In My Maybox” is a meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren
(repris en français par la bibliothèque de Lilie
Les traductions sont personnelles

Do dreams really come true? Much to Aislen Walker’s dismay, they do.
Like most young women, she only wants a normal life–to finish school, become a nurse, maybe even travel the world someday. But one night she has a nightmare and watches helplessly as a young boy executes a man in cold blood. 
What she wants to believe is only a bad dream turns out to be an actual murder! 
Is this all for real? Is she just going crazy? Or is she, as her estranged father tells her in further dreams, really a “walker,” one with a special talent for crossing into different dimensions?
If she believes him she stumbled into The Stratum, a dimension run by a powerful organization that manipulates and controls the real world through it. And they really don’t like strangers wandering in, fouling up their plans or exposing their nefarious deeds. So much so, they want her dead.
In the first book of the Walker Saga, Aislen must decide what’s true and what’s a lie, who she can trust and who she can’t in a reality where nothing and nobody is really what they seem.
Les rêves deviennent-ils réalité ?
Comme toute les jeunes filles de son age, Aislen Walker veut seulement une vie normale – finir le lycée, devenir une infirmière, et peut-être un jour aussi voyager à travers le monde. Mais voilà qu’une nuit, elle fait des cauchemars et assiste impuissante au meurtre d’un homme de commis de sang-froid par un jeune garçon.
Ce qu’elle croit désespérément n’être qu’un mauvais rêve se révèle être un vrai meurtre ! Est-ce vrai ? Est-elle en train de devenir folle ? Ou est-elle, comme son père divorcé le lui répète dans ses rêves, une réelle «Walker», une personne possédant un talent spécial lui permettant de traverser entre les différentes dimensions de l’univers ?
Dans ce cas, elle serait alors tombée dans le « Stratum », une dimension gouvernée par une puissante organisation au travers de laquelle ils peuvent contrôler et manipuler le monde réel. Et ils n’aiment vraiment pas que les étrangers viennent empiéter sur leurs plates-bandes, bouleversant ainsi leurs plans ou exposant leurs abominables actes. Au point qu’ils la veulent maintenant morte.
Aislen doit impérativement arriver à discerner le vrai du faux, savoir en qui elle peut avoir confiance ou non et découvrir qui elle est réellement, dans une réalité où rien ni personne n’est ce qu’il semble paraitre.

44 thoughts on “In My Mailbox

  1. Kate

    Sounds like a really interesting book!

  2. Rebecca

    Oh this sounds good! Hope you enjoy:)

  3. Jessica@a GREAT read

    OOOh nice! That one is new to me! Hope you enjoy it!

    Here’s my IMM

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  4. Nicola (pocketfullofbooks)

    Wow, the cover is gorgeous! Happy reading!

  5. Sakinia

    Le résumé est intéressant 🙂

    Bonne lecture !!

  6. Mel

    Interesting sounding book – I like the idea of dreams coming true! 🙂

  7. Lindsay

    What a cool cover! Enjoy

    Here is my IMM

    Happy Reading!
    Lindsay @ Turning the Pages

  8. mariska

    Your IMM looks fantastic. I hope you would enjoy your new book 😀

    Mariska (new follower)
    My IMM

  9. Kristin

    Nice mailbox this week! I have never heard of this book before but it sounds good.
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

  10. April (BooksandWine)

    Oh, Dreamwalker looks intriguing.

    Happy reading 🙂

    My IMM

  11. Amber I @ Awesomesauce

    This looks like a great read, I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by!

  12. roro

    njoy all

  13. Melissas Eclectic Bookshelf

    That book sounds really good! Hope you enjoy it!

    Thanks for stopping by My IMM!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf

  14. Chapter by Chapter

    This sounds pretty interesting! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    My IMM this week

  15. Serega

    Ah j’avoue ne pas connaitre mais ça me tente bien ! =D

    Bonne semaine et bonnes lectures ! ^^

    1. Melliane

      c’est une auto-publication du coup ça ne doit pas etre connu du tout, mais je suis assez curieuse de voir ce que ça donnera. merci

  16. Alison Can Read

    Great set! I haven’t heard of Dream Walker. Hope you love it.
    My IMM

  17. Elodie

    Dream Walker sounds amazing !! I’ve entered the giveaway .. Fingers crossed 🙂 !! Happy reading Melliane 🙂

  18. Celine

    Sounds like a great book, Melliane! I haven’t heard of it but it might need to go to my to-read list! I hope you enjoy the book and happy reading! 🙂

  19. Janiera

    That looks like a great book and I just love the cover!
    My IMM

  20. Mariana Schiavi

    I love the cover.
    I really hope you enjoy reading .
    I’m following your blog. Please “like” my page on facebook. It’s there on my blog.
    Have a good weekend.

    Mariana – World of tori Vega.

  21. Jennifer Messerschmidt

    Beautiful cover and sounds really awesome! New to me so thanks for sharing and thanks for visiting My IMM!

  22. Jennifer

    Lovely cover. I haven’t heard of this one before. Sounds interesting. Enjoy!

  23. l0raah_

    Il me fait assez envie celui-là… et j’aime bien la couverture 🙂 Bonne lecture!

  24. Sam

    Sounds like a good book! I can’t wait to see what you think of it. 🙂

  25. Miss Vain's Paranormal Fantasy

    Hey! Melliane 🙂

    I haven’t heard of this book so I must go check it out on GR 🙂

    Thanks for visiting my IMM. Love it when you stop by!
    Guess what I just barely realized today, that you have a co-blogger…hello Inessa!;)

    1. Melliane

      lol Yes, Inessa is wonderful. I think it’s because for a few weeks she hadn’t post a lot, I have so many reviews to post.

    2. Inessa

      Thank you very much Melliane! (Je viens de voir ton com, désolée) You are wonderful too 😉

      Hello Miss Vain& 😀
      Yes, actually I’m not very active on the blog (professional reasons). But I’m still present and I’ll post my reviews as soon as possible! 😉

  26. Giselle

    This is a new one to me I love that cover!!

    Xpresso Reads

  27. Megan

    I haven’t heard of this, but it sounds interesting!

    IMM @ Megan Likes Books

  28. Maria

    This one sounds pretty good – hope you enjoy it! Happy reading! 🙂

  29. Mimi Valentine

    I’m absolutely in love with that cover! It’s just so pretty with its peachy colours and sparkly background and eye-catching title! And the whole synopsis for it sounds really cool too — I just love the idea of dream walking, and I think that book will be great! 🙂

    Awesome mailbox this week, Mel! I hope you really enjoy your book! <3

  30. Christy @ TheReaderBee

    Sounds like a great read! I hope you enjoy it! 🙂

  31. Missie, The Unread Reader

    Very cool cover! I hope you enjoy.

  32. Brenda Demko

    This sounds intriguing! I hadn’t heard of this before. Thank you for stopping by!

  33. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Interesting cover! Hope it compliments the book well!

    1. Melliane

      I hope so too!

  34. Yeah! Do hope you enjoy it. 🙂 Have a great week dear!

  35. Tristan

    Hey, cool cover I’ll have to check this one out, Happy reading =D
    Tristan @ Reads With Wreckless Abandon

  36. Rachel

    Hadn’t heard of this one. Looks interesting–I’ll have to check it out!

    Happy reading 🙂

  37. Amber

    I’ve never heard of Dream Walker before but it sounds really good. I hope you enjoy it!

  38. Rebecca (Kindle Fever)

    Ohh, this definitely sounds good. o: I haven’t heard of it before, but now I’m super curious. I really hope you’ll enjoy it!

    1. Melliane

      thank you so much, I hope so too!

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