Guest post: Skyla Dawn Cameron & Giveaway (+traduction)


Hell Hath No Fury

Since I’m promoting my YA werewolf book, River, and I write pretty much exclusively urban fantasy, talking about my favourite paranormal creature seemed like it would be a breeze.

Until I realized I don’t really have one.

I probably should’ve just talked about werewolves, but what I like about werewolves is the wolf aspect; what most werewolves in stories have in common is that they’re monsters, which is closer to humans than wolves.

After pondering it for a few days (and driving Melissa of My World nuts with my fretting), it hit me rather abruptly.

Vengeful ghosts.

Throw me any kind of tale about an angry vengeful ghost, particularly the onryō from Japanese legend and the equivalent, and I’m there. I like revenge tales in general (like Kill Bill), but I have a special soft spot for someone who’s been so wronged that their wrath lives on even in death and wreaks havoc on the living. And hell yeah, I rooted for Kayako.

I’m not sure why. Maybe because I don’t believe in happy endings and justice for all—the world is a pretty awful place, after all. The only guarantee of evil being punished and good winning out is in fiction. A story can reflect the world we live in perfectly, right up until the moment when someone is killed unnecessarily, usually violently. But unlike life, that person’s rage transforms them, gives them power, and allows them to seek revenge. That the wronged/abused person is often a woman or sometimes a child seems to increase the vengeful ghost’s appeal, I imagine; often these are stories of women who have been killed by an intimate partner or a child killed by neglect (or by a parent), and these real accounts haunt our news and lives daily. What if they could do something about it when they died? What if the bystanders and everyday people who allowed it to happen without speaking up then became potential targets? Everyone, at some point in their life, has probably stood by why someone else was harmed, and the idea that the victim could come back is understandably chilling.

And one of the best parts is that vengeful ghosts can rarely be stopped. I remember my first few exposures to J-horror and later K-horror, I was disturbed and delighted at how often the films ended with nothing making the ghost go away. For two popular examples, The Grudge had Buffy set the house on fire and, nope, Kayako was quite happy to keep on killing because the curse couldn’t be stopped; in The Ring, who can forget that kid’s creepy whisper of, “You weren’t supposed to help her.”

Sure, innocents get caught in the crossfire; it wouldn’t be horror if the vengeful ghost just grabbed the guilty parties and then went on her merry way. But there’s something extremely satisfying about the idea of getting your revenge no matter what, the idea that not even death would stop you from sharing the pain.

Now I just need a vengeful werewolf-ghost story to complete my life. Hmm…


Hell Hath No Fury

Depuis que je fais la promotion de mon livre YA loup-garou, The River, j’écris à peu près exclusivement de l’imaginaire urbain, alors parler de ma créature paranormale préférée semblait être un jeu d’enfant.

Jusqu’à ce que je comprenne que je n’en ai pas vraiment une.

Je devrais probablement vous parler de loups-garous, mais ce que j’aime à propos des loups-garous, c’est l’aspect du loup; ce que la plupart des loups-garous dans les histoires ont en commun, c’est qu’ils sont des monstres, qui sont aussi proches de l’homme que des loups.

Après avoir réfléchi pendant quelques jours (et rendu Melissa of My World folle), ça m’a frappé assez brusquement.

Les fantômes vengeurs.

Parlez-moi d’une histoire sur un fantôme vengeur en colère, en particulier les onryō de légende japonaise ou équivalent, et je suis présente. J’aime les contes de vengeance en général (comme Kill Bill), mais j’ai un faible particulier les personnes tellement mauvaises que même leur colère vit dans la mort et fait des ravages sur la vie. Et ouais, j’adore les Kayako.

Je ne sais pas pourquoi. Peut-être parce que je ne crois pas aux fins heureuses, que la justice est pour tous car le monde est un endroit assez horrible, après tout. La seule garantie que le mal soit puni et que le bien l’emporte n’existe que dans la fiction. Une histoire peut refléter le monde dans lequel nous vivons parfaitement, jusqu’au moment où quelqu’un se retrouve tué inutilement, généralement violemment. Mais contrairement à la vie, c’est la colère de la personne qui les transforme, leur donne du pouvoir, et leur permet de se venger. La personne maltraitée / qui a tort est souvent une femme ou un enfant, ce qui semble parfois augmenter l’appel du fantôme vengeur; souvent, ce sont des histoires de femmes qui ont été tuées par un partenaire intime ou un enfant tué par négligence (ou par un parent), et ces comptes réels hantent nos nouvelles et la vie quotidienne. Et s’ils agissent tout en étant morts? Que faire si les passants et les gens ordinaires qui ont permis que cela se produisent sans en parler, deviennent des cibles potentielles? Tout le monde, à un moment donné dans leur vie, s’est demandé pourquoi une personne était blessée, et l’idée que la victime pourrait revenir est assez terrifiante.

