![STSmall_thumb[2] STSmall_thumb[2]](http://lh3.ggpht.com/-xRYOk0zIv1M/T6RLOUEZ2LI/AAAAAAAAFKw/7qJhumSkSxY/STSmall_thumb%25255B2%25255D_thumb.png?imgmax=800)
Dans leur téléphone, il y avait toute leur vie… New York. Aéroport Kennedy. Dans la salle d’embarquement bondée, un homme et une femme se télescopent. Dispute anodine, et chacun reprend sa route. Madeline et Jonathan ne s’étaient jamais rencontrés, ils n’auraient jamais dû se revoir. Mais en ramassant leurs affaires, ils ont échangé leurs téléphones portables. Lorsqu’ils s’aperçoivent de leur méprise, ils sont séparés par 10 000 kilomètres : elle est fleuriste à Paris, il tient un restaurant à San Francisco. Cédant à la curiosité, chacun explore le contenu du téléphone de l’autre. Une double indiscrétion et une révélation : leurs vies sont liées par un secret qu’ils pensaient enterré à jamais… Entre comédie romantique et thriller de haute volée. Une intrigue magistrale portée par des personnages bouleversants. Un final virtuose.
Sometimes being the grim reaper really is that. Grim. And since Charley’s last case went so awry, she has taken a couple months off to wallow in the wonders of self-pity. But when a woman shows up on her doorstep convinced someone is trying to kill her, Charley has to force herself to rise above. Or at least get dressed. She quickly realizes something is amiss when everyone the woman knows swears she’s insane. The more they refute the woman’s story, the more Charley believes it.
In the meantime, the sexy, sultry son of Satan, Reyes Farrow, has been cleared of all charges. He is out of prison and out of Charley’s life, as per her wishes and several perfectly timed death threats. But his absence has put a serious crimp in her sex life. While there are other things to consider, like the fact that the city of Albuquerque has been taken hostage by an arsonist, Charley is having a difficult time staying away. Especially when it looks like Reyes may be involved. Just when life was returning to normal, Charley is thrust back into the world of crime, punishment, and the devil in blue jeans.
The bloody war between the Vampire Tribunal and the defiant scathe of Penton, Alabama, rages on, forcing its residents and their bonded humans to retreat into the underground fortress of last resort: Omega. There, Will Ludlam is charged with the care of Penton’s humans, though he longs to fight alongside his vampire brethren. He knows the risks: as the renegade son of the Tribunal’s vicious leader, Will’s capture could doom the resistance. Yet he is determined to prove his worth to his adopted scathe, to his vengeful father—and to former US Army officer Randa Thomas, his beautiful, reluctant partner. Randa has little faith that a former member of the vampire elite has what it takes to fight a war. But as their enemies descend upon Omega, Will’s polished charm—and Randa’s guarded heart—finally give way to the warrior within.
Nora Dearly, jeune fille de la haute société de New Victoria, est plus intéressée par l’histoire militaire de son pays que par les bals et les jolies robes. Elle n’imaginait pas que la mort de son père, le docteur Dearly, la projetterait au cœur des conflits qui menacent les frontières du pays… Kidnappée par une faction rebelle, Nora doit combattre ses préjugés pour comprendre leurs motivations. Bram Griswold, un jeune soldat courageux et séduisant, entend bien lui ouvrir les yeux sur la véritable menace qui pèse sur les vivants… comme sur les morts.
Libby is an Enchantress—a witch gifted by the Goddess to conjure spells. When a magical presence is detected around a recent string of feline slayings, Libby takes the case to uncover the reasons behind the odd deaths. Much to her displeasure, the coven also sends a sexy warlock, Kale, to assist her.
While having the muscle around proves to be useful, fighting the attraction between them is worse than a hex, especially considering Kale is keeping secrets. But soon, Libby has bigger problems than the elusive warlock when her spells turn up clues that point to something far more sinister than slaughtered cats.
Now Libby has landed herself in the midst of an uprising. She trusts no one and isn’t safe—not from the warlocks stirring up trouble. Not from the worrisome rebellion she can’t escape. And certainly not from Kale, who is weaving a very dangerous spell over her heart.
High Priestess might sound like an ’80s hair band, but its Mona McGregor’s life. She runs the Midnight Magic shop in Goodnight, Virginia, and leads a large coven. She’s also raising two nieces and hasn’t been with a man for fifteen years…until a handsome doctor takes an interest in her. But Mona’s life really heats up when Adam Blue, a sexy werewolf, arrives at her door. Adam informs her that someone wants her dead and he is there to protect her. Hell’s bells! When a demon begins stalking her, Mona has to suspect her coven members, and even her family.
With two handsome men and a determined demon after her, Mona teams up with Adam to find out who really wants her dead . . . and who really wants her.
Fed up with her wild behavior, sixteen-year-old Lex’s parents ship her off to upstate New York to live with her Uncle Mort for the summer, hoping that a few months of dirty farm work will whip her back into shape.
