Michael R. Underwood
Geekomancy (Ree Reyes, 1)
Celebromancy (Ree Reyes, 2)
Attack of the Geek (Ree Reyes, 2.5)


Catherynne M. Valente
Aurélie Valognes
David Vann
Carrie Vaughn
After the Golden Age (Golden Age, 1)
Jessica Verday
Of Monsters and Madness (Of Monsters and Madness, 1)
Luca Veste
Ruth Vincent
Elixir (Elixir, 1)
Lynn Viehl
Nightshine(Kyndred, 4)
Nightbred (Lords of the Darkyn, 2)
Her Ladyship’s Curse (Disenchanted & Co., 1, Part #1)
Her Lordship Possessed(Disenchanted & Co., 1, Part #2)
The Clockwork Wolf (Disenchanted & Co, 2)


Robin P. Waldrop

Ties To The Blood Moon

Julie Ann Walker
In Moonlight and Memories (#1)

N.R. Walker

Shiloh Walker
The Reunited (The FBI Psychics, 3)

Auralee Wallace

Krista Walsh
Death at Peony House (The Invisible Entente, 1)

Jo Walton
My Real Children

Ruth Warburton
Witch Finder (Witch Finder, 1)

J.R. Ward
Covet (Fallen Angels, 1)
Crave (Fallen Angels, 2)
Envy (Fallen Angels, 3)
Rapture (Fallen Angels, 4)
Consumed (Firefighters, 1)
Penelope Ward
Joss Ware
Beyond the night (Envy Chronicles, 1)
Tempted by the Night (Envy Chronicles, 6.5)
Nancy Warren
The Vampire Knitting Club (Vampire Knitting Club, 1)
S.J. Watson
Erin Watt
L.A. Weatherly
Angel Burn (Angel, 1)

Angel Fire (Angel, 2)
Minda Webber
David Weber
Like a Mighty Army (Safehold, 7)
Greg Weisman
Rain of the Ghosts (Rain Cacique, 1)
Kirsten Weiss

The Metaphysical Detective (Riga Hayworth, 1)
The Alchemical Detective (Riga Hayworth, 2)

Phaedra Weldon
The Book Of Ill Deeds (Witches of Castle Falls, 1)

Jaye Wells
Dirty Magic (Prospero’s War, 1)
Cursed Moon (Prospero’s War, 2)
Deadly Spells (Prospero’s War, 3)
Volatile Bonds (Propero’s War, 4)
Silver-Tongued Devil (Sabina Kane, 4)
Blue-Blooded Vamp (Sabina Kane, 5)
High Lonesome Sound

Lisa Wells
Hexes and O’s (Singles Town, 1)

Kasie West
PS: I Like You
Pivot Point (Pivot Point, 1)

Tara West
Divine and Dateless (Eternally Yours, 1)
Damned and Desirable (Eternally Yours, 2)

S.M. Wheeler
Sea Change

Emily White
Elemental (Auri, 1)
Fae (Auri, 2)

Deborah Wilde
Blood & Ash (The Jezebel Files, 1)
The Unlikeable Demon Hunter (Nava Katz, 1)

Fran Wilde
The Fire Opal Mechanism (Gemworld, 2)

Eileen Wilks
Mortal Ties (The World of the Lupi, 9)

Sandy Williams
The Shadow Reader (McKenzie Lewis, 1)
The Shattered Dark (McKenzie Lewis, 2)
The Sharpest Blade (McKenzie Lewis, 3)
A Void of Magic (Kennedy Rain, 1)

Cindy R. Wilson
Paper Girl

Robert Charles Wilson
The Affinities

A.S. Winchester
Terra : Genesis

Catherine Winchester
How to train your zombies

Mark Wooden
By Virtue Fall (Shadowdance Saga, 1)

Jennifer Woodhull

Marah Woolf
SilverMoonLight (MondLichtSaga, 1)

Adam J. Wright
Lost Soul (Harbinger P.I., 1)

Suzanne Wright
Feral Sins (The Phoenix Pack, 1)
Wicked Cravings (The Phoenix Pack, 2)
Carnal Secrets (The Phoenix Pack, 3)
Fierce Obsessions (The Phoenix Pack, 6)
Wild Hunger (The Phoenix Pack, 7)
Spiral of Need (The Mercury Pack, 1)
Burn (Dark in You, 1)
Blaze (Dark in You, 2)
Ashes (Dark in You, 3)
Embers (Dark in You, 4)

Sylvia Spruck Wrigley
Domnall and the Borrowed Child

C.V. Wyk
Blood and Sand

Joanna Wylde
Reaper’s Property (Reapers MC, 1)
Reaper’s Stand (Reapers MC, 4)
Reaper’s Fall (Reapers MC, 5)

Jamie Wyman
Wild Card



Rick Yancey
The 5th Wave (The Fifth Wave, 1)

Cathy Yardley
Temping is Hell
The Surfer Solution

Linda Yellin
What Nora Knew


Dima Zales
The Girl Who Sees (Sasha Urban, 1)
Misfortune Teller (Sasha Urban, 2)

Reluctant Psychic (Sasha Urban, 3)
Sleight of Fantasy (Sasha Urban, 4)
Paranormal Misdirection (Sasha Urban, 5)
Prophecy of Magic (Sasha Urban, 6)
Smoke, Vampires and Mirrors (Sasha Urban, 7)

Lori Zaremba
Case One: The Deceit (Trudy Hicks Ghost Hunter, 1)

Roger Zelazny
Nine Princes in Amber (The Chronicles of Amber, 1)