Cursed Moon by Jaye Wells

The Prospero’s War, Book 2

Synopsis: When a rare Blue Moon upsets the magical balance in the city, Detective Kate Prospero and her Magical Enforcement colleagues pitch in to help Babylon PD keep the peace. Between potions going haywire and everyone’s emotions running high, every cop in the city is on edge. But the moon’s impact is especially strong for Kate who’s wrestling with guilt over falling off the magic wagon.

After a rogue wizard steals dangerous potions from the local covens, Kate worries their suspect is building a dirty magic bomb. Her team must find the anarchist rogue before the covens catch him, and make sure they defuse the bomb before the Blue Moon deadline. Failure is never an option, but success will require Kate to come clean about her secrets.

Review: I admit that I loved the first book and I was really looking forward to immersing myself in this second volume. It must be said that the end of the previous volume made ​​me very curious about the continuation of Kate in the story.

Our heroine is plagued by guilt, by the heady feeling she felt while cooking these potions she thought she had long abandoned. But as she is trying to forget that fact by drinking, she plunges lost heart in her work as the Blue Moon day arrives, upsetting the lives of everyone. Oh yes because it seems that the emotions of each character are exacerbated and magic users are much more active. But when a rogue wizard steal potions in different covens, as some causing great sexual aggressiveness including rape (yes I really wondered about the purpose of these potions, really, because it is really twisted), Kate knows she will have to soon discover the culprit. But something simple at first could be more dangerous than expected, threatening the entire city.

Kate has to overcome many obstacles here and it is true that some information obtained in the course of history poses many more questions than we started with. When I remembered that the series was supposed to be a trilogy, I wondered how things were going to be unfolded thereafter. I really wish it was possible to have more books to really explore all the possibilities but still, we shall see in the next volume how it will exactly be.

I was immediately grabbed by the story and it’s true that I was really excited to see how everything would unfold. The plot was really well done and all the characters that we have discovered before are again present for our great pleasure.

As I said, we are going to learn a little more about Kate and her past, especially about her mother and her uncle. Yess! After hearing so much about her dear uncle, we truly encounter him here and I confess that I could not wait to see this meeting. But it is true that many issues are added too.

Of course, we also have a chance to see Volos again. I admit that between him and Moralez, Volos is always the one remaining in my heart. However, I think we see him too little for my taste and I love every interaction with Kate. Ah Volos is the typical example of the bad boy. I really do not understand why our heroine resists him that much elsewhere. But back to Kate, I have a few words to say about her … Oh yes because I did not expect that the reactions of the young woman would annoy me so much. She judges everyone without restriction while she should judge herself in the matter. She doesn’t take the time to take care of her little brother and retreats into a world of self-pity, which is not necessarily pleasant. I understand that she has a lot of problems, but it’s the same for everyone and sometimes you only have to understand others and help them through the process. I think she finally understands at the end of the story that sometimes she needs to share her burdden to survive and she has to avoid making decisions for others.

I have in any case spent a good time and I can not wait to read the next book.



45 thoughts on “Cursed Moon by Jaye Wells

  1. Hey, Melliane! Great review! I’m glad you liked this one despite it’s twistedness. That’s a really good word for it–well done. I struggled with Kate’s self-involvement a bit too, but I liked the first book enough, and my issues in book 2 were situational (at least I hope there won’t be another rape bomb in the future, LOL) that I’m also looking forward to the next book 3.

    BUT . . . I am Team Moralex all the way 😉

  2. I just finished reading this too, so I could catch up in time to read the third book. I agree completely with you about Kate. She’s in a word, ANNOYING. I wanted to yell at her to get over the fact she cooked to save the life of her little brother…heck, I know many people would have done much worse to save a loved one. And Kate gets so high and mighty about others taking potions, but then at the same time she goes and drinks herself to oblivion? What a hypocrite, and a self-righteous judgmental bully!

    I really hope her character improves in the next book now that she’s accepted magic in her life. I like these books, but they would be even better if the character more tolerable.

  3. I hate it when the make the protagonist guilt ridden and drinking. Okay and now the potions purpose has me scared. The plot sounds interesting, but I’m not sure if it’s for me. I’m glad you enjoyed it though. 🙂

  4. Well, this seems like yet another UF book I need to add to my list. I think I have seen the first book around and even read your review for it. It seems like a great series and we all need a dose of UF badassness from time to time 😉 Great review 🙂

  5. Sigh, so many good books so little time! I’m in between reads now and you’re tempting me to drop my plans and read book 1 instead. But I must persevere! I’m binge reading The Madman’s Daughter Trilogy, I hope it’s as good as this.

  6. I don’t think I’ll be reading this because of KATE. Her personality doesn’t look appealing. And, by the way, I love this: ”I understand that she has a lot of problems, but it’s the same for everyone and sometimes you only have to understand others and help them through the process.”

    Great review! 😀

  7. Seeing as Jessica liked this one as well and even loved Book 2, and seeing you rave about it like that (I am very interested in the history and world-building… it seems so grand that you wish it expands more than three volumes!) I am going to keep an eye on this one. I hope I get to read it soon >.<

    Faye at The Social Potato

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