(pour une version française voir la bibliothèque de Lilie)
Why me? Why now? That’s what Beaulac, Louisiana, detective Kara Gillian was asking herself when an angelic creature named Rhyzkahl unexpectedly appeared during a routine summoning. Kara was hoping to use her occult skills to catch a serial killer, but never had she conjured anything like this unearthly beautiful and unspeakably powerful being whose very touch set off exquisite new dimensions of pleasure. But can she enlist his aid in helping her stop a killer who’s already claimed the lives—and souls—of thirteen people? And should she? The Symbol Man is a nightmare that the city thought had ended three years ago. Now he’s back for an encore and leaving every indication on the flesh of his victims that he, too, is well versed in demonic lore.
Kara may be the only cop on Beaulac’s small force able to stop the killer, but it is her first homicide case. Yet with Rhyzkahl haunting her dreams, and a handsome yet disapproving FBI agent dogging her waking footsteps, she may be in way over her head…
sounds fun
~Sara @ Just Another Story
Looks good. I hope you enjoy.
Sara @ Just Another Story
Eileen (***Singing and Reading in the Rain***)
I haven’t heard of that book, but it looks really promising so I hope you end up enjoying it! 🙂
Check out myStacking the Shelves!
Jessica@a GREAT read
OOOh I loooove that series!! It’s really good! I still have to read the fourth book that came out earlier this year. Hope you enjoy it!
My STS will be up tomorrow so be sure to stop by then!
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower 🙂
I’m not familiar with the book, but it looks like a great UF read! Enjoy it!
I don’t know if this is the one book by this author I own, too, but if it is, I hope it’s going to be great. (Okay, even if it isn’t, I hope so, but you know..)
Patricia // My Haul/Week
I LOVE this series! It’s so underrated but extremely well done. I’ve just finished the fourth book and can’t wait for the next one!! Hope you enjoy it as well…
I hope so too, it sounds really nice!
I can’t tell you I now this book. But it looks great! And I hope you enjoy reading it.
Happy sunday!
And if you like to see my STS you just have to click on it 😀
Je te conseille vraiment le livre PS I love you, j’ai adoré, c’est une histoire magnifique !
J’avais peur de le tenter, on m’a dit que c’était super long et lassant comparé au film, du coup j’avais laissé passé…
I hadn’t heard of this one until now .. It sounds pretty good 🙂 !! I look forward to know what you think of it 😉 ! Happy reading Melliane !!
thank you darling!
Au Rendez-vous Littéraire
Bonne lecture à toi 🙂 !!! Bisoussssssssssssss !!!
ça me tente pas mal comme livre ! Happy Reading !
c’est vraiment sympa, j’ai commencé hier et ça se lit tout seul. merci
Marie Ifmarybooks
Hey i’m a new follower :).
Bon je vais parler français vu qu’apparemment tu es française 😀 !
Je ne connais pas ce livre mais j’espère que tu vas l’apprécier.
Bonne lecture !
lol oui, toi aussi du coup, c’est ça? merci beaucoup!
Sounds good, enjoy!
Moonlight Gleam
LOOOVe the cover! I haven’t heard of this author, I’ll definitely have to look into it! Thank you for sharing and for stopping by! Bonne Journee! 🙂
je suis en train de le lire 🙂
lol moi aussi du coup, je serais curieuse de voir ce que tu en penseras.
J’en entends beaucoup parler mais je sais pas pourquoi il me dit pas trop j’attendrai ton avis pour savoir ce qu’il vaut =D bonne lecture !
lol c’est vrai que c’est parfois plus sage. Moi j’hésitais aussi puis on me l’a beaucoup conseillé du coup on me l’a prêté.
Un livre qui pourrait me plaire =)
c’est vraiment pas mal pour le moment. Un bon début de série, je sens que je vais vite le finir.
Ahhhh…C’est donc ça! Il me tarde de lire ton avis! 😉
A force que tu me le conseille de même qu’une autre tentatrice! Oui oui vous etes deux! Ca y est je me suis lancée, peut etre pas une bonne idée vu mon avancé et mes partiels dans deux jours lol.
Lee @ Rally The Readers
This sounds really interesting. I hope that you enjoy reading it!
Thanks for stopping by!
JC Jones
Great sounding book. Here is my post: Stacking the Shelves
Jennifer Messerschmidt
Cool cover and sounds awesome! I ask myself Why Me all the time! LOL Thanks for visiting My Stack!
Sarah@Catching Books
This book sounds awesome!! I will have to check it out soon 🙂
Happy reading and thanks for stopping by!!
Melissa (My World...in words and pages)
Oh! I love your cover. I have the first book of this series on my shelf here to read as well. I’ll get to reading it one of these days… 😉 Have a great week!
Hâte de lire ton avis dessus, il a l’air pas mal 🙂
Bonne lecture, bisous !
ça se lit tout seul c’est terrible il me reste plus grand chose à lire du livre lol.
Joyous Reads
Ohhhh this books sounds so good! I think I’m going to procure myself a copy 🙂 Have a great week, Melliane.