Volatile Bonds by Jaye Wells

Prospero’s War, Book 4

Synopsis: When the Magic Enforcement Agency is called out to the scene of a dirty magic explosion, a body with a bullet wound is found in the smoldering ruins. As Detective Kate Prospero and her partner, Special Agent Drew Morales, hunt down the killer, they uncover evidence that a dangerous new coven may be operating in the Cauldron.

It’s not long before the bodies start piling up, and the heat is on for the team to make an arrest. Solving the murders will require unraveling dangerous alliances between the city’s dirty magic covens. And if they’re not careful, the new complexities of Morales and Prospero’s own partnership threaten to make a volatile situation downright deadly.

Review: Since the release of the third volume, the author had left this series on the side. Finally, she took it in hand to propose us a new fourth volume and I confess that I was eager to read it!

So we find our heroine, as well as Morales on a new investigation. Aphrodite’s nephew died, shot and then burned by an explosion in one of the magic laboratories. Although Kate is against the idea of ​​taking the case, she does not really have a choice. This affair will once again put them in danger when they face a new group in town: dangerous people that would not be against bringing down Morales. But on top of that, Abe seems to continue to manage the Votaries by far, Volos of course is not really clear, and Danny has decided to put all the chances on his side so that Kate agrees to let him go to a special school… But when on top of that, Kate is no longer sure to be able to trust her partner, everything becomes even more explosive.

This new investigation was interesting and I confess that I was really wondering what was going on. I did not see the turnaround coming and I was quite surprised about it. Of course, I always have several questions and am curious to find out what is going to happen now. I will never say it enough, but yes I am “team Volos” so it is true that I liked to see him in this novel and to attend his exchanges with Kate. It is true that it is very difficult to rule on him but he is always there when she needs him. As for Morales, I confess that I was quite surprised and I did not expect that from him.

In short a fourth volume very nice and I now wait for volume 5 with curiosity.




Volatile Bonds de Jaye Wells (VO)

Prospero’s War, Tome 4

Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Lorsque la Magic Enforcement Agency est appelée sur la scène d’une explosion magique sale, un corps avec une blessure par balle se trouve dans les ruines ardentes. Alors que détective Kate Prospero et son partenaire, l’agent spécial Drew Morales, cherchent le tueur, ils découvrent qu’il existe un nouveau clan dangereux dans le Chaudron.

Il ne faut pas que les corps commencent à s’accumuler et que les regards se tournent vers l’équipe pour qu’ils puissent faire une arrestation. La résolution des meurtres signifiera démêler des alliances dangereuses entre les covens magiques sales. Et s’ils ne font pas attention, les nouvelles complexités du partenariat de Morales et Prospero menacent de faire d’une situation instable une situation dangereuse.

Avis : Depuis la sortie du troisième tome, l’auteure avait laissé en standby cette série. Finalement, elle l’a reprise en main pour nous proposer un nouveau quatrième tome et j’avoue que j’étais impatiente de me plonger dedans !

Nous retrouvons donc notre héroïne, ainsi que Morales en proie à une nouvelle enquête. Le neveu d’Aphrodite est mort, tué par balle puis brûlé par une explosion d’un des laboratoires de magie. Bien que Kate soit contre l’idée de prendre l’affaire, elle n’a pas vraiment le choix. Cette affaire va une nouvelle fois les mettre en danger quand ils font face à un nouveau groupe en ville : des personnes dangereuses que ne seraient pas contre faire tomber Morales. Mais en plus de cela, Abe semble continuer à gérer de façon très présente les Votaries de loin, Volos bien sûr n’est pas vraiment net, et Danny a bien décidé à mettre toutes les chances de son côté pour que Kate accepte de le laisser aller à l’école des arcanes magiques… Mais quand en plus de cela, Kate n’est plus sûre de pouvoir faire confiance à son partenaire. Tout devient encore plus explosif.

