Synopsis: As the snows fall and hearths burn, four stories of Midwinter beginnings prove that love can fight its way through the chillest night… THE DARKEST MIDNIGHT, by Grace Draven The mark Jahna Ulfrida was born with has made her a target […]
Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Alors que les neiges tombent et que les foyers brûlent, quatre histoires de début d’hiver prouvent que l’amour peut se frayer un chemin à travers la nuit la plus froide … THE DARKEST MIDNIGHT, by Grace Draven Jahna […]
Synopsis: From master anthologist Ellen Datlow comes an all-original of weird tales inspired by the strangeness of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. Between the hallucinogenic, weird, imaginative wordplay and the brilliant mathematical […]
Résumé : De l’anthologue Ellen Datlow vient un ensemble original des contes étranges inspirés par l’étrangeté des aventures d’Alice au pays des merveilles de Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass, What Alice Found There. Entre le jeu de mots hallucinogène, bizarre, imaginatif et les brillantes énigmes mathématiques […]
Synopsis: Six award-winning authors bring you this spellbinding collection of stories about dark desires, mysterious worlds, and danger that lurks in the shadows of the night. Where nothing is black and white; where things might not be as they seem; where magic […]
Résumé : Six award-winning authors bring you this spellbinding collection of stories about dark desires, mysterious worlds, and danger that lurks in the shadows of the night. Where nothing is black and white; where things might not be as they seem; where […]
Synopsis: The Doll Collection is exactly what it sounds like: a treasured toy box of all-original dark stories about dolls of all types, including everything from puppets and poppets to mannequins and baby dolls. Featuring everything from life-sized clockwork dolls to all-too-human Betsy […]