t exactly heaven on Earth.

Raffi’s about to learn that St. Mary’s is actually a hub for demons-and that he was summoned to the school by someone expecting him to save the day. Raffi knows he’s no angel-but it’s pretty hard to deny that there’s some higher plan at work when he wakes up one morning to discover a glowing circle around his head.

A Cursed Embrace (Weird Girls, #2) A cursed Embraced (Weird Girls, 2) – Cecy Robson

Celia Wird and her three sisters are just like other twenty-something girls—with one tiny exception: They are the products of a curse that backfired and gave each of them unique powers that made them, well, a little weird…

After Celia Wird and her sisters help master vampire Misha save his family, their powers are exposed to the supernatural community of the Lake Tahoe region. But fame comes at a price, and being “weird” isn’t always welcome.

To make matters worse, Celia desires the love of Alpha werewolf Aric, but his pack is bent on destroying their relationship to preserve his pureblood status. And once weres start turning up dead—with evidence pointing to the vampires—she must face the prospect of losing Aric forever. But the chaos only masks a new threat. An evil known as the Tribe has risen—and their sights are set on Celia and her sisters.

The Brokenhearted The Broken Hearted – Amelia Kahaney

A teenage girl is transformed into a reluctant superhero and must balance her old life with the dark secret of who she has become.

Prima ballerina Anthem Fleet is closely guarded by her parents in their penthouse apartment. But when she meets the handsome Gavin at a party on the wrong side of town, she is immediately drawn into his dangerous world. Then, in a tragic accident, Anthem falls to her death. She awakes in an underground lab, with a bionic heart ticking in her chest. As she navigates her new life, she uncovers the sinister truth behind those she trusted the most, and the chilling secret of her family lineage…and her duty to uphold it.

The Chaos of Stars The Chaos of Stars – Kirsten White

Isadora’s family is seriously screwed up.

Of course, as the human daughter of Egyptian gods, that pretty much comes with the territory. She’s also stuck with parents who barely notice her, and a house full of relatives who can’t be bothered to remember her name. After all, they are going to be around forever—and she’s a mere mortal.

Isadora’s sick of living a life where she’s only worthy of a passing glance, and when she has the chance to move to San Diego with her brother, she jumps on it. But Isadora’s quickly finding that a “normal” life comes with plenty of its own epic complications—and that there’s no such thing as a clean break when it comes to family. Much as she wants to leave her past behind, she can’t shake the ominous dreams that foretell destruction for her entire family. When it turns out there may be truth in her nightmares, Isadora has to decide whether she can abandon her divine heritage after all.

Merci à Zendarstak: 

Cat & Bones (Chasseuse de la nuit, #0.5;Chasseuse de la nuit, #4.5;Chasseuse de la nuit, #6.5) Cat & Bones – Jeaniene Frost

Retrouvez la Chasseuse de la nuit dans trois inédits !
Cat et Bones sont de retour dans trois aventures qui vous feront découvrir vos personnages préférés comme vous ne les avez jamais vus.
Du passé trouble de Bones à ses retrouvailles familiales inattendues, embarquez pour un voyage captivant en compagnie de ce couple explosif qui n’a pas fini de vous faire rêver.

Ce recueil comprend les nouvelles suivantes : Home Sweet Home, La prime et Un plat qui se mange froid. 

Traquée (Waynest, #1) 
 Traquée (Waynest, 1) – Jess Haines

Quand le chasseur devient la proie…

Le job de détective de Shiarra Waynest est déjà dangereux d’ordinaire. Il le devient davantage quand elle doit accepter un contrat susceptible de renflouer ses caisses vides… s’il ne lui coûte pas la vie. Dans une ville où rôdent la magie et les nonmorts et où vampires et loups-garous ne sont pas toujours ce qu’ils semblent être, Shiarra va devenir une arme secrète dans la bataille entre le bien et le mal… que cela lui plaise ou non.

Touch of the Demon (Kara Gillian, #5) 
 Touch of the Demon (Kara Gillian, 5) – Diana Rowland

Kara Gillian is in some seriously deep trouble.

She’s used to summoning supernatural creatures from the demon realm to our world, but now the tables have been turned and she’s the one who’s been summoned. Kara is the prisoner of yet another demonic lord, but she quickly discovers that she’s far more than a mere hostage. Yet waiting for rescue has never been her style, and Kara has no intention of being a pawn in someone else’s game.

There’s intrigue to spare as she digs into the origin of the demonic lords and discovers the machinations of humans and demons alike. Kara is shocked to discover that she has her own history in the demon realm, and that the ties between her and the demonic lords Rhyzkahl and Szerain go back farther than she could have ever imagined. But treachery runs rampant among all the lords, and she’s going to have to stay sharp in order to keep from being used to further their own agendas. The lords have a secret that dates back to earth’s ancient history, and it could have devastating repercussions for both worlds.

Yet more than anything else, Kara’s abilities as a homicide detective will be put to the test—because this time the murder she has to solve is her own. 