Cette nouvelle enquête était intéressante et j’avoue que je me demandais vraiment ce qu’il se passait. Je n’ai pas du tout vu le revirement de situation venir et j’ai été assez surprise. Bien sûr, j’ai toujours plusieurs questions et je suis curieuse de découvrir ce qu’il va advenir à présent. Je ne le dirai jamais assez mais oui je suis « team Volos » alors c’est vrai que j’ai beaucoup aimé le voir dans ce roman et assister à ses échanges avec Kate. C’est vrai que c’est très difficile de statuer à son sujet mais il est toujours là quand elle a besoin de lui. Pour ce qui est de Morales, j’avoue que j’ai été assez surprise et je ne m’attendais pas à ça de lui.

Bref un quatrième tome très sympa et j’attends maintenant le tome 5 avec curiosité.


High lonesome sound by Jaye Wells

Synopsis: In the sleepy mountain town of Moon Hollow, Virginia, there is a church with a crooked steeple. No one will say for sure how it got that way, but it’s reason the whole town gathers every Decoration Day to honor the dead.

But this year, there are two fresh graves up on Cemetery Hill, a stranger’s come to town, and the mountain’s song is filled with dark warnings.

The good people of Moon Hollow are about to learn that some secrets are too painful to bear, and some spirits are too restless to stay buried.

Review: I’ve always loved all of the Jaye Wells’s novels that I read and when I saw that she was releasing a new story, I was very intrigued! How not to be?

The author brings original and different ideas from what we usually found here. It is thus very intriguing to discover this little town of Moon Hollow and all the secrets that the inhabitants hide. We then follow different characters throughout the story while trying to understand what exactly is happening. In addition, the arrival of a stranger is consistent with the death of two people and everyone is afraid of what this could mean.

I always have trouble when there are several characters to follow but, if I was afraid of that at the beginning of the story, I found that the story was well done and I finally did not have any worries. However, I am a little sad to say that, but I did not connect on the novel. If the general idea is nice, I did not get attached to the characters nor managed to really enter the story. There was probably a little too much religion for me or too many characters. I do not know what exactly but it did not work for me. By cons I’m sure the novel will please others.




High lonesome sound de Jaye Wells (VO)

Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Dans la ville montagneuse endormie de Moon Hollow, en Virginie, il y a une église avec un clocher tortueux. Personne ne peut dire avec certitude comment cela s’est passé, mais c’est la raison pour laquelle toute la ville se rassemble chaque Decoration Day pour honorer les morts.

Mais cette année, il y a deux nouvelles tombes sur Cemetery Hill, un étranger arrive en ville, et la chanson de la montagne est remplie d’avertissements sombres.

Les bonnes gens de Moon Hollow sont sur le point d’apprendre que certains secrets sont trop douloureux à supporter, et certains esprits sont trop agités pour rester enterrés.

Avis : J’ai toujours beaucoup aimé tous les romans de Jaye Wells que j’ai lus et quand j’ai vu qu’elle sortait une nouvelle histoire, j’ai été très intriguée ! Comment ne pas l’être ?

L’auteure apporte des idées originales et différentes de ce que l’on trouve habituellement ici. C’est ainsi très intrigant de découvrir cette petite ville de Moon Hollow et tous les secrets que les habitants cachent. On suit alors différents personnages tout au long de l’histoire tout en essayant de comprendre ce qu’il se passe exactement. De plus, l’arrivée d’un étranger concorde avec la mort de deux personnes et tout le monde a peur de ce que ceci pourrait signifier.

J’ai toujours du mal quand il y a plusieurs personnages à suivre mais, si j’avais peur de cela au début de l’histoire, j’ai trouvé que l’histoire était bien menée et je n’ai finalement pas eu de soucis. Cependant, je suis un peu triste de dire ça, mais je n’ai pas accroché au roman. Si l’idée générale est sympa, je ne me suis pas attachée aux personnages ni ne suis parvenue à réellement rentrer dans le récit. Il y avait surement un peu trop de religion pour moi ou trop de personnages. Je ne sais pas mais ça n’a pas fonctionné. Par contre je suis sûre que le roman plaira à d’autres.


