Synopsis: Sitting down at the wrong table in a bar turned my life upside down.

I was supposed to be on a date with one man but made a huge mistake. A mistake I keep bumping into all over New York City.

Clark is arrogant, straightforward and takes what he wants. And right now his sight is set on me.

But he’s proposing friends with benefits.
And I’d rather eat dirt than agree to that.

After an “enough is enough” moment, I turned to the Universe for help & asked for a special sign.

And it’s just my luck … looks like rabbits & romance really do mix!

Review: I did not know about the author, but the synopsis seemed nice and it’s always a pleasure to discover a new writer!

Juliet is fond of dating sites but nothing happens as expected and her dates are usually terrible disasters. But then, one day she makes a mistake and introduces herself to a man she thought was the one who waited for her until the good one came in. Big blunder. Especially since she often meets him in town now. He intrigued her, and he offers her an offer that she did not expect: to be friends and especially to sleep together without having any connection. It is out of the question … well, normally.

I really enjoyed following Juliet and Clark. They both want the same thing but do not really know it. Clark is determined, very determined and he knows what he wants, but while all women are at his feet, this is not Juliet’s case. He does not understand it, and that intrigues him. It is easy to connect and to understand the young woman, whether it is her doubts and even her hopes. She would like to finally find her half to found something with him, but it’s a lot more complicated than expected. But her meeting with Clark will spark!

It was a nice and light reading that allows you to have a good time.

12 thoughts on “Fortunate Encounters by Caterina Passarelli

  1. Sophia Rose

    That’s a funny meet cute with her mistaking him for her blind date. Sounds like a fun one.

    1. Melliane

      yes it was a nice one

  2. Melanie Simmons

    Interesting idea for how they meet. Sounds cute. Glad you enjoyed it.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Books of My Heart

    1. Melliane

      yes it was

  3. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer

    It sounds like it was fun watching Juliet and Clark figure it all out.

  4. blodeuedd

    SOunds like a good one, and yes I have not read her before either

    1. Melliane

      yes it was nice to have a good time

  5. Mary Kirkland

    I like the premise for the story. Sounds like it would be a fun one.

  6. Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books

    This does sound like a fun read. Glad you enjoyed it!

  7. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Sounds interesting, and I’m glad you enjoyed. Funny how in these books all the arrogant and straightforward jerkish men who take what they want usually have the heroines falling for them. 😀

  8. Carole Rae

    Awww cute. Whenever I sit at the wrong table I get glares and told to go away lol 😉

  9. Northwoman

    Ah a meet cute. I’m happy it was fun to watch them get together. Anne – Books of My Heart

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