Synopsis: “I plead the blood.” Those were the last words seventeen-year-old golden boy quarterback Clay Tate heard rattling from his dad’s throat when he discovered him dying on the barn floor of the Neely Cattle Ranch, clutching a crucifix to his chest. Now, on the first anniversary of the Midland, Oklahoma slaughter, the whole town’s …
The Last Harvest de Kim Liggett (VO)
Résumé (traduction personnelle) : « Je supplie le sang. » C’étaient les derniers mots que Clay Tate, quater-back de 17 ans ait entendu sortir de la gorge de son père quand il l’a découvert mourant sur le sol de la grange du Ranch de bétail Neely, serrant un crucifix contre sa poitrine. Maintenant, au premier anniversaire de …