The Spellman Files (The Spellmans #1) The Spellman Files (Spellman, 1) – Lisa Lutz

Meet Isabel “Izzy” Spellman, private investigator. This twenty-eight-year-old may have a checkered past littered with romantic mistakes, excessive drinking, and creative vandalism; she may be addicted to “Get Smart” reruns and prefer entering homes through windows rather than doors — but the upshot is she’s good at her job as a licensed private investigator with her family’s firm, Spellman Investigations. Invading people’s privacy comes naturally to Izzy. In fact, it comes naturally to all the Spellmans. If only they could leave their work at the office. To be a Spellman is to snoop on a Spellman; tail a Spellman; dig up dirt on, blackmail, and wiretap a Spellman. Part Nancy Drew, part Dirty Harry, Izzy walks an indistinguishable line between Spellman family member and Spellman employee. Duties include: completing assignments from the bosses, aka Mom and Dad (preferably without scrutiny); appeasing her chronically perfect lawyer brother (often under duress); setting an example for her fourteen-year-old sister, Rae (who’s become addicted to “recreational surveillance”); and tracking down her uncle (who randomly disappears on benders dubbed “Lost Weekends”). But when Izzy’s parents hire Rae to follow her (for the purpose of ascertaining the identity of Izzy’s new boyfriend), Izzy snaps and decides that the only way she will ever be normal is if she gets out of the family business. But there’s a hitch: she must take one last job before they’ll let her go — a fifteen-year-old, ice-cold missing person case. She accepts, only to experience a disappearance far closer to home, which becomes the most important case of her life.

Riveted (Iron Seas, #3) Riveted (Iron Seas, 3) – Meljean Brook

A century after a devastating volcanic eruption forced Iceland’s inhabitants to abandon its shores, the island has become enshrouded in legend. But the truth behind the legends is mechanical, not magical—and the mystery of the island a matter of life and death for a community of women who once spilled noble blood to secure their freedom.

Five years ago, Annika unwittingly endangered that secret, but her sister Källa took the blame and was exiled. Now Annika serves on an airship, searching for her sister and longing to return home. But that home is threatened when scientific expedition leader David Kentewess comes aboard, looking to expose Annika’s secrets. Then disaster strikes, leaving David and Annika stranded on a glacier and pursued by a madman, with their very survival depending on keeping the heat rising between them—and generating lots of steam 


Moonlight Mayhem by Sherry Soule

Spellbound, Book 2

Synopsis: Otherworldly Creatures. Dazzling Magic. Fiery Romance.

Shiloh Ravenwolf thought she was getting used to the strange events in Whispering Pines, until the full moon brings another surge of supernatural threats to her coastal town. Ferocious wolves, deadly necromancers, and shambling zombies have descended upon the neighborhood, so Shiloh needs to gain control of her magical abilities—fast!

It sucks that she has a crippling fear of the dark, which for a demon hunter can be an epic problem. But she spends so much time wallowing in the darkness, how can she not become a part of it?

When her classmates are attacked by a mysterious creature and her father is murdered, Shiloh vows vengeance. Forcing her phobias aside, she forms an unlikely coven of supernaturally gifted teens to help her eradicate this menace. Except that’s not all Shiloh has to worry about. She’s battling a different monster within herself and struggling not to become the very thing she fights: evil.

But with demon blood inside her—anything can happen…

Review: I had a mix feeling about the first book and I was therefore anxious to start this one. I was afraid to have the same problems I had before once again… But what a surprise, this second novel is amazing. No, no more fights against demons, it’s this time more against zombies, lycans, fallen angels and so many other things.
Shiloh has to face Trent, her ex-boyfriend as they’re having a break but more than that she discovers some corpses of persons killed by a wild animal. Our heroine is very determined to discover the last word of the story and she won’t be alone in this adventure. Indeed, I was very surprised by this disparate assembly, but it was a real pleasure.
But there is more, Shiloh has to deal with the death of her father, himself murdered and she is determined to avenge him and to kill the person or the creature responsible for all this. But this story will lead her more farther than she would have thought. She, however, has to control her demon’s blood to not be controlled, and it’s really not an easy task.
I’m still intrigued by Jillian, the mother of our heroine. She can have some tender moments with her daughter as she tried to reach her but most of the time she is the evil bitch we knew. I wonder what she wants to do, what their motives are now and what is her relation with the father of Trent. What about Trent? Ah this boy has a lot of surprises for us and we learn them all along the book, I didn’t expect that and in the same time it’s logic as well. I can’t wait to assist to the confrontations about all the things we learned.
We meet many new characters, everyone is interesting and I hope we will meet them soon in another novel to get to know them more, mainly the Shiloh’s best friend. I have to say that finally all the persons in this small town have something special, and we just need to learn what it is now.
We have a great rhythm here and we never get bored, it allows us to learn the responsibilities that our heroine needs to deal with, everyday. A really good second book and I can’t wait to get into the third one to know what Sherry Soule will have for us.