Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews


Better Read Than Dead (Psychic Eye Mystery, 2) – Victoria Laurie

Word of Abby’s talents reading tarot cards has reached a mob boss who wants her help in some business matters and he doesn’t take no for an answer. When the police seek out her psychic intuition to shed light on a masked man who’s been attacking women, Abby finds herself working both sides of the law on her own, leading her to wonder, why didn’t I see this coming?



An Easy Death (Gunnie Rose, 1) – Charlaine Harris

The beloved #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Sookie Stackhouse series, the inspiration for HBO’s True Blood, and the Midnight Crossroad trilogy adapted for NBC’s Midnight, Texas, has written a taut new thriller—the first in the Gunnie Rose series—centered on a young gunslinging mercenary, Lizbeth Rose.

Set in a fractured United States, in the southwestern country now known as Texoma. A world where magic is acknowledged but mistrusted, especially by a young gunslinger named Lizbeth Rose. Battered by a run across the border to Mexico Lizbeth Rose takes a job offer from a pair of Russian wizards to be their local guide and gunnie. For the wizards, Gunnie Rose has already acquired a fearsome reputation and they’re at a desperate crossroad, even if they won’t admit it. They’re searching through the small border towns near Mexico, trying to locate a low-level magic practitioner, Oleg Karkarov. The wizards believe Oleg is a direct descendant of Grigori Rasputin, and that Oleg’s blood can save the young tsar’s life.

As the trio journey through an altered America, shattered into several countries by the assassination of Franklin Roosevelt and the Great Depression, they’re set on by enemies. It’s clear that a powerful force does not want them to succeed in their mission. Lizbeth Rose is a gunnie who has never failed a client, but her oath will test all of her skills and resolve to get them all out alive.

Bayou Born (Foundling, 1) – Hailey Edwards

Her beginning may be our end…

Deep in the humid swamps of the Mississippi bayou, a mysterious, half-wild child is dragged just in time from the murky waters. She has no memories, no family and is covered in strange markings, the meaning of which no one is able to decipher. Adopted by the policeman who rescued her, Luce Boudrou follows him into the force, determined to prove herself in the eyes of those who are still suspicious.

However, there’s more of a battle ahead than Luce could possibly imagine. She may be an orphan without a past, but no one – including Luce herself – could ever be prepared for the truth of her dark, powerful destiny…

Brand new urban fantasy series by Hailey Edwards, bestselling author of the Gemini and Black Dog series. Perfect for fans of Jennifer Estep, Darynda Jones and Ilona Andrews.

Jeux de Massacres – James Patterson

Impair, pair… et tue !Le Dr Dylan Reinhart s’est rendu célèbre par son livre décryptant les comportements criminels. Lorsqu’un exemplaire de ce best-seller est retrouvé sur une scène de meurtre accompagné d’un simple mot, force est de constater qu’un tueur en connaît tous les chapitres.Elizabeth Needham, inspectrice au NYPD en charge du dossier, recrute Dylan pour l’aider à comprendre le sens d’un autre indice laissé sur la scène de crime : une carte à jouer.Et quand une nouvelle carte est retrouvée sur un autre cadavre, il semble évident pour le criminologue qu’elles ne sont pas qu’une signature… mais bien un indice permettant de conduire à une prochaine victime.Tandis que tout New York cède à la panique, Dylan Reinhart est le seul à pouvoir s’immiscer dans l’esprit torturé de ce serial-killer…


21 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #294

  1. Mariejuliet

    Charlaine Harriiiiiiisssssssssssssssss <3

    de bonnes lectures en perspectives!

  2. Gaëtane

    Bonnes lectures à toi ;p

  3. Angela (Angel's Guilty Pleasures)

    Hope you enjoy. The Foundling series looks good and so does the book Better Read Than Dead. Happy Reading!

  4. Sophia Rose

    You find the most interesting books. The psychic detective looks fun and that Charlaine Harris already caught my eye. Hope you enjoy them, Melliane!

  5. Anne

    Wow, they all look good. I’m a fan of Hailey Edwards so I hope to get to that series sooner than later. Anne – Books of My Heart

  6. blodeuedd

    Happy reading!

  7. Alison

    J’aimerais beaucoup en savoir plus sur la saga sur la voyante ^^

  8. Mary Kirkland

    I haven’t read any of these. I hope you enjoy them.

  9. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    OOh nice! I LOOOOVE The Psychic Eye Mystery series! Upping one of the latest ones in my TBR pile for this coming week! Hope you enjoy all your new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  10. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Awesome haul! And An Easy Death was so good, I hope you enjoy it!

  11. feflie

    A chaque fois que je vois James Patterson, je me dis qu’il faudrait vraiment que je tente un de ses livres ! ^^
    Bonnes futures lectures 🙂

  12. viou03

    Oh un nouveau Charlène Harris.
    Bonnes lectures

  13. lecture en blog

    bonnes futures lectures à toi et bon dimanche

  14. Carole Rae

    Mhmm they all look interesting

  15. Twogirlsandbooks

    Je ne connais pas ces livres mais j’espère que tes lectures seront bonnes 🙂

  16. Lisa @TenaciousReader

    An Easy Death was a great read, hope you enjoy!

  17. Lover Of Romance

    I recognize Charlaine Harris, and hope you love it.

  18. ShootingStarsMag

    That first one looks fun. I need to read more cozies.

  19. herding cats

    Harris is so fun. Love her books. Happy reading!

  20. Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books

    Enjoy all of your new books and have a great week!

  21. Zina

    Je suis un peu lassée de Charlaine Harris, mais je viendrai lire ta chronique par curiosité !

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