Hungry Ghosts by Stephen Blackmoore

Eric Carte, Book 3

Synopsis: Necromancer Eric Carter’s problems keep getting bigger. Bad enough he’s the unwilling husband to the patron saint of death, Santa Muerte, but now her ex, the Aztec King of the dead, Mictlantecuhtli, has come back — and it turns out that Carter and he are swapping places. As Mictlantecuhtli breaks loose of his prison of jade, Carter is slowly turning to stone.

To make matters worse, both gods are trying to get Carter to assassinate the other. But only one of them can be telling him the truth and he can’t trust either one. Carter’s solution? Kill them both.

If he wants to get out of this situation with his soul intact, he’ll have to go to Mictlan, the Aztec land of the dead, and take down a couple of death gods while facing down the worst trials the place has to offer him: his own sins.

Review: This is the third volume of the series and I am glad to know that some new novels will come later! We find Eric Carter in the continuation of his adventures. Indeed, he is looking for Tabitha to try to understand exactly her role. It’s not easy and he does not know what he’ll do when he finds her. However, they will team up and they will go to land that few people have walked on. Because what is most important for Eric is to discover what he must do with these two gods.

I had a good time with this story, although I admit that this one is not necessarily as good as the other two. I do not know why but it is true that this volume is a little different in its construction. In the first two, even though Eric did not really know what to do, he had a line and goals. Here, however, it’s a little different. Indeed, he seems rather lost and he advances without really knowing what to do. But this is only a detail because it is always a real pleasure to follow our hero and the author will allow us to discover more about the universe and the mythology. He will also propose reversals of situations that I had not seen coming and I am very curious to see what will happen thereafter!

Hungry Ghosts de Stephen Blackmoore (VO)

Eric Carte, Tome 3

Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Les problèmes du nécromancien Eric Carter ne cessent de s’aggraver. Si ce n’était pas assez compliqué, il est le mari involontaire de la sainte patronne de la mort, Santa Muerte, mais maintenant son ex, le roi aztèque des morts, Mictlantecuhtli, est revenu – et il s’avère que Carter et lui échangent leur place. Alors que Mictlantecuhtli se libère de sa prison de jade, Carter se transforme lentement en pierre.

Pour aggraver les choses, les deux dieux essayent d’obtenir que Carter assassine l’autre. Mais un seul d’entre eux lui dit la vérité et il ne peut faire confiance à personne. La solution de Carter? Les tuer tous les deux.

S’il veut sortir de cette situation avec son âme intacte, il devra aller à Mictlan, la terre aztèque des morts, et abattre deux dieux de la mort tout en affrontant les pires épreuves que l’endroit a à lui offrir. : ses propres péchés.

Avis : Voilà le troisième tome de la série et je suis contente que d’autres romans arrivent par la suite ! Nous retrouvons Eric Carter dans la suite de ses aventures. En effet, il est à la recherche de Tabitha pour essayer de comprendre exactement son rôle. Ce n’est pas simple et il ne sait pas non plus ce qu’il fera quand il la trouvera. Pourtant, ils vont faire équipe tous les deux et ils vont se rendre dans des terres que peu de personnes ont foulées. Car ce qui est le plus important pour Eric, c’est de découvrir ce qu’il doit faire avec ces deux dieux.

J’ai passé un bon moment avec cette histoire, même si j’avoue que pour lui celui-ci n’est pas forcément aussi bien que les deux autres. Je ne sais pas trop pourquoi mais c’est vrai que ce tome est un peu différent dans sa construction. Dans les deux premiers, même si Eric ne savait pas vraiment quoi faire, il avait une ligne et des objectifs. Ici, par contre, c’est un peu différent. En effet, il semble plutôt perdu et avance sans vraiment savoir quoi faire. Mais ce n’est qu’un détail car c’est toujours un réel plaisir de suivre notre héros et l’auteur nous permettra d’en découvrir plus sur l’univers et la mythologie mise en avant. Il nous proposera aussi des retournements de situations que je n’avais pas vu venir et je suis très curieuse de voir ce qu’il y aura par la suite !

Broken Souls by Stephen Blackmoore

Eric Carter, Book 2

Synopsis: When necromancer Eric Carter returned to Los Angeles after fifteen years on the run he knew things were bad, but he never imagined how bad they could get. Sister murdered, best friend dead, married to the patron saint of death, Santa Muerte.

And things are just getting worse.

His link to the Aztec death goddess is changing his powers, changing him, and he’s not sure how far it will go. He’s starting to question his own sanity, wonder if he’s losing his mind. No mean feat for a guy who talks to the dead on a regular basis.

While searching for a way to break Santa Muerte’s hold over him, Carter finds himself the target of a psychopath who can steal anyone’s form, powers and memories. Identity theft is one thing, but the guy does it by killing his victims and wearing their skins like a suit. He can be anyone. He can be anywhere.

Now Carter has to change the game, go from hunted to hunter. All he has for help is a Skid Row Bruja and a ghost who’s either his dead friend Alex or Carter’s own guilt-fueled psychotic break.

If things go right, he just might survive a week where everything is trying to kill him and nothing is as it seems.

Review: I really had a good time with the first volume and as soon as finished, I ordered the second volume (do you believe me if I tell you that I did the same for the third one?) To discover the rest of the adventures of Eric Carter. It must be said that the novel did not finish very well for him!

