
 School Spirits (School Spirits, 1) – Rachel Hawkins

Fifteen-year-old Izzy Brannick was trained to fight monsters. For centuries, her family has hunted magical creatures. But when Izzy’s older sister vanishes without a trace while on a job, Izzy’s mom decides they need to take a break.

Izzy and her mom move to a new town, but they soon discover it’s not as normal as it appears. A series of hauntings has been plaguing the local high school, and Izzy is determined to prove her worth and investigate. But assuming the guise of an average teenager is easier said than done. For a tough girl who’s always been on her own, it’s strange to suddenly make friends and maybe even have a crush.

Can Izzy trust her new friends to help find the secret behind the hauntings before more people get hurt? 

The traveling carnival is a leftover of a bygone era, a curiosity lurking on the outskirts of town. It is a place of contradictions—the bright lights mask the peeling paint; a carnie in greasy overalls slinks away from the direction of the Barker’s seductive call. It is a place of illusion—is that woman’s beard real? How can she live locked in that watery box?

And while many are tricked by sleight of hand, there are hints of something truly magical going on. One must remain alert and learn quickly the unwritten rules of this dark show. To beat the carnival, one had better have either a whole lot of luck or a whole lot of guns—or maybe some magic of one’s own.

Featuring stories grotesque and comical, outrageous and action-packed, Carniepunk is the first anthology to channel the energy and attitude of urban fantasy into the bizarre world of creaking machinery, twisted myths, and vivid new magic.

 The Last Word (The Spellmans, 6) – Lisa Lutz

Isabel Spellman is used to being followed, extorted, and questioned—all occupational hazards of working at her family’s firm, Spellman Investigations. Her little sister, Rae, once tailed Izzy for weeks on end to discover the identity of her boyfriend. Her mother, Olivia, once blackmailed Izzy with photographic evidence of Prom Night 1994. It seemed that the Spellmans would lay off after Izzy was fired for breaching client confidentiality, but then Izzy avenged her dismissal by staging a hostile takeover of the company. She should have known better than to think she could put such shenanigans behind her.

In The Last Word, Izzy’s troubles are just beginning. After her hostile takeover of Spellman Investigations, Izzy’s parents simply go on strike. Her sister, Rae, comes back into the family business with questionable motivations. Her other employees seem to be coping with anxiety disorders, and she has no idea how to pay the bills. However, her worst threat comes from someone who is no relation. Within months of assuming control of the business, Izzy is accused of embezzling from a former client, the ridiculously wealthy Mr. Slayter, who happens to have Alzheimer’s, which Izzy and he are diligently trying to keep under wraps. Not only is Slayter’s business and reputation on the line, but if Izzy gets indicted for embezzlement, she’ll lose everything—her business, her license, and her family’s livelihood. Is this the end of Izzy Spellman, PI? The answer makes The Last Word, hands down, the most thrilling book in this bestselling, award-nominated series. 

 Crave the Darkness (Shaede Assassin, 3) – Amanda Bonilla

Nothing comes easy for Darian. Her heightened powers make her indispensable to the Shaede Nation, but dangerous missions have driven her lover, Tyler, to his breaking point. Darian must salvage their bond, but a new assignment to protect Anya—a fellow Shaede and the first of their kind to become pregnant in centuries—stands in their way.

It doesn’t help that the two Shaedes are longtime rivals and share nothing besides mutual hatred. But when it becomes clear that someone—or something—is bent on destroying the expectant mother and her unborn child, Darian must put her feelings aside and track down Anya’s would-be assassin.

