October Day, Book 15

Synopsis: Toby’s getting married! Now in hardcover, the fifteenth novel of the Hugo-nominated, New York Times-bestselling October Daye urban fantasy series.

It’s hard to be a hero. There’s always something needing October “Toby” Daye’s attention, and her own desires tend to fall by the wayside in favor of solving the Kingdom’s problems. That includes the desire to marry her long-time suitor and current fiancé, Tybalt, San Francisco’s King of Cats. She doesn’t mean to keep delaying the wedding, it just sort of…happens. And that’s why her closest friends have taken the choice out of her hands, ambushing her with a court wedding at the High Court in Toronto. Once the High King gets involved, there’s not much even Toby can do to delay things…

…except for getting involved in stopping a plot to overthrow the High Throne itself, destabilizing the Westlands entirely, and keeping her from getting married through nothing more than the sheer volume of chaos it would cause. Can Toby save the Westlands and make it to her own wedding on time? Or is she going to have to choose one over the other?

Review: I am a fan of October Daye and I couldn’t wait to dive into this novel! How could I not be as we finally see the wedding between October and Tybalt! Oh yes, after all this time, this is it! It’s time!

October didn’t organize her wedding. No, no, she hasn’t. Tybalt, May, Stacy and the others have done everything for her. All she has to do is to be there when the day comes and that day has finally arrived! Forced to go to the Westlands where the High King is supposed to marry them, you can imagine that, as always, nothing will be easy! Besides, it seems that someone has decided that this is the right time to dethrone the king and October will soon have to juggle her wedding with a coup d’etat. Not an easy task! Even for her.

I had a great time with this novel. It was a real pleasure to be reunited with all the characters and to finally see the moment we have all been waiting for. I’m also curious to see what the sequel will have in store for us. There are at least two more volumes and I know October will find a way to get into trouble!


7 thoughts on “When Sorrows Come by Seanan McGuire

  1. Sophia Rose

    That is fun when the characters you love get their wedding and there is a big political takeover planned to keep things exciting.

  2. blodeuedd

    I will have to wait a year for pb, I just can’t buy hardback, noooooooo

  3. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I want to read this series and have considered it for a Read-along. Robin is a big fan of these books.

  4. Carole @ Carole's Random Life

    I really need to start reading this series! I am so glad you enjoyed this one!

  5. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    I can’t believe this one’s up to book 15 now! I’m glad it’s still so good though!

  6. Carole Rae

    That cover is amazing

  7. Melanie

    I really need to try this series. I haven’t read a lot of Seanan McGuire, but I’ve read everything under her other pen name, Mira Grant. Glad to see the series is still going strong.

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