Synopsis: When Rachelle was fifteen she was good—apprenticed to her aunt and in training to protect her village from dark magic. But she was also reckless— straying from the forest path in search of a way to free her world from the threat of eternal darkness. After an illicit meeting goes dreadfully wrong, Rachelle is forced to make a terrible choice that binds her to the very evil she had hoped to defeat.

Three years later, Rachelle has given her life to serving the realm, fighting deadly creatures in an effort to atone. When the king orders her to guard his son Armand—the man she hates most—Rachelle forces Armand to help her find the legendary sword that might save their world. As the two become unexpected allies, they uncover far-reaching conspiracies, hidden magic, and a love that may be their undoing. In a palace built on unbelievable wealth and dangerous secrets, can Rachelle discover the truth and stop the fall of endless night?

Review: I tried the previous novel of the author in audiobook but even if I had enjoyed it all, it’s true that the time it took me to listen to it was a bit too much for me. So with the release of this new novel, another rewriting tale, I thought that it was an opportunity to try something else this time in writing form. The story reminds me a lot of “Cruel Beauty” on many issues but that did not stop me from having a good time. Besides, I did not say that, but Rosamund Hodge managed to create an original and different tale from little red riding hood and I confess that the ideas are very interesting.

Rachelle’s life has completely changed the day she had trusted the wrong person in the woods, and when she has been transformed into something evil. But now, even if she knows that she is damned and destined to end up in hell, Rachelle is determined to do everything to save humans and keep the world as it is. The only problem is that the heart of the Forest, a dark, demonic force is going to wake up and it seems that she is the only one to really believe about that fact and therefore the only one who wants to stop it. She may have the opportunity to find out the necessary weapon for this quest while accompanying and protecting Armand, one of the king’s son, to the castle where he must go. A journey she doesn’t really want to do at first, but it will nevertheless bring her a lot of answers. But the dark force approaches much faster than she previously thought and Rachelle does not know if she will have the time to save all the people she loves (though this number is very limited).

The story was very interesting even if it is true that as I said at the outset, many things made me think Cruel Beauty, i.e. the romance, the characters or even this door they’re looking for in the castle where Rachelle is. But this is not really a problem because the ideas are very interesting and I loved the story that the author presents us here. Rachelle is a girl who is very familiar with her condition but who nevertheless tries to do the best. Sometimes she is a little weird but it’s understandably due to her loneliness. We will meet two boys around her, Armand and Erec. Ah, these two men are very different from one another and it is very difficult to identify what they really want. Indeed, we do not understand what they desire, what they want and if our heroine can finally trust them. I must say that when we allow ourselves to believe in them, an event changes everything and shows us that we were wrong. In the end I was very surprised by them because the author manages to surprise us many times.

So yes, it was a very interesting book with a really rich universe that I enjoyed discovering and I am curious to read more of her writings. If you liked “Cruel Beauty”, I am sure you will be delighted by this new novel. So many things happen in the story and I took a great pleasure in discovering the whole. Myths changed like never in an original way.




43 thoughts on “Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge

  1. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    OOoh nice review! I still need to read this one and look forward to doing so! Loved Cruel Beauty! Glad to hear this one was good as well! Great review!

    1. Melliane

      I hope it will be the same for you with this one!

  2. Joy (Joyousreads)

    I had a difficult time with Cruel Beauty as well. I couldn’t even get past chapter 1. Because of that, I really had no intention of reading this one. I’m glad you gave it a chance, though!

    1. Melliane

      Oh sorry to hear that… I can understand.

  3. Kirsty-Marie

    I totally fell in love with this, in a different way to Cruel Beauty, even though it took me a good 50 pages to get into it, then it was all just <3 I love how the author can make flawed characters that you can root for and love. 🙂

    1. Melliane

      yes I can understand for the start of the book. I agree

  4. ShootingStarsMag

    I haven’t read either of these books, but I am a bit curious about the retellings. I’m glad you liked this one overall. It sounds like it has some fun surprises!

    1. Melliane

      they’re quite well done, really different.

  5. Lily

    I feel terrible because I never gave Cruel Beauty a try (although i always said i was going too!!! Damn TBR pile) but everyone has been gushing left and right about this one and now i know i need to experience this authors writing and storytelling gift myself!

    1. Melliane

      I hope you’ll be able to try one day and I hope you’ll enjoy it too.

