Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews

Si nos chemins se croisent (Happy Crazy Love, 1) – Melanie Harlow

Il ne croyait plus en l’amour.

Margot a besoin de changer d’air. Elle vient de se séparer de son ex qui s’est révélé être un pauvre type opportuniste, tout cela très publiquement devant toute le gratin de Detroit.

Cela tombe bien, la société de communication où elle travaille doit s’occuper d’un client hors de la ville.

Quoi de mieux qu’un séjour loin de son quotidien, au bord du lac Huron, dans une ferme qui a besoin de donner un coup de jeune à son image ?

Mais, elle ne s’attendait pas forcément à rencontrer un homme comme Jack, un des propriétaires de la ferme.

Renfermé, agressif, il n’est toujours pas remis du décès de son épouse et déteste l’idée qu’une jeune femme de la ville vienne se mêler de leurs affaires.

Mais sa vivacité et son charme sont en train de percer la carapace que le deuil a créée autour de son coeur.

Elle n’est que de passage, elle ne connaît rien à son quotidien mais il pourrait lui apprendre à vivre auprès de lui.

Weave a circle round – Kari Maaren

Freddy wants desperately to not be noticed. She doesn’t want to be seen as different or unusual, but her step-brother Roland gets attention because he’s deaf, and her little sister Mel thinks she’s a private detective. All Freddy wants to do is navigate high school with as little trouble as possible.

Then someone moves into the house on Grosvenor Street. Two extremely odd someones.

Cuerva Lachance and Josiah aren’t . . . normal. When they move in next door, the house begins to exhibit some decidedly strange tendencies, like not obeying the laws of physics or reality. Just as Freddy thinks she’s had enough of Josiah following her around, she’s plunged into an adventure millennia in the making and discovers the truth about the new neighbors.

The Eterna Solution (Eterna Files, 3) – Leanna Renee Hieber

The exciting conclusion to a sumptuous gaslamp fantasy series

Leanna Renee Hieber brings Victorian London and New York to life and fills both cities with ghosts and monsters. Two groups of paranormally talented investigators discover that the Eterna compound—thought to be the key to immortality—is, instead, a powerful protective charm. That protection is sorely needed, for both England and the U.S. are under attack by dark forces.

Having vanquished the demonic pretender to the British throne, the now-united forces of the Eterna Commission and the Omega Department reach America ready to take on a new menace. But like the United States itself, this evil is rapidly spreading from sea to shining sea. Will the new magic our heroes have discovered be strong enough to defeat it?

With its blend of Victorian details, complex plots, and compelling characters, Hieber’s fascinating historical fantasy continues to earn critical acclaim and has a dedicated readership.

Oathbriger (The Stormlight Archive, 3) – Brandon Sanderson

In Oathbringer, the third volume of the New York Times bestselling Stormlight Archive, humanity faces a new Desolation with the return of the Voidbringers, a foe with numbers as great as their thirst for vengeance.

Dalinar Kholin’s Alethi armies won a fleeting victory at a terrible cost: The enemy Parshendi summoned the violent Everstorm, which now sweeps the world with destruction, and in its passing awakens the once peaceful and subservient parshmen to the horror of their millennia-long enslavement by humans. While on a desperate flight to warn his family of the threat, Kaladin Stormblessed must come to grips with the fact that the newly kindled anger of the parshmen may be wholly justified.

Nestled in the mountains high above the storms, in the tower city of Urithiru, Shallan Davar investigates the wonders of the ancient stronghold of the Knights Radiant and unearths dark secrets lurking in its depths. And Dalinar realizes that his holy mission to unite his homeland of Alethkar was too narrow in scope. Unless all the nations of Roshar can put aside Dalinar’s blood-soaked past and stand together–and unless Dalinar himself can confront that past–even the restoration of the Knights Radiant will not prevent the end of civilization.

17 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #249

  1. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    OOoh very nice! All totally new to me reads but I hope you will enjoy each and every one of them very much!

    Here’s my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. viou03

    Un en commun que j’ai reçu la semaine dernière.
    Bonnes futures lectures.

  3. Gaëtane

    Très envie d’avoir ton avis sur Si nos chemins se croisent. Le résumé donne envie de le lire en tout cas ! Bonnes lectures.

  4. ShootingStarsMag

    Weave a Circle Round has such a beautiful cover! I hope you enjoy all of these.


  5. Laura

    Je te souhaite de bonnes lectures !
    hâte de lire ton avis.
    Bonne fin de dimanche.

  6. blodeuedd

    Happy reading!!!

  7. Lover Of Romance

    Brandon Sanderson is such a great author, his wife works with my dad and they are so nice!!

  8. Feflie

    Je te souhaite de belles lectures avec tout ça. Weave a circle a l’air sympa…

  9. Chess

    Weave a circle round m’a l’air pas mal ! Bonnes lectures 🙂

  10. Melanie Simmons

    Looks like some great books. I hope that you enjoy them.

  11. Angela @ Angel's Guilty Pleasures

    Hope you enjoy your book haul!

  12. Sophia Rose

    I only recognize the Sanderson, but looks like you have a nice little pile to keep you occupied, Melliane. 🙂

  13. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Whee, Oathbringer! I loved it! 😀

    And I can’t wait to read Weave a Circle Round.

    Great haul this week!

  14. Greg

    Ooh, Weave a Circle Round and Oathbringer both look great! That Oathbringer cover is amazing.

  15. LilyElement Book Reviews

    Weave a circle round has my attention! Hope you enjoy 🙂

  16. herding cats

    Oh nice new reads! Enjoy!

  17. Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    You got some very nice new reads last week, Melliane! Enjoy 🙂 And now that you’re reading some Hugo Roman books… maybe next year you’ll come to the book festival so we can meet 😉
    Have a wonderful week and happy reading.

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