Follow Friday is a blog hop Hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read

Q: What is one book that you would be nervous to see a movie adaption of because you think the movie could never live up to the book?
I think it’s the same for all the books I love, because It can’t be as amazing, doesn’t it?. The first novel that came to my mind is One for the Money by Janet Evanovich. I just love the whole series and I’m a little afraid to watch the movie. Well I want to see it as well, but I’m sure it won’t be the same.

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34 thoughts on “Feature & Follow

  1. Jenny

    Hi! I’m a new follower hopping by!

    Lovely answer! I think as long as the author has a voice and participates in the decisions needed for the movie, the movie will turn out fine.

    My fff:

  2. Yuko86

    Hi, I’m hopping around! I’m an old follower of you!
    I loved One for the money too!

    My Feature&Follow

    1. Melliane

      It’s always so fun to read it!

  3. Patricia

    I just read a brilliant positive review for the book and plan to read it! 😀

    Patricia // My FF

    1. Melliane

      Ah you really need to read it! You’ll love it, it’s amazing!

  4. Lauren B

    I agree that movies are rarely as good as the book but it doesn’t really bother me.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Cassie S.

    I haven’t read the books for that movie but I did see the movie and rather enjoyed it. So hopefully whenever you are able to see you you enjoy it as well.

    You can find my FF here! CLICKY HERE! =D

    New Follower

    1. Melliane

      I hope so as well, I’m very curious to see it, but well I don’t really like Ranger in it… We’ll see when I do it. thanks.

  6. Alison Can Read

    Hopping through. I haven’t read the books or seen the movie. I know some people really liked it. I’m not a Heigl fan.

    BTW – a few weeks ago, you commented when I was featured on Missie’s The Unread Reader about whether I’d ever been to France. I forgot to respond. I spent 3 days in Paris five years ago. I absolutely loved it. One of my dreams is to come back and spend several weeks in Paris and France. I’d love to explore it further. I wish I spoke French. I speak okay Spanish and can read French pretty well because it’s similar. I can’t understand or speak any of it though.

    My Hop

    1. Melliane

      It’s true, I was wondering when I saw all the place you went. I hope you would do it soon! It’s funny you can read it, some words looks like the same in spanish but it’s always quite different. thanks for the answer!

  7. J.R.

    I haven’t read this series. I heard from a co-worker that it’s pretty good but I have so many books to read before I can even think of adding a new series to my wishlist.

    Old follower

    1. Melliane

      lol I totally understand thatn I have the same problem

  8. Mimi Valentine

    I LOVE your answer to this question, Mel — I feel the exact same way! As much as it’s be cool to have all of our favourite books on the big screen in theory, it’s also scary because the chances of the movie being as awesome as the book (at least, without being five hours long) is a million to one! The actors wouldn’t be who you pictured them to be and the story wouldn’t look the same and — arrrrgh, it just doesn’t work LOL! x) But there are those rare times when the movies can be brilliant 🙂

    Fantastic answer, Mel! I hope you have a great weekend! 🙂 <3

    1. Melliane

      lol how it is you understand me so well. you’re right, it’s really that. Yes it’s nice to see how it is as well. thank you mimi, have a great weekend as well!

  9. Bob (Beauty in Ruins)

    Great picks – happy to be a new follower

    Bob @ Beauty in Ruins

  10. Melissa (Books and Things)

    I don’t know. Often I like it when the show/movie does it’s own thing but yet keeps certain elements with the book. Those usually make me like both the book and the movie!

    Have a great weekend!

  11. Jennifer Messerschmidt

    Oh yeah I forgot about that movie. I love that series but I heard the movie was bad. Just from the preview I could see all the things that were changed and I was already disappointed. Movies just always take away your own personal thoughts of how you pictured everything. That is why books are always better. They can be different for everyone where the movie is the same for everyone.
    Thanks for stopping by My FF!

  12. Amy

    Hmm heard about it, but haven’t watched it either 🙂
    Have a nice weekend!

  13. Book Slave

    Hi there 🙂 just hopping through. Thanks for stopping by 🙂 I have to say that the movie bored me to no end.

    Here is my choice…

    Feature & Follow

  14. Jenny

    Happy FF! Just sneaking through to say hey. I’m a new follower! I hope you’ll stop by & visit me too.

    Jenny @ Into the Morning Reads

  15. aLmYbNeNr

    I haven’t read that series. But yeah, I’m always nervous about how the movies will turn out.

  16. mariska

    I totally agree with you. A movie can never be as good as the book. So I think they should stop trying.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog 😀
    Mariska (old follower)

  17. Danny

    Books into Movies is always something very delicate. However, I feel that movies try more and more to adapt the inner voice and message of a book. See Harry Potter or Twilight and The Hunger Games they really tried to be so close to the book and I love seeing this!

  18. Mel

    It’s always terrifying to see how a director has imagined your favourite characters…it could change entirely how you picture them forever. Personally I would be very nervous to see Kelley Armstrong’s Otherworld series in the big screen…I like my own imagines in my head! That said if it was made I would have to see it at some point…

  19. Kah Cherub

    I haven’t read Janet’s book and I really don’t like the main actress, so I’m not sure I will watch it. I might go for the book, though. LOL.

  20. The Muggle

    Hopping by to say have a great weekend!
    Old email follower (chidoryx at hotmail)

    The Muggle

  21. Jenni @ Alluring Reads

    I haven’t read any of Janet Evanovich’s books though I must do so soon. The movie looks really good even though I’m not a big Katherine Heigl fan.

    Thanks for stopping by Alluring Reads!

  22. Wendy Darling

    Ah hah, I was curious whether ONE FOR THE MONEY fans were going to see the movie! I don’t think it did all that well, so probably not, hah. Book to movie adaptations are always tricky, and hardly ever good. So I always worry when I see a book I love being adapted, too.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  23. Michael @ The Bookshelf Review

    I haven’t read that series but I understand why you would be nervous. =]
    Thanks for visiting my blog. =]
    My FF

  24. Alexis @ Reflections of a Bookaholic

    I definitely don’t want to see the movie because I don’t like the casting. I haven’t heard great things about it. This is one book that I think could have been a good movie if it would have been done right.

  25. Miss Vain's Paranormal Fantasy

    Hi Mellaine 🙂

    I’m sorry I’m late, but I’ve just had a very hectic yet boring weekend!! Lol!!

    Always love when you visit!!:) I thought One For The Money movie was equivalent to a tv movie, it was just meh for me unfortunately!

    Hope you’re having a spectacular weekend!!!

  26. Agnieszka Nashi

    It’s always nerve-wrecking to see our favorite series to be made into movies, isn’t it? But I’m optimistic, seeing as a lot of movie adaptations are really good these days!

    Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

    Agnieszka @ Nook of Books

  27. Rea

    I haven’t read One for the Money but I’m much the same when it comes down to films / tv series based on books I’ve loved – often enough my curiosity will get the better of me and I’ll watch it anyway!

  28. Christy @ TheReaderBee

    Ah! I’m afraid to watch One for the Money as well!

    Sorry for my late reply! Thanks for hopping by!

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