Sweet on You by Katana Collins

Synopsis: Pros to dating Lex Bailey:
Sexiest man I’ve ever seen
Panty-Melting British Accent
Talented Baker

Cons to dating Lex Bailey:
Turned me down when I asked him out…
in front of my entire family…
at my brother’s engagement party.

Oh, and he has a secret. A big secret.

So… no. I don’t think I’ll be giving him any second chances. But my foster dog? He has other ideas. This dog has issues… and Lex’s cat has the cure.

Unfortunately, I’m not exactly a forgive and forget kind of person. And even though both my dog and I appreciate the help, this time, I’m not going to let him get close enough to break my heart. This time, Lex Bailey is staying at arm’s length.

Review: I didn’t know this novel, but when I saw it on an author’s newsletter, I thought the story could be nice. So I was pleased to get started.

In this novel, we follow the story of Ronnie and Lex, two characters we enjoy discovering. But here it is, Lex refused to go out with the young woman, so she gets used to the idea, until he proves to her that it’s not exactly that. Because Lex is hiding a secret and his life is a bit complicated.

I had a little trouble hanging on to the story, even though I finally had a good time. Maybe because everything’s going so fast with Ronnie and Lex’s relationship? Maybe because sometimes there are lengths? Maybe it wasn’t the right time? In any case, if I found the novel nice in its entirety, it will not have left me a great memory. However, I really liked the connection between Penny, Ronnie’s dog and Frost, Lex’s cat.

Anyway, it was a pretty cool novel with difficult themes and I was quite happy to see the connections between the characters.

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