Since the death of his best friend, Eric tries to distance himself from all his knowledge. Yet he is still more than determined to discover how to break his tie to Santa Muerte. But his research causes death and it seems that a psychotic man has the sole purpose of killing him to wear his skin and get his powers. Aligning with the Bruja, a woman he did not know about, he will have to choose how much he can trust her. And when his friends are in danger, our hero will have to find out exactly what is happening.

I really liked the novel. The author’s ideas are really interesting and I loved the mythology he mixed with his story. As for the first volume, it is a dark novel that we find and I found it very pleasant and different to read. The general plot is moving forward and the complexity is changing too, which is why I am really very curious to read more. The revelations are surprising and I can not wait to discover what will happen in the third volume!

It’s a UF series that I recommend if you want something a little darker than what is usually found.

Broken Souls de Stephen Blackmoore (VO)

Eric Carter, Tome 2

Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Lorsque le nécromancien Eric Carter est retourné à Los Angeles après quinze ans de fuite, il savait que les choses allaient mal, mais il n’avait jamais imaginé à quel point. Sœur assassinée, meilleur ami mort, marié à la sainte patronne de la mort, Santa Muerte.

Et les choses ne font qu’empirer.

Son lien avec la déesse de la mort aztèque change ses pouvoirs, le change lui, et il ne sait pas jusqu’où cela ira. Il commence à remettre en question sa propre santé mentale, se demandant s’il perd l’esprit. La routine pour un gars qui parle aux morts régulièrement.

En cherchant un moyen de briser l’emprise de Santa Muerte sur lui, Carter se retrouve la cible d’un psychopathe qui peut voler la forme, les pouvoirs et les souvenirs de n’importe qui. Le vol d’identité est une chose, mais le gars le fait en tuant ses victimes et en portant leur peau comme un costume. Il peut être n’importe qui. Il peut être n’importe où.

Maintenant Carter doit changer le jeu, passer de chassé à chasseur. Tout ce qu’il a pour l’aider, c’est une Bruja et un fantôme qui est soit son pote Alex, soit sa propre rupture psychique alimenté par sa culpabilité.

Si tout va bien, il pourrait bien survivre une semaine où tout le monde essaie de le tuer et rien n’est comme il semble.

Avis : J’avais vraiment passé un bon moment avec le premier tome et si tôt fini, j’ai commandé le second (vous me croirez si je vous dis que j’ai fait pareil pour le troisième ?) pour découvrir la suite des aventures d’Eric Carter. Il faut dire que le roman ne finissait pas très bien pour lui !

Depuis la mort de son meilleur ami, Eric essaie de prendre de la distance avec toutes ses connaissances. Pourtant, il est toujours plus que déterminé à découvrir comment briser son lien avec Santa Muerte. Mais ses recherches entraînent la mort et il semblerait qu’un homme psychotique ait pour seul but de le tuer pour porter sa peau et obtenir ses pouvoirs. S’alliant avec la Bruja, une femme qu’il ne connaissait pas, il va devoir choisir à quel point il peut lui confiance. Et quand ses amis sont en danger, notre héros va devoir découvrir ce qu’il se passe exactement.

J’ai beaucoup aimé le roman. Les idées de l’auteur sont vraiment intéressantes et j’ai adoré la mythologie qu’il a mélangée à son histoire. Comme pour le premier tome, c’est un roman sombre que l’on retrouve et j’ai trouvé ça très agréable et différent à lire. L’intrigue générale avance et la complexité évolue aussi, c’est pour cela que je suis vraiment très curieuse d’en lire plus. Les révélations sont surprenantes et je suis impatiente de découvrir ce qu’il se passera dans le troisième tome !

C’est vraiment une série d’urban fantasy que je recommande si vous désirez quelque chose d’un peu plus noir que ce que l’on retrouve habituellement.

Dead Things by Stephen Blackmoore

Eric Carter, Book 1

Synopsis: Necromancer is such an ugly word, but it’s a title Eric Carter is stuck with.

He sees ghosts, talks to the dead. He’s turned it into a lucrative career putting troublesome spirits to rest, sometimes taking on even more dangerous things. For a fee, of course.

When he left L.A. fifteen years ago he thought he’d never go back. Too many bad memories. Too many people trying to kill him.

But now his sister’s been brutally murdered and Carter wants to find out why.

Was it the gangster looking to settle a score? The ghost of a mage he killed the night he left town? Maybe it’s the patron saint of violent death herself, Santa Muerte, who’s taken an unusually keen interest in him.

Carter’s going to find out who did it and he’s going to make them pay.

As long as they don’t kill him first.

Review:  I heard many times about this series and it’s been a while since it was on my wishlist. Thanks to Christmas, I had the chance to receive the first volume and I did not wait much long before immersing myself in the story.

I really appreciated the fact that we follow a man in this novel. There are few urban fantasy novels that have them as a main hero and it’s true that it changes the perspective of the story a lot. Moreover, Eric Carter is a rather dark character and it’s true that it’s nice not to have someone who hesitates, who regrets to kill. No, Eric Carter knows what he has to do and he does it without thinking twice.

He left L.A. fifteen years ago after a rather complicated story, but now he learns that his sister has been killed. While he never thought of doing it, he returned, determined to discover the killer and to make him pay. Yet he did not expect to face his past and confront more powerful entities than he thought, perhaps even more powerful than him.

I quickly suspected the identity of the killer, but I found that the story was really well done and mastered. We discover a lot of things and I admit that I did not necessarily see the end coming. I am in any case very curious to discover what the author reserves for the future because the problems are just beginning and Eric can not run away this time!