As she probes into Anya’s past, Darian digs up long-buried secrets—and a connection between Tyler and the mission that could destroy everything between them…

 Sea, sex and Sean de Cathy Yardley

Toute Californienne digne de ce nom sait tenir sur une planche de surf. Sauf moi, Allison Robbins ! Le seul truc sur lequel j’ose tester mon équilibre, ce sont mes stilettos. Normal : mon trip c’est plutôt réunions à rallonge et pause café express. Je ne vous raconte pas le stress ! Jusqu’au jour où j’ai eu une crise d’angoisse en plein milieu d’une présentation. Résultat : mon boss m’a mise au repos forcé et mon médecin m’a prescrit des séances de surf. Rien de tel pour se détendre, a-t-il assuré. Se détendre ? Facile à dire quand le moniteur est un grand blond aux yeux verts et au physique de demi-dieu ! Sean ? c’est le prénom du demi-dieu  a beau être ultra zen, il met en surchauffe tous mes capteurs sensoriels. Pas besoin de vous faire un dessin : je suis amoureuse. A votre avis, est-ce que la reine des plannings serrés et des pronostics de résultats, bref une fille comme moi, a des chances d’intéresser un mec aussi cool que Sean ? En tout cas, je tente ma chance ! 


23 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #44

  1. kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews

    Amanda Bonilla, Cathy Yardley and Rachel Hawkins look really good, D.! I hope you enjoy your lovely reads! 😉

  2. jaki

    ooo that “Carniepunk” looks VERY interesting! I’ll have to have a look around for that one!

  3. Jessica@a GREAT read

    OOoh you got Carniepunk?! Awesome for you!! Looking forward to that one myself! Also got School Spirits, already read it too and it was awesome!

    Happy Reading!

    My STS will be up Sunday, so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower 🙂

  4. Mina

    Bonne semaine et bonnes lectures Melliane (^-^) J’aime beaucoup la couverture de “Carniepunk” =)

  5. Shelley Romano

    OH wow, you got the Last Word! I am envious, as always! Love that series and can’t wait to read the book. Looking forward to reading Carniepunk as well! Great books!

  6. Grace Fonseca

    Excellent haul of books. The first two books are very familiar to me. Great selection. Come visit me as well.


  7. Elizabeth Rodriguez

    Carniepunk looks like fun and so do School Spirits. Happy reaidng and thanks for stopping by!

  8. Goldilox

    Ooooh Crave the Darkness was the best in the series! Emotional roller coaster ride!
    Goldilox’s STS

  9. Jennifer Bielman

    I got CarniePunk too. It looks so good. Crave the Darkness looks really great too. Hope you enjoy it.

  10. Blodeuedd

    They all sound good 😀

  11. Mel

    I have Carniepunk on preorder as well – I love the authors that are included! So many of my favourites! 🙂

  12. Brandi Kosiner

    School Spirits looks good, hope you enjoy.
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  13. quinnsbooknook

    I really need to look into the Hex Hall series. I’ve heard good things about the books.

    Annnyway, enjoy your goodies and happy reading 🙂

  14. Addicted2Heroines

    Crave the Darkness was great! Hope you enjoy it =)

  15. Ula (Blog of Erised)

    Great haul! Carniepunk looks awesome, never heard of it before.

    Happy reading!
    My stack

  16. Mirjam

    I also received Crave the Darkness. Happy reading!

    1. Melliane

      it’s my signed copy! I’m so happy!

  17. Melissas Eclectic Bookshelf

    School Spirits and Carniepunk both look amazing! Have a great week and happy reading!

    Thanks for stopping by my Added to the Bookshelf post!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf

  18. Bob Milne

    I’m on the fence about Carniepunk – some interesting authors, but not sure there’s enough dark appeal in the carnival to draw me in.

    My shelves

  19. Aurian

    Great list Melliane, I am looking forward to reading the third Amanda Bonilla book soon.

  20. Melissa (My words and pages)

    I have the first two Hawkins books here and need to get to them. I have the first Bonilla book and so need to get to it. And I have Carniepunk on preorder! 😀 Have a great week!

  21. Freelfe

    J’ai lu School Spirits en VF et j’ai beaucoup aimé ! Même si le dernier tome m’a un peu déçu, la saga m’a vraiment plu !!

  22. MockingJay

    Il faut vraiment que je lise School Spirits de Rachel Hawkins.
    J’avais vraiment accroché avec la trilogie Hex Hall,et ca a l’air assez ressemblant. Il suffit de regarder la couv.
    J’espère quand meme que se ne sera pas TROP ressemblant.

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