Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews

Les traductions sont personnelles

Firelight (Darkest London, 1) – Kristen Callihan

Once the flames are ignited . . .

Miranda Ellis is a woman tormented. Plagued since birth by a strange and powerful gif
t, she has spent her entire life struggling to control her exceptional abilities. Yet one innocent but irreversible mistake has left her family’s fortune decimated and forced her to wed London’s most nefarious nobleman.

They will burn for eternity . . .
Lord Benjamin Archer is no ordinary man. Doomed to hide his disfigured face behind masks, Archer knows it’s selfish to take Miranda as his bride. Yet he can’t help being drawn to the flame-haired beauty whose touch sparks a passion he hasn’t felt in a lifetime. When Archer is accused of a series of gruesome murders, he gives in to the beastly nature he has fought so hard to hide from the world. But the curse that haunts him cannot be denied. Now, to save his soul, Miranda will enter a world of dark magic and darker intrigue. For only she can see the man hiding behind the mask.


Une fois que les flammes se furent répandues…

Miranda Ellis est une jeune femme tourmentée. En proie depuis sa naissance à un étrange et immense pouvoir, elle a passé toute sa vie à essayer de garder le contrôle de ses dons exceptionnels. Cependant, une erreur innocente mais tout aussi irréversible a décimé la fortune de sa famille et elle est à présent forcée à se marier au noble le plus infâme de Londres.
Ils bruleront pour l’éternité…
Lord Benjamin Archer n’est pas un homme ordinaire. Condamné à cacher son visage défiguré derrière un masque,
Archer sait bien qu’il est égoïste pour lui de prendre Miranda en tant que fiancée. Néanmoins, il ne peut pas s’empêcher d’être attiré par cette beauté à la chevelure de feu dont le toucher lui fait ressentir une passion qu’il n’a jamais ressenti. Quand Archer est accusé d’une série d’épouvantables meurtres, il cède à sa nature bestiale, nature qu’il a tant combattu pour se cacher aux yeux du monde. Mais la malédiction qui le poursuit ne peut être oubliée. Maintenant, pour sauver son âme, Miranda va devoir entrer dans un monde de magie noire et de sombres intrigues. Elle seule peut voir l’homme caché derrière le masque.

Moonlight Mayhem (Spellbound, 2) – Sherry Soule
Otherworldly Creatures. Dazzling Magic. Fiery Romance.

Shiloh Ravenwolf thought she was getting used to the strange events in Whispering Pines, until the full moon brings another surge of supernatural threats to her coastal town. Ferocious wolves, deadly necromancers, and shambling zombies have descended upon the neighborhood, so Shiloh needs to gain control of her magical abilities—fast!

It sucks that she has a crippling fear of the dark, which for a demon hunter can be an epic problem. But she spends so much time wallowing in the darkness, how can she not become a part of it?

When her classmates are attacked by a mysterious creature and her father is murdered, Shiloh vows vengeance. Forcing her phobias aside, she forms an unlikely coven of supernaturally gifted teens to help her eradicate this menace. Except that’s not all Shiloh has to worry about. She’s battling a different monster within herself and struggling not to become the very thing she fights: evil.

But with demon blood inside her—anything can happen…

Des créatures d’un autre monde. Une magie époustouflante. Une belle romance.

Shiloh Ravenwolf  pensait avoir l’habitude des événements étranges à Whispering Pine, jusqu’à ce que la pleine lune apporte de nouvelles menaces surnaturelles. Des loups féroces, de mortels nécromanciens, des zombies errant, sont arrivés dans le voisinnage, et Shiloh se doit de contrôler ses dons magiques – vite !

Problème, elle a peur de l’obscurité, ce qui est assez gênant pour un chasseur de démons. Mais elle passe tant de temps dans les ténèbres, comment ne pas devenir un partie d’elles ?

Quand sa camarade de classe est attaquée par une mystérieuse créature, et que son père est assassiné, Shiloh ne veut que vengeance. Mettant de côté ses phobies, elle forme un étrange couvent avec les ados possédant des dons surnaturels. Sauf que ce n’est pas la seule chose dont Shiloh a à s’inquiéter. Elle est aux prises avec un monstre différent en elle-même, luttant pour ne pas devenir la chose qu’elle combat : un monstre.

Mais avec du sang de démon en elle – tout peut arriver…


33 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #12

  1. Eileen

    I haven’t heard of that title that you got but it sounds really interesting so I hope you enjoy it! 🙂

    Check out my Stacking the Shelves!

  2. ❤ Vivian

    Wow…these look so tempting, though I haven’t heard of these either! Still, great haul for the week! Happy reading for yet another lovely summer week~ ^_^ I think I’ll check out Firelight, though I’d love to read a review from you later too!!!