But Uncle Mort’s true occupation is much dirtier than shoveling manure. He’s a Grim Reaper. And he’s going to teach Lex the family business.
She quickly assimilates into the peculiar world of Croak, a town populated by reapers who deliver souls from this life to the next. But Lex can’t stop her desire for justice – or is it vengeance? – whenever she encounters a murder victim, craving to stop the attackers before they can strike again.
Will she ditch Croak and go rogue with her reaper skills?
I love the covers for A Cat’s Meow, and What’s A Witch To Do sounds great. I love witchy books 🙂 Nice stack. Enjoy!
Here is my StS post.
me too mainly when they sound so fun!
Keely Anne
Love the cover for New Victoria, and Croak definitely caught my eye… great haul!!
My StS
Happy Reading 🙂
Keely @ Realms of an Open Mind
Shelley Romano
I’ve been interested in Croak for awhile now. Just may have to break down and borrow, or purchase it. Great haul as always! 🙂
Jessica@a GREAT read
Ooooh nice!! I loooove Darynda’s books! And Lia Habel’s series is also pretty wicked! Hope you enjoy all your reads!
My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower 🙂
The Twins Read
Croak is a refreshing read. Hope you enjoy all your books! 🙂
In Our Mailbox #1+Stacking the Shelves #13
Grace Fonseca
OOh….this is a really nice haul. Stacey Kennedy’s book The Cat’s Meow looks like a fun read. Come visit me too.
How am I just now hearing about Croak!! Just added it to by TBR! Nice haul! Happy reading!!
my StS
Nicole @ The Quiet Concert
Courtney Ann
Great haul! I really need to catch up with the Charlie Davidson books! Enjoy!
Courtney Ann @ Rondo of a Possible World
My StS post
Wohoo 4th Grave!! 😀
Brandi Kosiner
Hope you enjoy Croak-I have heard a lot about it.
Happy reading,
Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog
Chapter by Chapter
Yay Croak! I really enjoyed that one. Loving the cover for The Cat’s Meow. Enjoy all that you got! Thanks for sharing and happy reading 🙂
MaryAnn | Chapter by Chapter
Croak looks really interesting. I have seen it around some, but I need to add it to my TBR pile.
Great haul and Happy reading
Jenn @ blog about books
Personnellement, j’ai beaucoup aimé L’appel de l’ange, même si cela reste du Musso. 🙂 New Victoria me fait super envie aussi !
Bonnes lectures !
je m’attendais pas à ce que New Victoria soit si épais lol
Rah il faut que je le lise “New Victoria”, j’hésite d’ailleurs à le commencer ce soir (^-^) bonne semaine et bonnes lectures Melliane !
Les lectures de Feflie
J’espere que L’appel de l’ange te plaira. Perso, je n’avais pas trop accroché. Sinon, New Victoria est dans ma wishlist (au passage, j’adore la couverture !)
Bonne lecture. 🙂
J’ai beaucoup aimé L’appel de l’ange , j’espère qu’il te plaira. New victoria me tente bien aussi.
Bonnes lectures
Comme toi j’ai reçu Fourth Grave beneeth my feet mais je croyais que tu l’avais déjà lu. Je suis dedans et je regrette juste de ne pas avoir eu plus de temps pour le lire car j’adore Charley en VO!
Je suis pas mal intriguée par le Jennifer Harlow…Du coup, je l’ai mis dans ma WL.
Bises et Bonne lecture!
oui j’avais lu en ARC mais je l’avais pas. Oui ça m’a donné envie j’ai demandé un ARC aussi lol. merci
Melissas Eclectic Bookshelf
Great books! I’ve heard great things about the Fourth Grave series and What’s a Witch to Do has been tempting me!
Happy Reading! My Added to the Bookshelf post!
♥ Melissa @ Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf
Fall Into Books
Great books! I love the Gone with Respiration series. I hope you love them all!
My StS
Tiens ça me fait penser qu’il faudrait que je teste un jour un Musso !!
Et j’adore la couv de The Cat’s Meow :p
Bonnes lectures coupine ^^
Thanks for stopping by my StS post! Very nice haul!
Jenna and Ashley
Lia Habel is a great author. I’m excited to read Dearly, Beloved, which just came out. Enjoy your books!
-Jenna @ Fans of Fiction
My StS
Ramblings of a Part time Druid
You have a lot of books i totally would enjoy. great haul.
traci @kitten.blogspot.com
kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews
AAA! You’ve got forth Charley Davidson!!! I love this series, D.! Fabulous book haul! I hope you enjoy every single book you’ve got! *hugs*
Melissa (My World...in words and pages)
Oh these all sound like great books. A few new ones to me. Hope you have a great week dear. 🙂
L’appel de l’ange est dans ma PAL et me tente énormément ! Il faut que je le lise !
New Victoria est dans ma WL ! J’adore la couverture en plus !