An American Fairie Tale, Book 2

Synopsis: Across the United States, children are vanishing. Only this time, faeries may not be to blame …

Dante, Regent of the fae’s Rogue Court, has been receiving disturbing reports. Human children are manifesting magical powers in record numbers. Shunned and forgotten, they live on the streets in ragtag groups with the already-booming population of homeless changelings. But the streets aren’t a haven; someone, or something, is hunting these children down.

Wraith, a teenage spell slinger, has no home, no family, and no real memories of her past. She and her friends SK, Fritz, and Shadow are constantly on the run, fleeing from a dark and unknown enemy. But when her companions are taken by “the snatchers,” Wraith is their only hope. Her journey to find them will test the limits of her magic—and her trust. A dark force is on the rise, and it could spell the end of our world as we know it.

Review: I really loved the first book and I was eager to read on to discover more about this world that the author had presented earlier. I think that I have a little less adhered to this new story, perhaps because we focus on other characters but that does not change the fact that I still had a good time with the novel. Indeed, while we followed Caitlin, Edward, Donovan and Dante in the previous volume, we are this time more focused on Dante’s history and a whole new character encountered here: Wraith.

I enjoyed Dante in the first volume, and it is true that it was a pleasure to have him here and learn more about him. As I said we alternatively follow the two characters but I was always more carried away when we were on his side of the story and I was curious to learn more. While this was less the case with Wraith, I took great pleasure in knowing and discovering this out of the ordinary girl. Indeed, she has some quite extraordinary abilities and the fact that she does not remember who she is, is very intriguing as well. I was very curious to know the reasons for her amnesia, she hides many secrets and I wanted to see what impact it would have on her life.

As explained in the summary, children disappear from all sides and Dante is determined to understand what is happening and if the fae are responsible. This story will take him further than he thought though. This will help us to discover the past of Wraith and to see Dante in action throughout the story and to realize what is happening with the children living in the streets. We will also have at the same time, the chance to see the characters of the first volume even if they remain set back and we meet some new players that I let you discover by yourself.

So I had a good time even if it is true that I preferred the first volume. We don’t have much action but it was interesting to find out more about Bishop O’Connell’s universe and I am curious to read up more again.





33 thoughts on “The Forgotten by Bishop O’Connell

  1. blodeuedd

    I want to read it, and I am unsure. Better wait for book 2

    1. Melliane

      lol it is book 2

  2. Jennifer Bielman @ Bad Bird Reads

    Too bad it wasn’t as good. 🙁 But happy you enjoyed it mostly.

    1. Melliane


  3. Kirsty-Marie

    Shame you didn’t like it as much as the previous but at least it hasn’t made you give up on the series! 🙂

    1. Melliane

      no it was ok

  4. Paula M. @ Her Book Thoughts!

    Sometimes when the first book of a series is so good you can’t help but have high expectations for the upcoming books. I’m sorry it wasn’t that good but I see that you still enjoyed it! I’m going to check out the author 🙂

    1. Melliane

      yes exactly! you should, I loved book 1

  5. kindlemom1

    Even though this wasn’t quite as good as the first, I am glad you still had a great time reading it!

    1. Melliane


  6. Tracy Terry

    Gutted that this forms part of a series when I’ve promised myself not to start any new series. Still there are exceptions to every rule and I may well find myself reading this.

    1. Melliane

      Lol difficult résolution there

  7. Carole Rae

    Sequels are really hard to write/read, especially if the first one was amazing! Maybe book 3?

    1. Melliane

      I hope so

  8. Braine

    Can this be read as standalone?

    1. Melliane

      Not the best because book 1 is awesome but yes

  9. Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger

    Sometimes book 2 just doesn’t live up to book 1 but I am glad you still enjoyed it 🙂 This series probably would never interest me, but I am enjoying reading you reviews of it 😀

    1. Melliane

      Yes it was nice

  10. Heidi

    This sounds unique and interesting, too bad though that the sequel wasn’t as solid as the first. Hopefully the next book will notch it up again.

    1. Melliane


  11. Ramona

    Yet another series I hadn’t read… This is so depressing – argh! It sounds good, despite the fact that the sequel wasn’t as good as the first book. Loving your review, Melliane 🙂

    1. Melliane

      It´s good it´s just That I wanted more

  12. ShootingStarsMag

    Sorry you didn’t love this AS MUCH as the first, but it does still sound like an interesting story.

    1. Melliane

      Yes it´s a good one

  13. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    This one sounds interesting. Always good to see authors’ new takes on faeries and the Fae. I have to say though, the cover doesn’t really seem to fit the story.

    1. Melliane

      Yeah That´s true

  14. Lola @ Hit or Miss Books

    You know a series with a sequel that is even better than the first book? Captive Prince.

    Okay okay, I’ll stop XD

    But it’s true. I feel like it’s so hard for a sequel to live up to a fantastic first book. I felt this way for so many series: Divergent, Hunger Games, The Selection…

    Anyway, great review!!:D

    1. Melliane

      Lol I love you. It made me laugh

  15. LilyElement

    I’m pretty sure I was waiting to purchase book one so I could see your thoughts on #2, think I’ll pick up book one now 🙂

    1. Melliane

      Hope you’ll like it too

  16. kimbacaffeinate

    I have book one on my wishlist I see..probably because of you. While this wasn’t as strong for you I am glad you enjoyed aspects of it. It is hard when one pov pulls you more

    1. Melliane


  17. […] Between Dreams and Reality, which is reviewed in English, but for those of you so inclined, you can read the review in French here. […]

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