Et l’une des meilleures parties se trouve que les fantômes vengeurs peuvent rarement être arrêtés. Je me souviens de mes premières expositions à J-horror et plus tard à K-horreur, j’ai été troublée et ravie de la façon dont les films se terminent souvent sans que le fantôme s’en aille. Il y a par exemple, The Grudge où Buffy met feu à une maison, Nope, Kayako était très heureuse de continuer à tuer parce que la malédiction ne pouvait pas être arrêtée ; Dans The Ring, qui peut oublier le murmure effrayant de ce gamin «Vous n’étiez pas censé l’aider ».

Bien sûr, des innocents se font attraper dans le courant perturbateur; ce ne serait pas l’horreur si le fantôme vengeur attrapait seulement les coupables et poursuivait ensuite son chemin. Mais il ya quelque chose de très satisfaisant à l’idée d’obtenir votre vengeance quoi qu’il se passe, l’idée que même la mort ne vous empêche pas de partager votre douleur.

Maintenant, j’ai juste besoin d’une histoire de loup-garou-fantôme vengeur pour complèter ma vie. Hmm …


Release Date: August 25 (ebook), September 1 (print)





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Nook and Kobo coming soon.

For a list of tour spots and to find out more about River—including the first seven chapters free—at

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Synopsis: Defiant, nocturnal, moody–though River sounds like a typical teenager, she’s anything but. River’s a werewolf.

The life of an alpha female wolf was irrevocably changed the night she was attacked and bitten, and awoke confused, alone, and human. Three years later, thrust into a world where she doesn’t belong and living in foster care, River barely tolerates humanity and still doesn’t know who bit her or why.

But River isn’t as alone as she previously thought; someone’s been watching her, someone who holds the answers she’s been seeking. And though the human who changed her seems to be a step ahead of her at every turn, River is determined to beat his game and return to her pack and mate.

As if being stuck in a world she hates, with a life she never asked for, and faced with a destiny she doesn’t want wasn’t bad enough, River still must find a way to survive every human’s greatest challenge: high school.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

41 thoughts on “Guest post: Skyla Dawn Cameron & Giveaway (+traduction)

  1. Hey, I don’t know if I have a favorite anymore. I’d have to think about it as I enjoy so many in the fantasy realm of beings and creatures. 🙂

    Thank you Melliane for the post! 🙂

  2. Oooo vengeful ghosts are so scary!!!! I can’t watch movies like The Ring or The Grudge, they would traumatize me for life for the reasons she said – the ghosts can’t be stopped! I’d be convinced if I looked in the mirror at night I’d see them there, all unstoppable and terrifying and things. I would absolutely read a vengeful werewolf ghost story though 😉

    • I have a high tolerance for horror yet the long-haired Asian ghost chicks creep me the hell out every time. One of my favourite films is A Tale of Two Sisters, I watch it at least once a year, and it terrifies me every time.

  3. I remember seeing this book around and I got intrigued. I also loved the guest posts and, even though I can’t enter the giveaway (I’m outside the US), I wanted to say that those goodies looks great! And YAY for adding Ginger Snaps to the package. Besides having watched the movie, I met one of the main actresses as well 🙂
    Thanks for sharing this!

  4. I feel for the author, I don’t have a favorite paranormal creature either. I love some of the classics like werewolves and vamps, but I also get all giddy when I read a book with more unconventional and lesser known creatures. Either way, great post and I’m loving all the sweet giveaway! Thanks!

  5. I have to agree. Ghosts, and especially vengeful ghosts, are the creepiest supernatural creatures, and most interesting by far. I can think of so many awesome books and movies wih such ghosts.

  6. Oh yes vengeful ghosts. I started watching this show on cable the other day it was a like a marathon and it was called when ghosts attack. CREEPY. The Ring is one of those movies I wish I’d never watched along with Paranormal Activity. Vengeful ghosts and demons scare the bejesus out of me!

  7. L’auteur a l’air d’être vachement inspirée par la culture asiatique. C’est intéressant, et ça me donne envie de tenter. Ca pourrait donner une dimension différente au genre fantasy urbaine même si le résumé m’a l’air assez standard.

  8. Hmmn. I don’t think that this book is going to be up on my alley as I am not a big reader of ghost stories and any horror story for that matter. I am easily scared and they make for sleepless nights. Argh.

    Kudos to the author, however, for opting to feature unpopular scary creatures in her book.

    • Hi Charlotte–my book, River, isn’t about a ghost and it’s not horror. It’s a YA paranormal about a wolf turned into a human. I was asked to talk about my favourite paranormal creature, which happened to be vengeful ghosts–nothing to do with the book. 🙂

  9. Melliane, sorry I haven’t been around much. I am finishing off my first book as in writing it . I am trying to do blogging and writing…lots of work!

    This sounds awesome. Are you going to review it? I loved the guest post . I like Kill Bill so some revenge that style sounds awesome, yet it is YA. So interesting 😀


  10. Haha, yeah, you’d think since the books about werewolves, the favourite paranormal would’ve been werewolves. But totally with her with vengeful sprits, always fun, makes things much more interesting. Which was what I loved about The Girl from the Well- even if that was the only thing I liked about it.

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