Deadly Spells by Jaye Wells

Prospero’s War, Book 3

Synopsis: After the grisly murder of a dirty magic coven leader, Kate Prospero and The Magical Enforcement Agency team up with the local police to find the killer. But as the infighting between covens turns ugly, an all-out war brews in the slums of Babylon.

When a tenacious reporter sticks her nose in both the investigation and Prospero’s past in the covens, old ghosts resurface. The team will have to use all the weapons in their arsenal to stop the coven war and find the killer before the case brings down all their careers – and their lives.

Review: I had a great time with the first and second book and it’s true that I was eager to immerse myself in the sequel since the end of the previous volume. I must say that each of the characters manages to take us with them and I was curious to find out what would happen afterwards.

So we find our dear Kate Prospero who is facing a new survey. Indeed, it seems that the head of her former clan was assassinated, which could trigger a war. Since the previous events, each Covens evolves amid of visible tensions. But while the challenges keep coming and that everyone stays alert, a new player enters the field. Oh yes, a member of a Brazilian gang is in town, and he appears to be at the source of all problems. While Kate tries to flush out the man, the bodies are piling up in the streets and everyone stays on their toes.

Of course, Volos is present again here, as all the characters that we have previously discovered. I admit that it is a character that attracts me especially and even if the feelings there between him and Kate are conflicting, I admit that I am still waiting for something to happen, even if it is perhaps in vain. I must say that he has a real bad boy temperament, and the attitude that goes with it. The problem is that there are consequences that go with that. And then we have Kate’s partner … oh what a difficult choice for the young woman who is determined to stay alone. The problems are only amplifying between Danny and his troubles at school or the changing attitudes of her boss, the harassment of a specifically determined journalist or the shenanigans of her uncle Abe. Too much to handle for one person …

I took great pleasure to follow the whole story and I admit that I was surprised by many of the revelations. Oh yes, and we will learn more here about the past of the young woman, what she wants and what has been hidden from her for so long.

As you can see, a very good volume again and I am very curious to have more now.




Deadly Spells de Jaye Wells (VO)

Prospero’s War, Tome 3

Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Après l’assassinat macabre d’un chef de clan de magie sale, Kate Prospero et l’équipe de la Magical Enforcement Agency font équipe avec la police locale pour retrouver le tueur. Mais comme les combats entre clans se compliquent, une guerre commence à gronder dans les bidonvilles de Babylone.

Quand une journaliste tenace met son nez à la fois dans l’enquête et le passé de Prospero dans les Covens, de vieux fantômes refont surface. L’équipe devra utiliser toutes les armes de leur arsenal pour arrêter la guerre des clans et trouver le tueur avant que l’affaire ne détruise toutes leurs carrières – et leurs vies.

Avis : J’avais passé un très bon moment avec le premier et deuxième tome et c’est vrai que j’étais impatiente de me plonger dans la suite de la série depuis la sortir de ce nouveau volume. Il faut dire que chacun des personnages parvient à nous emporter et j’étais curieuse de découvrir ce qu’il allait se passer par la suite.

On retrouve donc notre chère Kate Prospero face à une nouvelle enquête. En effet, il semblerait que le chef de son ancien clan se soit fait assassiner, ce qui pourrait bien déclencher une guerre. Depuis les évènements précédents, chaque Covens évolue au milieu de tensions bien visibles. Mais alors que les difficultés s’enchainent et que tout le monde reste aux aguets, un nouveau joueur arrive sur le terrain. Oh oui, un membre d’un gang brésilien est en ville, et semble à la source de tous les problèmes. Alors que Kate part en chasse pour essayer de débusquer l’homme, les corps s’amoncèlent dans les rues et tout le monde reste sur le qui-vive.