  6. kindlemom1

    So happy you liked this. It wasn’t my favorite of her’s but still so good!

    1. Melliane

      yes it was good!

  7. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    I’m so excited for this one Melliane! I adored Cruel Beauty and can’t wait to see what Rosamund does with Little Red Riding Hood. I’m glad reading this one instead of listening to it worked better for you this time around!

    1. Melliane

      I hope you’ll enjoy this one as much!

  8. kimbacaffeinate

    The world sounds interesting, and of course I have Cruel Beauty on my pile somewhere…lol

    1. Melliane

      lol somewhere, one day

  9. Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger

    See, I love when an author successfully rewrites a fairy tale and makes it her own. While I have never read anything by this author, there was so much hype around this book that I picked up a copy for myself. I probably won’t get around to reading it until at least August, but I am so excited to see what I think for myself!

    1. Melliane

      Yes me too! I’m curious to see what you’ll think about it.

  10. Ramona

    Revamped and repackaged fairy tales were not my thing – or so I thought until I tried The Lunar Chronicles 🙂 I haven’t read Cruel Beauty, but I mean to. Everyones seems to love Rosamund Hodge! Lovely review 🙂

    1. Melliane

      I was a bit mixed by book 1 but this one is better for me

  11. Molly Mortensen

    I’ve been meaning to try this author. This one sounds better than the first due to the monster thing. I’m not big on romance or love triangles, but I think this one will be okay.

    1. Melliane

      it was ok for me because we know the real one for her

  12. Heidi

    I have struggled with both books by this author. I like her imagination and her writing, but the romances both didn’t work for me. I was hoping for more.

    1. Melliane

      I can understand

  13. blodeuedd

    Why do I feel like I got that other book by her? Hm, must check

  14. anna (herding cats & burning soup)

    I loved the cover on this one so added it to my list. I’m glad to see you enjoyed it 😀

  15. Maja (The Nocturnal Library)

    I honestly wasn’t sure about this one since I wasn’t the biggest fan of the first book. I thought it was okay, but nothing more. Stil, some say that this one is actually darker, which is right up my alley. I’m glad you found it interesting.

  16. Melliane

    I had the same feeling I confess.

  17. Keionda@Keionda Hearts Books

    First of all I have to say that I LURVE this cover! I just want to stare at it like all day. Super interesting. Oh, and the fact that I had to do with demonic forces as well is just like….. what the what ??? Have to read.

    1. Melliane

      right? it’s areally nice cover, I agree with you.

  18. Carole Rae

    oooooh. For starters I ADORE the cover.
    Secondly…this intrigues me. Hmmmm

    1. Melliane

      it was quite intriguing indeed

  19. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    I’ve been so curious about her book Cruel Beauty, have you read that one? Both books have such good reviews, I don’t know where to start now!

    1. Melliane

      yes as I said in my review but I was a bit mixed…

  20. Melissa (Books and Things)

    YES! I’ve been wanting to read this one since I enjoyed her last book. So glad to see that you really enjoyed it as well. Will have to push it up the wishlist!

    1. Melliane

      I hope you’ll enjoy it as well

  21. Jennifer Bielman @ Bad Bird Reads

    I just finished this book, like 15 mins ago. lol. It was good, but I think there was too much down time. I got a bit bored. but still an interesting one.

    1. Melliane

      lol I can’t wait to see your review!

  22. Lola @ Hit or Miss Books

    It perplexes me to see so many people enjoying this and giving it a high rating such as the one you gave, but then see on Goodreads an average rating that is unbelievably low!! Same thing for Cruel Beauty! So weird 😛 Anyway, glad you loved this!! I did too. Can’t wait to get the hardcover of it. Great review, D!!

    1. Melliane

      I didn’t see that but I was more mixed by cruel beauty I confess

  23. Emma @ Never Judge a Book by its Cover

    I tried reading cruel Beauty but I just couldn’t get into it for some reason. Fairytale retelling are a bit of a picky genre for me. But I’m glad to see that you still continue the series. Great review, Melliane.

  24. Paula M. @ Her Book Thoughts!

    I’ve always been a fan of myths 🙂 I still haven’t touched my arc of this because I’m so busy 🙁 I really can’t wait to read it. Thanks for the wondeful review!! 🙂

  25. Lorna

    Not the type of book I usually read, but found your review very interesting, I am glad you liked it. Nice review!

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