    Vivian @ Vivaciously, Vivian

    1. Melliane

      already read firelighe and Moonglow but didn’t have a real copy for myself, and Inessa was kind anough to give me hers.

  3. ❤ Vivian

    Wow…these look so tempting, though I haven’t heard of these either! Still, great haul for the week! Happy reading for yet another lovely summer week~ ^_^ I think I’ll check out Firelight, though I’d love to read a review from you later too!!!

    Vivian @ Vivaciously, Vivian

  4. ❤ Vivian

    Wow…these look so tempting, though I haven’t heard of these either! Still, great haul for the week! Happy reading for yet another lovely summer week~ ^_^ I think I’ll check out Firelight, though I’d love to read a review from you later too!!!

    Vivian @ Vivaciously, Vivian

  5. ❤ Vivian

    Wow…these look so tempting, though I haven’t heard of these either! Still, great haul for the week! Happy reading for yet another lovely summer week~ ^_^ I think I’ll check out Firelight, though I’d love to read a review from you later too!!!

    Vivian @ Vivaciously, Vivian

  6. ❤ Vivian

    Wow…these look so tempting, though I haven’t heard of these either! Still, great haul for the week! Happy reading for yet another lovely summer week~ ^_^ I think I’ll check out Firelight, though I’d love to read a review from you later too!!!

    Vivian @ Vivaciously, Vivian

  7. Melissa (Books and Things)

    I’m curious about Moonlight Mayhem. I have a bookmark but no book. 🙂

  8. Blodeuedd

    I do wanna try the first 😀

  9. Jessica@a GREAT read

    OOh nice! Read Firelight, earlier this year? Thought it was pretty cool! Haven’t heard of the other one! Happy Reading!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!!

    Old Follower 🙂

  10. Ally @ Rally The Readers

    I can’t say I have read any of these titles but the cover for Firelight is really pretty. I’m definitely going to have to check it out now! Great haul and enjoy your books!

    Our STS

  11. Grace Fonseca

    Firelight was awesome. Have fun reading these two books.


  12. kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews

    AAAH, some pretties for your collection? Enjoy the second book! 🙂

  13. Sharon ObsessionwithBooks

    A nice haul! I got Moonlight Mayhem as well & can’t wait to read it, Firelight sounds great.

    Happy reading!

    Sharon @

  14. Missie, The Unread Reader

    Ooooo, Firelight sounds HOT! LOL

    Hope you enjoy!

  15. Mel

    So many people seem to love Firelight…hope you love it as well! Hey, it’s a London based book so I’m sure I’ll get round to it eventually as well! 🙂

    1. Melliane

      already read but Inessa was kind enought to send me a paperback copy.

  16. Zendastark

    Je comprends que tu sois contente d’avoir une copie papier de Firelight! Ce doit être frustrant de n’avoir que les versions numériques quand il s’agit de livres qu’on apprécie beaucoup avec qui plus est, une magnifique couverture!

    1. Melliane

      ahhh trooop! je prends petit à petit en fait quand je veux vraiment.

  17. Mirjam

    I cannot seem to escape Kristen Callihan’s series, as it pops up everywhere! I’m giving in and have put Firelight on my wish list. Happy reading! 😉

    My STS

    1. Melliane

      it’s a conspiracy, but you’ll see firelight is really great.

  18. Tynga

    I LOVED Firelight! Happy Reading 🙂

  19. Jamie Hanna

    Firelight looks really good! I hope you enjoy all your new goodies 🙂 Happy reading!

  20. Amber I @ Awesomesauce

    Firelight is still one of my most favorite reads of this year. Hope you love it!

  21. Aylee

    Haven’t heard of either book before, but Firelight definitely caught my eye with that beautiful cover. And that it is blurbed by Diana Gabaldon! Sounds pretty good. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  22. Kate

    I really want to read Firelight as I have read and enjoyed the second book in the series. my Stacking the shelves and Giveaway

  23. Julie

    I have heard so many wonderful things about Firelight!

  24. Sakinia

    Les couvertures sont très jolies, bonne lecture !

  25. Anne-C

    J’adoooore les couvertures, ça donne vraiment envie de les lire ! ^^

  26. Cayce

    I just love the cover of Firelight! And it has a great premise, too. 🙂

    Enjoy your books&thanks for stopping by!

  27. Melissa (My words and pages)

    Oh I do love the looks of Moonlight Mayhem. That cover is wonderful. 🙂 Do hope you enjoy all your new books when you get to reading them. 🙂 Thankyou!

  28. Rebecca - Kindle Fever

    Great haul! 😀 I’m definitely curious. I’ve heard great things about Firelight especially, so I hope you’ll enjoy it!

    1. Melliane

      I loved firelight, thank you!

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