Bien sûr, Volos est présent une fois encore ici, tout comme tous les personnages que nous avons découverts précédemment. J’avoue que c’est un personnage qui m’attire particulièrement et même si les sentiments qu’il y a entre lui et Kate sont conflictuels, j’avoue que j’attends toujours que quelque chose se passe, même si c’est peut-être en vain. Il faut dire qu’il a un vrai tempérament de bad boy, ainsi que l’attitude qui va avec. Le problème c’est qu’il y a les conséquences qui vont avec par la même occasion. Et puis il y a le partenaire de Kate… ah quel choix difficile pour cette jeune femme qui est bien décidée à rester seule. Les problèmes ne font que s’amplifier entre Danny et ses soucis à l’école ou encore les changements d’attitudes de son boss, le harcèlement d’une journaliste particulièrement déterminée ou encore les manigances de son oncle Abe. Tant que choses à gérer pour une seule personne…

J’ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à suivre toute l’histoire et j’avoue que j’ai été surprise par nombreuses des révélations. Oh oui, nous en apprendrons ainsi plus ici sur le passé de la jeune femme, sur ce qu’elle désire et sur ce qu’on lui a caché pendant si longtemps.

Vous l’aurez compris, un très bon tome une fois encore et je suis très curieuse de pouvoir me lancer dans la suite à présent.



Cursed Moon by Jaye Wells

The Prospero’s War, Book 2

Synopsis: When a rare Blue Moon upsets the magical balance in the city, Detective Kate Prospero and her Magical Enforcement colleagues pitch in to help Babylon PD keep the peace. Between potions going haywire and everyone’s emotions running high, every cop in the city is on edge. But the moon’s impact is especially strong for Kate who’s wrestling with guilt over falling off the magic wagon.

After a rogue wizard steals dangerous potions from the local covens, Kate worries their suspect is building a dirty magic bomb. Her team must find the anarchist rogue before the covens catch him, and make sure they defuse the bomb before the Blue Moon deadline. Failure is never an option, but success will require Kate to come clean about her secrets.

Review: I admit that I loved the first book and I was really looking forward to immersing myself in this second volume. It must be said that the end of the previous volume made ​​me very curious about the continuation of Kate in the story.

Our heroine is plagued by guilt, by the heady feeling she felt while cooking these potions she thought she had long abandoned. But as she is trying to forget that fact by drinking, she plunges lost heart in her work as the Blue Moon day arrives, upsetting the lives of everyone. Oh yes because it seems that the emotions of each character are exacerbated and magic users are much more active. But when a rogue wizard steal potions in different covens, as some causing great sexual aggressiveness including rape (yes I really wondered about the purpose of these potions, really, because it is really twisted), Kate knows she will have to soon discover the culprit. But something simple at first could be more dangerous than expected, threatening the entire city.

Kate has to overcome many obstacles here and it is true that some information obtained in the course of history poses many more questions than we started with. When I remembered that the series was supposed to be a trilogy, I wondered how things were going to be unfolded thereafter. I really wish it was possible to have more books to really explore all the possibilities but still, we shall see in the next volume how it will exactly be.

I was immediately grabbed by the story and it’s true that I was really excited to see how everything would unfold. The plot was really well done and all the characters that we have discovered before are again present for our great pleasure.

As I said, we are going to learn a little more about Kate and her past, especially about her mother and her uncle. Yess! After hearing so much about her dear uncle, we truly encounter him here and I confess that I could not wait to see this meeting. But it is true that many issues are added too.

Of course, we also have a chance to see Volos again. I admit that between him and Moralez, Volos is always the one remaining in my heart. However, I think we see him too little for my taste and I love every interaction with Kate. Ah Volos is the typical example of the bad boy. I really do not understand why our heroine resists him that much elsewhere. But back to Kate, I have a few words to say about her … Oh yes because I did not expect that the reactions of the young woman would annoy me so much. She judges everyone without restriction while she should judge herself in the matter. She doesn’t take the time to take care of her little brother and retreats into a world of self-pity, which is not necessarily pleasant. I understand that she has a lot of problems, but it’s the same for everyone and sometimes you only have to understand others and help them through the process. I think she finally understands at the end of the story that sometimes she needs to share her burdden to survive and she has to avoid making decisions for others.

I have in any case spent a good time and I can not wait to read the next book.

